• James Henderson 11
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I've has personal accounts enabled for my developer organisation, and I am trying to setup the softphone layout.

Compared to before I enabled personal accounts, I now have two additional objects Account and Personal Account (this means I get two objects named Account). None of the objects appear to have the fields for the personal accounts for example BirthDate

For Personal Account i see the following fields

Type, Billing Street, Billing City, Billing State/Province, Billing Zip/Postal Code, Billing Country, Billing Latitude, Billing Longitude, Billing Geocode Accuracy, Shipping Street, Shipping City, Shipping State/Province, Shipping Zip/Postal Code, Shipping Country, Shipping Latitude, Shipping Longitude, Shipping Geocode Accuracy, Phone, Fax, Account Number, Website, SIC Code, Industry, Annual Revenue, Employees, Ownership, Ticker Symbol, Description, Rating, Account Site, Data.com Key, Clean Status, Account Source, D-U-N-S Number, Tradestyle, NAICS Code, NAICS Description, Year Started, SIC Description, Customer Priority, SLA, Active, Number of Locations, Upsell Opportunity, SLA Serial Number, SLA Expiration Date, Level, Languages, Account Name

For both Accounts I see

Account Name, Type, Billing Street, Billing City, Billing State/Province, Billing Zip/Postal Code, Billing Country, Billing Latitude, Billing Longitude, Billing Geocode Accuracy, Shipping Street, Shipping City, Shipping State/Province, Shipping Zip/Postal Code, Shipping Country, Shipping Latitude, Shipping Longitude, Shipping Geocode Accuracy, Phone, Fax, Account Number, Website, SIC Code, Industry, Annual Revenue, Employees, Ownership, Ticker Symbol, Description, Rating, Account Site, Data.com Key, Clean Status, Account Source, D-U-N-S Number, Tradestyle, NAICS Code, NAICS Description, Year Started, SIC Description, Customer Priority, SLA, Active, Number of Locations, Upsell Opportunity, SLA Serial Number, SLA Expiration Date, Level, Languages

Hence no difference between the objects.

I then attempt to get the softphone layout using the api for lightning and classic (I see similar results) sforce.opencti.getSoftphoneLayout & sforce.interaction.cti.getSoftphoneLayout, this only returns Account, and Personal Account is not returned in the softphone layout. If personal account is the only object configured in my softphone layout, no objects are returned.

Is the softphone layout not supported for personal accounts?

Currently we have functionality in salesforce classic console where we send an event to an open cti softphone using sforce.console.fireEvent and sforce.console.addEventListener. Is there an equivalent that can be used to send an event to an open cti softfone when using salesforce lightning?

Using Open CTI, when I do a searchAndScreenPop for an number which formats is the search completed on.

For example if I have a UK number 0123456789 this could be presented as


During my testing it looks like the 0044 format isn't matched on. Is there any documentation which covers number formats?



I am attempting to use Field Sets in my Apex code to dynamically query for an object. How can I check the field accessibility of the field members that are not part of the object.

For example, for an Account field set I can easily check the accessibilty of the fields Account Name, Account Number etc.
But I am unable to check the accessibilty for example Parent Account ID > Account and Record Type ID > Name

I am trying to follow the instructions to setup my version of salesforce to use personal accounts


I can't follow the step 

- User profiles that have read permission on accounts have read permission on contacts.

as I have 2 user profiles both named: Authenticated Website one that has read access to accounts and one without. I can't get the one with read access of accounts to have read access to contacts. The two profiles are both auto generated. 

Also as I am using a developer account, when I do get my salesforce account to meet the requirements, I am unable to log a support case. How do I get around this to activate personal accounts?

I run searchAndScreenPop with the deferred parameter set to true which returns a single result, this is suppose to return SCREEN_POP_DATA, which it does, but it is an empty object. I attempt to the SCREEN_POP_DATA into the screenPop api, but this fails and I am unable to pop the result on the screen.

The returnValue I get from the searchAndScreenPop api is
{00Q0N00000VxFqeUAF: {…}, SCREEN_POP_DATA: null}00Q0N00000VxFqeUAF: Company: "Redwood"Id: "00Q0N00000VxFqeUAF"LastActivityDate: "2018-03-06T00:00:00.000Z"LastModifiedDate: "2018-03-05T16:44:19.000Z"Name: "James Henderson"RecordType: "Lead"__proto__: Object__proto__: Object

I am attempting to use Field Sets in my Apex code to dynamically query for an object. How can I check the field accessibility of the field members that are not part of the object.

For example, for an Account field set I can easily check the accessibilty of the fields Account Name, Account Number etc.
But I am unable to check the accessibilty for example Parent Account ID > Account and Record Type ID > Name

I am trying to follow the instructions to setup my version of salesforce to use personal accounts


I can't follow the step 

- User profiles that have read permission on accounts have read permission on contacts.

as I have 2 user profiles both named: Authenticated Website one that has read access to accounts and one without. I can't get the one with read access of accounts to have read access to contacts. The two profiles are both auto generated. 

Also as I am using a developer account, when I do get my salesforce account to meet the requirements, I am unable to log a support case. How do I get around this to activate personal accounts?

I run searchAndScreenPop with the deferred parameter set to true which returns a single result, this is suppose to return SCREEN_POP_DATA, which it does, but it is an empty object. I attempt to the SCREEN_POP_DATA into the screenPop api, but this fails and I am unable to pop the result on the screen.

The returnValue I get from the searchAndScreenPop api is
{00Q0N00000VxFqeUAF: {…}, SCREEN_POP_DATA: null}00Q0N00000VxFqeUAF: Company: "Redwood"Id: "00Q0N00000VxFqeUAF"LastActivityDate: "2018-03-06T00:00:00.000Z"LastModifiedDate: "2018-03-05T16:44:19.000Z"Name: "James Henderson"RecordType: "Lead"__proto__: Object__proto__: Object