• Roberto Cialfi
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Hi, need a validation rule to make sure that if a case is new, it can be only created with the "New" Status. However, 3 roles must be able to save them anyway, even with a different status value set. I am trying the following validation rule but is not working [Error: Syntax error. Missing ')']

I hope you can help me. Thank you

ISNEW() && NOT( ISPICKVAL( Status, "New" ) )
$UserRole.Name <> "GRP_UK_HR_HR_Customer_Services_Manager",
$UserRole.Name <> "GRP_UK_HR_Customer_Services_Team_Leader",
$UserRole.Name <> "GRPUKHRPeopleServicesTier1Advisor" ) )

Hi Guys,

I have a scenario in which we need an approval process where employees need their line manager approval, while a small group of called 'Management Team' (all the manager of the different HR team) do not need any approval.

I though already that would be possible to just manually assign their line manager as line managers of themselves. This means they will receive their own approval request. But I consider this solution not really elegant. Another solution would be to create a lookup field to users called 'Requester', so that I can create personalised approval processes based on this field. Do you know of any alternative solution?

Thank you,
