• Nalinaku
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I am a System admin & I have a report type **Accounts with Service Contract and Contract lineitem** and I can add fields from the Contract line items to the report filter. 
But if the same report is viewed by some marketing user he/she cannot see Contract lineitem object itself but only Account & Service Contract fields. 
I checked the marketing user profile access for these standard objects and I see both Service Contract & Contract line items have Read access to this profile, but only Service contract is showing up not contract line items. 
Please advise. 
I have a need to disable users from entering their forecasts during certain period of time in a week. For example, every monday from 9am to 11am.
How can this be scheduled ? 
I am thinking of turning off the Forecast tab in the Profile > Object Settings using apex, but not sure if this can be done. 
Please advise available options  
I have a on click javascript button on the case pagelayout which opens a visual force page and was working fine but suddenly user started getting error Url does not exists. but when I login as user and click on that button I see "srcUp is not defined" error. 

Here is the simple javascript on that button. 

I have custom field in case of datatype datetime, which is being used in one of the other custom formula field to count number of days from last updated. 
So everytime there is an update on the case, this field gets updated, but I am not able to figure out from where this field is getting updated?
I did search in apex class and trigger (searched using Enhanced code searcher chrome plugin)
I checked all workflows in Case object 
I checked all process builder flows(only 2 for case object)

Is there any place I missed where a field udpate can happen. ? 
Here is the code coverage screenshot of my class and I see that after line 413, its not covering the code though there is nothing preventing it to abort from that line. 
I checked the "oppfromRenewalBooked()" it has a return stmt at the end and not throwing any error.  Please advise. 

Screenshot from Devloper console

I am running a test class on opportunity, which is inserting opportunity line items in couple of methods and everytime its trying to insert the Opp line item I get the below error from the trigger. 
It looks like Opp line item is getting inserted but trigger is failing them.

The line number which shows in the error is again the update/insert of opp line item which is failing. 

I checked the error Attempt to dereference null object, but I see new object is instatiated whereever dml is being performed. 

I checked the UserAssignHelper.checkLineItems at line 13 which is getting values from custom settings and I see values exists there. 

Please suggest. 
System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, PSLR_OpportunityLineItem: execution of AfterInsert

caused by: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id 00k2i000003lJCDAA2; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, PSLR_OpportunityLineItem: execution of AfterUpdate

caused by: System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object

Class.UserAssignHelper.checkLineItems: line 13, column 1
Class.PSLR_OpportunityLineItemHandler.updateOppOwnerBasedOnLineItemPricingType: line 122, column 1
Trigger.PSLR_OpportunityLineItem: line 50, column 1: []

Class.PSLR_OpportunityLineItemHandler.NoOfLineItem: line 28, column 1
Trigger.PSLR_OpportunityLineItem: line 42, column 1: []

I heard that overall org Code coverage %75 is mandatory going forward in Prod/Sandbox coming August release, but I dont see any such news in salesforce summer release 2020. 
Kindly let me know if you are aware of any such change is coming soon. 
I have a list of Sobjects and I want to get the Createddate, lastmodified date & description of each Sobject using Apex. Also if I can check if that Sobject was created as part of Managed package or not. Kindly advise. 

Thanks a lot in advance. 
Hi Friends, 
I have a strange problem in our org that one of the active picklist value is not working. 
There is a  field called Nationality__c in contact, and updates are being receved from integration api. 
for example : If I get contact updates in which Nationality is "Turkey", contact gets updated correctly without any error. 
But with the same contact update api, whenever I get updates for "Libya", I get "bad value for Restricted picklist field" with status code=INVALID_OR_NULL_FOR_RESTRICTED_PICKLIST. 

When I check the picklist values of this field, both of these values are Active, not getting any idea why its failing for Libya but not for Turkey. 
FYI, this picklist values are created from Global value set. 
Hi friends, 
In the existing page layout, I already have a Contact related list. Now i have a requirement to create shareholders which can also be accomodated in Contacts and display the same below the contacts related list. 
How can I add another Contacts related list in pagelayout and show only Shareholders type in that. 

Thanks in advance, kindly suggest. 

Hi All, 
I have a requirement to display a message on checking a checkbox, which contains an URL in the end, which needs to be hyperlinked. I am able to display the message with the custom label now, which is not hyperlinked, below is the code sample. I have to make only the URL part hyperlinked clicking on which should follow and open the url page. 
<apex:page standardController="Contact">
<apex:form >

<apex:pageBlock id="theBlock">
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1">
                    <apex:inputField label="checkboxfield" value="{!Contact.CheckboxValue }">
                        <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" reRender="theBlock" status="status"/>

  <apex:OutputText value="{!$Label.Mylabelmessage}" rendered="{!(Contact.checkboxfield == true)}"/> 

Kindly let me know if I can achieve the hyperlinking only part of the message. 
I have a problem with Account trigger afterupdate event. Below are the problem details. 

Expectation is: Whenever I update a Status column in Account, there is a method in AfterInsertUpdate in trigger which updates the status of custom objects related to Account(child objects)

Problem is : Whenever I update the Status column in Account, trigger fires and executes upto BeforeUpdate event and executes all the methods which are being called in Beforeupdate event. But after this I see in Debug log that some validation fires and after that again BeforeUpdate event starts and I see that oldmap no longer hold the status to which I updated the Account. i.e. oldmap and new values are same, which results in my condition in IF statement not meeting and hence update is not happening. 

Actions Taken: 
I commented the all the methods step by step being called in Before update and checked the logs but no luck. 
2. I Inactivated all update workflows related to Account and checked but no luck again

Thanks in Advance for your help. 

trigger IS_AccountTrigger on Account (after insert, after update, before insert, before update, before delete, after delete) {
    system.debug('reached insisde trigger');
    ISecG_Trigger_Settings__c objTriggerSetting = ISecG_Trigger_Settings__c.getInstance();
   if(objTriggerSetting.Enable_Account_Trigger__c) {
        if(Trigger.isAfter && (Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate)) {
            system.debug('reached inside after trigger');
            IS_AccountTriggerHandler.afterInsertUpdate();     \\MY METHOD IS BEING CALLED FROM HERE
        if(Trigger.isBefore && (Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate)) {
            system.debug('reached insisde before trigger@@@@@');
        if(trigger.isInsert && trigger.isBefore) {
        if(trigger.isBefore && trigger.isUpdate) {
        if(Trigger.isBefore && Trigger.isDelete) {
        if(Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isDelete) {
The scenario is there is already a VF page with apex code which is retrieving some set of fields. Now I need to add 10 more columns to both VF page and APEX code without modifying the code. 
Kindly suggest how can I approach this.