• Vinay_gupta
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Hi Friends,

 I need some urgent help. 

I have created the list view button on the Task object which is calling the Flow. When I click on the button, it is calling the flow but it is not ending the flow rather it is calling the same flow again and again

Can someone please guide me?

Hi All,

I am getting below error while drag-drop the Related Record in the lightning page. When I looked up for the object. It is giving below. 

Please suggest me. 

User-added image
Hi All,
Urgent Help needed!!

I need some suggestion to use the custom validation rules in a lightning component. I want to show the error message which validation rule has fired.
It will be good if you can help me details steps to achieve this.


Hi All,

I want to prepopulate the stage name in Opportunity sales stage with "Prospecting" at the time of new opportunity creation. Can you please suggest me where I can configure the default value sales stage?
User-added image
Hi All,

Urgent help needed.

I am new to Salesforce and need your guidance to grey out the GO button. When the GO button is clicked, the button immediately greys out and prevent the user from clicking the button multiple times. GO button is calling a method called Search in a custom controller.

<apex:commandButton id="btnGo" value="{!$Label.Go}" action="{!Search}" rerender="searchResults">

Request you to please share your advice if we can grey out the button or put some fancy text that "Search is happening" until the result comes out.

Hi All,

I am new to Salesforce and need some urgent help to write logic for search filter on VF Controller.

I have two filer field i.e. Name and Email id on lookup VF page which display the list of users and it is being controlled by a controller.

Request you please suggest me a logic in such a way like if a user tries to search with Name, Email id or both. Then the list should populate result accordingly.

I want to put this in the 'Where' condition to fetch the result using string Soql.

Select name,emailid from User where name like '%XYZ%'  and EMaild like '%XYZ%';

Kindly suggest.
Lookup Filter on VF page

------------Need a Live project Experience---------------------
Hi All,

I am trying to learn salesforce by ownself. I have gained self-knowledge on the apex, VF, Triggers and other development aspects. I have also completed the App builder certification.

Can someone please help me to get some live project hands-on experience? or if anyone looking for salesforce developer, I can help him?
I need it urgently?

-----Rollup Summary of Lookup Relationship-------------------------

Hi All,

I want to create a Rollup field in Account Object with Custom Object called 'Contact Partner'.

'Contact Partner' Object is maintaining a lookup relationship with Account Object. 

I want to fill the Rollup field with name 'Total Revenue' in Account object, which should tell the total amount of Revenue generated by each Contact Partner.

Each 'Contact Partner' would be maintaining the field called 'Revenue Generated'.

For Ex

Account A has three Contact Partner(CP) and each CP is generating revenue of 10$,20$ & 30$. Hence the field 'Total Revenue' in Account object should automatically fill  with '60$'


Can anyone help me on this along with the Code?, Actually I'm new on the trigger.


I am Prasant.I am new to salesforce developemnet.I have learnet most of the salesforce concepts like Apex,triggers,API's and salesforce customization.I have practiced with varuous uses cases form this forum.However i still don't have experience of a full time project.So if any body can help me in this context.

Thanks in advance,