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Unable to end the Flow from List View button
I need some urgent help.
I have created the list view button on the Task object which is calling the Flow. When I click on the button, it is calling the flow but it is not ending the flow rather it is calling the same flow again and again
Can someone please guide me?
- Vinay_gupta
- May 30, 2022
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Dependend picklist on Custom metadata
Hi Team.
I want to create a dependent picklist on Custom metadata. Can you please help me with a solution?
Actually, I want to show the dependent picklist into Screen flow.
- Vinay_gupta
- March 10, 2022
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Store Mapping field and their data type in metadata
I need your help in configuring the Mapping fields with their data types in the Metadata. Basically, my intention is to store all the mapping fields in the metadata which will be used for Callout.
I will query the metadata in the apex class and I should get the list of fields with their data types.
I have created metadata and now I want to create a custom field to store the mapping fields?
Can you help me to create this scenario?
- Vinay_gupta
- February 10, 2022
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Invocable method to get record and store the response in wrapper
I am new to Salesforce integration. I have to write an invocable method that will get records from an external system. I have endpoint URL and parameter. I want to store the result in wrapper response.
I have tried this but was not able to get the exact code.
public class fetchdetails{
public static List<Results> FetchZillowEstimation(List<Results> address)
HTTP h = new HTTP();
HTTPRequest req= new HTTPRequest();
HTTPResponse res= h.send(req);
if (res.getStatusCode() == 200) {
String jsonInput =res.getBody();;
String jsonInput =res.getBody();
Map<String,Object> m =(Map<String, Object>) json.deserializeUntyped(jsonInput);
global class Results{
global decimal name;
- Vinay_gupta
- January 07, 2022
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Dataloader CLI timestamp log file creation during import
I hope someone has come across the scenario when we make CLI for Dataloader. I have a process_conf.xml file where I want to stamp the Success, Error,
and Log file should stamp with the data time of Job run.
I have attached the process_Conf.xml file. The area which is bold, I want that on each process the Success, Error file should append with Current timestamp.
<!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN" "http://www.springframework.org/dtd/spring-beans.dtd"> <beans> <bean id="accountInsert" class="com.salesforce.dataloader.process.ProcessRunner" singleton="false"> <description>accountInsert job gets the account record from the CSV file and inserts it into Salesforce.</description> <property name="name" value="accountInsert"/> <property name="configOverrideMap"> <map> <entry key="sfdc.debugMessages" value="true"/> <entry key="sfdc.debugMessagesFile" value="C:\Users\dataloader\v48.0.0\DataExport\accountInsertSoapTrace.log"/> <entry key="sfdc.endpoint" value="https://test.salesforce.com"/> <entry key="sfdc.username" value="xyz@xyz.com"/> <entry key="sfdc.password" value="xzxsadsdsdsdsdssdsds"/> <entry key="process.encryptionKeyFile" value="C:\Users\dataloader\v48.0.0\DataExport\dataLoader.key"/> <entry key="sfdc.timeoutSecs" value="600"/> <entry key="sfdc.loadBatchSize" value="200"/> <entry key="sfdc.entity" value="Account"/> <entry key="process.operation" value="insert"/> <entry key="process.mappingFile" value="C:\Users\dataloader\v48.0.0\DataExport\AccountMapping.sdl"/> <entry key="dataAccess.name" value="C:\Users\dataloader\v48.0.0\DataExport\DataloadAcc.csv"/> <entry key="process.outputSuccess" value="C:\Users\dataloader\v48.0.0\DataExport\accountInsert_success%mydate%_%mytime%.csv"/> <entry key="process.outputError" value="C:\Users\dataloader\v48.0.0\DataExport\accountInsert_error%mydate%_%mytime%.csv"/> <entry key="dataAccess.type" value="csvRead"/> <entry key="process.initialLastRunDate" value="2005-12-01T00:00:00.000-0800"/> </map> </property> </bean> </beans>
- Vinay_gupta
- February 25, 2021
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Getting error while adding related Record "To access the information, ask the admin. " in Lightning page
I am getting below error while drag-drop the Related Record in the lightning page. When I looked up for the object. It is giving below.
Please suggest me.
- Vinay_gupta
- April 25, 2020
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Outbound Message from One Org to Another
Need some guidance in Sending Outbound message from Salesforce to External system.
I have gone through many document but couldnt configure the Listener endpoint.
Kindly share your knowledge with Step by Step guidlines.
- Vinay_gupta
- August 27, 2019
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User is not searchable in lightning
Hi All,
I am unable to search user in Lightning version though I am able to search user in Classic version. I am assigned to profile which has very limited access to tab and Apps.
But why it is searchable in Classic and not in lightning. I see People option in Classic only.
Kindly suggest me if I need to change setting in Lightning.
- Vinay_gupta
- October 26, 2018
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Showing custom validation rules on lightning component
Urgent Help needed!!
I need some suggestion to use the custom validation rules in a lightning component. I want to show the error message which validation rule has fired.
It will be good if you can help me details steps to achieve this.
- Vinay_gupta
- October 11, 2018
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override standand new button to vf page in lightning
I want to navigate a new button to VF page navigation in Lightning. I think here we need to create a component but can you please help me with a component creation and navigating to VF page.
- Vinay_gupta
- October 10, 2018
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Retrieve the Apps and Tabs access to the particular profile in to Excel
May I know what is the best way to retrieve the App and Tab access to the particular profile?
If we can retrieve through Query please share me.
- Vinay_gupta
- October 05, 2018
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Set default Opportunity sales stage name default
I want to prepopulate the stage name in Opportunity sales stage with "Prospecting" at the time of new opportunity creation. Can you please suggest me where I can configure the default value sales stage?
- Vinay_gupta
- September 30, 2018
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Trigger to prevent duplicate records and it should also work for Bulkification
Hi All,
Urgent suggestion needed!!
I am new to Salesforce and have a requirement to prevent user to create the duplicate record and it should work for bulkyfication as well.
Please find the screenshot below of the Ticket Object detail page. The requirement is that there should be validation if user try to create duplicate records for same(Customer, username,email-id) and within the period of Start date & End Date.
You can create the duplicate records if the start date & End date is before or after the existing record.
-->In order to explain this better, I want to apply a condition that user cannot create duplicate Ticket if the Start date or End date lying the in the existing record.
for ex- if u have this entry in your DB
->NYC Concert John Smith John@gmail.com John@gmail.com 25 3/20/2018 3/25/2018
Now you tried to Enter below. It Should Fail
->NYC Concert John Smith John@gmail.com John@gmail.com 25 3/21/2018 3/25/2018 Fail
->NYC Concert John Smith John@gmail.com John@gmail.com 25 3/23/2018 3/28/2018 Fail
->NYC Concert John Smith John@gmail.com John@gmail.com 25 3/26/2018 3/27/2018 Pass
->NYC Concert John Smith John@gmail.com John@gmail.com 25 3/18/2018 3/19/2018 Pass
Key Values to check duplicacy is Username, Customer, Email Id, StartDate, End Date
It should support bulkyfication.
- Vinay_gupta
- July 12, 2018
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Disable search button when search button is clicked
Urgent help needed.
I am new to Salesforce and need your guidance to grey out the GO button. When the GO button is clicked, the button immediately greys out and prevent the user from clicking the button multiple times. GO button is calling a method called Search in a custom controller.
<apex:commandButton id="btnGo" value="{!$Label.Go}" action="{!Search}" rerender="searchResults">
Request you to please share your advice if we can grey out the button or put some fancy text that "Search is happening" until the result comes out.
- Vinay_gupta
- June 17, 2018
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Apply search filter on VF Page
I am new to Salesforce and need some urgent help to write logic for search filter on VF Controller.
I have two filer field i.e. Name and Email id on lookup VF page which display the list of users and it is being controlled by a controller.
Request you please suggest me a logic in such a way like if a user tries to search with Name, Email id or both. Then the list should populate result accordingly.
I want to put this in the 'Where' condition to fetch the result using string Soql.
Select name,emailid from User where name like '%XYZ%' and EMaild like '%XYZ%';
Kindly suggest.
- Vinay_gupta
- May 19, 2018
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Integration Sharepoint with Salesforce
I am new to Salesfroce and have across with one requiremen where i have to integrate Salesforce with Sharepoint without using any Third Party tool.
Whenever any data is created in Salesforce it should automatically integrate to SharePoint and create a list.
For Ex- If i create any Oppurtuity in Salesforce, it should create one list in SharePoint.
Kindly help me and provide your suggestion to acheive this?
- Vinay_gupta
- February 19, 2018
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Live project experiance
Hi All,
I am trying to learn salesforce by ownself. I have gained self-knowledge on the apex, VF, Triggers and other development aspects. I have also completed the App builder certification.
Can someone please help me to get some live project hands-on experience? or if anyone looking for salesforce developer, I can help him?
I need it urgently?
- Vinay_gupta
- January 01, 2018
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Map Filling inside For Loop
I am net to Map and need ur help here.
Can anyone help me how to fill value in Map in below example. Can you please help me with the Code?
Map<id,List<Contacts>> CustMap = new Map<Id,List<Contacts>>;
for(Account ac:[SELECT id,name,(SELECT id FROM Contacts) FROM Account])
How to fill Map here where Id would be Account Id and Values would be list of Contacts.?
- Vinay_gupta
- December 03, 2017
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Rollup summary on lookup Relationship
-----Rollup Summary of Lookup Relationship-------------------------
Hi All,
I want to create a Rollup field in Account Object with Custom Object called 'Contact Partner'.
'Contact Partner' Object is maintaining a lookup relationship with Account Object.
I want to fill the Rollup field with name 'Total Revenue' in Account object, which should tell the total amount of Revenue generated by each Contact Partner.
Each 'Contact Partner' would be maintaining the field called 'Revenue Generated'.
For Ex
Account A has three Contact Partner(CP) and each CP is generating revenue of 10$,20$ & 30$. Hence the field 'Total Revenue' in Account object should automatically fill with '60$'
Can anyone help me on this along with the Code?, Actually I'm new on the trigger.
- Vinay_gupta
- December 03, 2017
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Scenario of Apex, Triggers and VF pages
Hi All,
I wanted to know solution for below Question.
1. Can we call a @Future method from Trigger?
2. Can we call a @Future method from the Batch process?
3. If I want to display the next month date in a custom field on the VF page which approach should we use?
4. If I want to process 1000 records using Batch apex ,then how much time Batch process will run? How many times will each batch method run?
5. How to Create one to one relationship?
6. If i want to share 50 records to 100 users who are at different profile. How we can acheive this ? How we can acheive this using Manual Sharing?
7. How to find no of time which user has accessed the particular tab ?
8. What is 101 code error in Appex class?
9. Can we create Roll up summary in Look up relationship?
10. How to delete lookup data when Parent record is deleted? How to make it mandatory?
11. If there is a scenario, where there is one field called status. When this field become CLOSED then process builder should not do any task.
And if in future if anyone changed the Status field to OPEN of the same record then we don’t want Process builder to fire any task. How we can achieve this?
12. What is the best practice to write Apex class?
- Vinay_gupta
- November 24, 2017
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Unable to end the Flow from List View button
I need some urgent help.
I have created the list view button on the Task object which is calling the Flow. When I click on the button, it is calling the flow but it is not ending the flow rather it is calling the same flow again and again
Can someone please guide me?
- Vinay_gupta
- May 30, 2022
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Getting error while adding related Record "To access the information, ask the admin. " in Lightning page
I am getting below error while drag-drop the Related Record in the lightning page. When I looked up for the object. It is giving below.
Please suggest me.
- Vinay_gupta
- April 25, 2020
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Showing custom validation rules on lightning component
Urgent Help needed!!
I need some suggestion to use the custom validation rules in a lightning component. I want to show the error message which validation rule has fired.
It will be good if you can help me details steps to achieve this.
- Vinay_gupta
- October 11, 2018
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Set default Opportunity sales stage name default
I want to prepopulate the stage name in Opportunity sales stage with "Prospecting" at the time of new opportunity creation. Can you please suggest me where I can configure the default value sales stage?
- Vinay_gupta
- September 30, 2018
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Disable search button when search button is clicked
Urgent help needed.
I am new to Salesforce and need your guidance to grey out the GO button. When the GO button is clicked, the button immediately greys out and prevent the user from clicking the button multiple times. GO button is calling a method called Search in a custom controller.
<apex:commandButton id="btnGo" value="{!$Label.Go}" action="{!Search}" rerender="searchResults">
Request you to please share your advice if we can grey out the button or put some fancy text that "Search is happening" until the result comes out.
- Vinay_gupta
- June 17, 2018
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Apply search filter on VF Page
I am new to Salesforce and need some urgent help to write logic for search filter on VF Controller.
I have two filer field i.e. Name and Email id on lookup VF page which display the list of users and it is being controlled by a controller.
Request you please suggest me a logic in such a way like if a user tries to search with Name, Email id or both. Then the list should populate result accordingly.
I want to put this in the 'Where' condition to fetch the result using string Soql.
Select name,emailid from User where name like '%XYZ%' and EMaild like '%XYZ%';
Kindly suggest.
- Vinay_gupta
- May 19, 2018
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Live project experiance
Hi All,
I am trying to learn salesforce by ownself. I have gained self-knowledge on the apex, VF, Triggers and other development aspects. I have also completed the App builder certification.
Can someone please help me to get some live project hands-on experience? or if anyone looking for salesforce developer, I can help him?
I need it urgently?
- Vinay_gupta
- January 01, 2018
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Rollup summary on lookup Relationship
-----Rollup Summary of Lookup Relationship-------------------------
Hi All,
I want to create a Rollup field in Account Object with Custom Object called 'Contact Partner'.
'Contact Partner' Object is maintaining a lookup relationship with Account Object.
I want to fill the Rollup field with name 'Total Revenue' in Account object, which should tell the total amount of Revenue generated by each Contact Partner.
Each 'Contact Partner' would be maintaining the field called 'Revenue Generated'.
For Ex
Account A has three Contact Partner(CP) and each CP is generating revenue of 10$,20$ & 30$. Hence the field 'Total Revenue' in Account object should automatically fill with '60$'
Can anyone help me on this along with the Code?, Actually I'm new on the trigger.
- Vinay_gupta
- December 03, 2017
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Need a live project
I am Prasant.I am new to salesforce developemnet.I have learnet most of the salesforce concepts like Apex,triggers,API's and salesforce customization.I have practiced with varuous uses cases form this forum.However i still don't have experience of a full time project.So if any body can help me in this context.
Thanks in advance,
- Prasant Kumar Satpathy
- June 20, 2014
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