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Email Component Flow Help
I had a Create one Email Component screen flow so when I send the Email I am getting Emails from the Org username that I don't want how to tackle this please suggest this
here is pic
let's suppose my Form address is Abc@.com
but I m not getting emails from this email I am getting emails from Org User name?
here is pic
let's suppose my Form address is Abc@.com
but I m not getting emails from this email I am getting emails from Org User name?
- Yashh
- February 08, 2022
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Help image Through formula fields
So the Scenario is that
In the below image in Account-Related Contact If there is 10 Record is there and 8 image is Green and 2 Record Image is Red so in Parent Account Red Image is populate
2>Second Scenario is that If All image is Green So Green image should get populate in Account
need help?
In the below image in Account-Related Contact If there is 10 Record is there and 8 image is Green and 2 Record Image is Red so in Parent Account Red Image is populate
2>Second Scenario is that If All image is Green So Green image should get populate in Account
need help?
- Yashh
- September 20, 2021
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Formula field trouble
want help on formula field
Here is Scenario Formual field data type will be Text as I given
1> if Record type is Personal Loans And parent ID is Blank and Product Currency(PicklistField) is USD so in the formula field I want this value get populated(03-Credit Karma Offers ,Inc. ).
2> if Record type is Personal Loans And parent ID is Blank and Product Currency PicklistField is CAD so in the formula field I want this value get populated(01-Credit KarmaLLC ).
2> if Record type is Personal Loans And parent ID is Blank and Product Currency PicklistField is GBP so in the formula field I want this value get populated(72 -Credit Karma UK Ltd ).
here is be help me on this #Trailhead #TrailblazerCommunity #AwesomeAdmins #Salesforce Admin
Here is Scenario Formual field data type will be Text as I given
1> if Record type is Personal Loans And parent ID is Blank and Product Currency(PicklistField) is USD so in the formula field I want this value get populated(03-Credit Karma Offers ,Inc. ).
2> if Record type is Personal Loans And parent ID is Blank and Product Currency PicklistField is CAD so in the formula field I want this value get populated(01-Credit KarmaLLC ).
2> if Record type is Personal Loans And parent ID is Blank and Product Currency PicklistField is GBP so in the formula field I want this value get populated(72 -Credit Karma UK Ltd ).
here is be help me on this #Trailhead #TrailblazerCommunity #AwesomeAdmins #Salesforce Admin
- Yashh
- August 20, 2021
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salutation Trouble help to solve this problem
I am getting a Full name as one of Record Salutation in the contact but In salutation, I have not put this name as on the picklist
it will automatically generate so how can I solve this problem?
it will automatically generate so how can I solve this problem?
- Yashh
- August 07, 2021
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Need help on create Merger button on Lightning interface
Hello Friends
In this picture here is the Merge button in Account-Related List in classic
But I want this button on Lightning on the basis of Account-Related
contact how can I do this I have tried the edit the page but it's not showing can you please
help me to solve these Functionalities.
In this picture here is the Merge button in Account-Related List in classic
But I want this button on Lightning on the basis of Account-Related
contact how can I do this I have tried the edit the page but it's not showing can you please
help me to solve these Functionalities.
- Yashh
- August 02, 2021
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Modify this code on trigger need help
1>So the scenario is that when I created new product name As Chase Auto loans and saved and created another has the same name so its give an error that name already exists.
here is my code based on 1st point
trigger DuplicateProductName on Product2 (before insert,before update) {
List<Product2> accList=new List<Product2>([select Name from Product2]);
map<String,Product2> accmap=new map<String,Product2>();
for(Product2 acc:accList){
if(Trigger.isbefore&&(Trigger.isinsert|| Trigger.isupdate)){
for(Product2 acc:Trigger.new){
acc.adderror('This Product name already exists');
2>but now i want to modify this code that if I create the same name but that duplicate name record checkbox is disabled then your record will be saved but the checkbox is active you cant save.
here is my code based on 1st point
trigger DuplicateProductName on Product2 (before insert,before update) {
List<Product2> accList=new List<Product2>([select Name from Product2]);
map<String,Product2> accmap=new map<String,Product2>();
for(Product2 acc:accList){
if(Trigger.isbefore&&(Trigger.isinsert|| Trigger.isupdate)){
for(Product2 acc:Trigger.new){
acc.adderror('This Product name already exists');
2>but now i want to modify this code that if I create the same name but that duplicate name record checkbox is disabled then your record will be saved but the checkbox is active you cant save.
- Yashh
- July 01, 2021
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Record type formula field
want formula field on record type that if my Record type is Auto insurance and auto finance so check box is disabled other wise enabled.
- Yashh
- June 29, 2021
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formula field to chnage record type
So i have some requirement that in the product object there is one field Record Type(Abc) so if i change to another record type(Xyz) type.in the product there is product offering object so there will be fetch your checkbox will active_c(true)
And in prduct offering there is one formula field status_c Approved
So what is my Condition that
if record type is changed .make status is approve and checkbox will active
it will work on new created also.
And in prduct offering there is one formula field status_c Approved
So what is my Condition that
if record type is changed .make status is approve and checkbox will active
it will work on new created also.
- Yashh
- June 17, 2021
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Help on validation rule
Hello Guys
i have some requirment that there is one user ABC so if he login when he go to Quote object if that Status (picklist)is draft so he can only edit only CollectioNumber_c(picklist) if other field he ediit its show should show error.
i want to do though validation rule
i have some requirment that there is one user ABC so if he login when he go to Quote object if that Status (picklist)is draft so he can only edit only CollectioNumber_c(picklist) if other field he ediit its show should show error.
i want to do though validation rule
- Yashh
- June 15, 2021
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Help on process builder
The Scenerio is i want populate record there is User account manager data so i want populate into Account manager .And user account manager is lookup and account manager is lookup field.
And when i edit the account manager so it will Change to user account manager.
And when i edit the account manager so it will Change to user account manager.
- Yashh
- June 11, 2021
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help on visualforce
i want to create visualforce page to show all accounts name and their related contacts name through tabular format
- Yashh
- June 01, 2021
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want help in Visualforce page
ill tell what is doing this scenario and what i want (please Help)
1 >So here i created Visualforce Page in that i have given some fields so when i save this its shows me on the sales order. This all i created in a standard format.
2>but right now what I want there is an upload button if data will upload then its sent to the( sales order object there is a child product object) there i want to show.
So here is My Vf code
<apex:page standardController="Opportunity" sidebar="flase" showHeader="false">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock title="Sales Order">
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Information" collapsible="false" columns="1">
<apex:inputField value="{!Opportunity.Name}"/>
<apex:inputField value="{!Opportunity.CloseDate}"/>
<apex:inputField value="{!Opportunity.StageName}"/>
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Product">
<apex:commandButton value="Upload File"/>
<apex:pageBlockButtons location="bottom">
<apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}"/>
1 >So here i created Visualforce Page in that i have given some fields so when i save this its shows me on the sales order. This all i created in a standard format.
2>but right now what I want there is an upload button if data will upload then its sent to the( sales order object there is a child product object) there i want to show.
So here is My Vf code
<apex:page standardController="Opportunity" sidebar="flase" showHeader="false">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock title="Sales Order">
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Information" collapsible="false" columns="1">
<apex:inputField value="{!Opportunity.Name}"/>
<apex:inputField value="{!Opportunity.CloseDate}"/>
<apex:inputField value="{!Opportunity.StageName}"/>
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Product">
<apex:commandButton value="Upload File"/>
<apex:pageBlockButtons location="bottom">
<apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}"/>
- Yashh
- May 20, 2021
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Error: Compile Error: Found punctuation symbol or operator '%' that isn't valid in Apex. at line 6 column 87
Error: Compile Error: Found punctuation symbol or operator '%' that isn't valid in Apex. at line 6 column 87
Apex Code
public class searchBox {
public list <Account> acc {get;set;}
public String searchKey {get;set;}
public searchBox( ) {}
public void search(){
string searchquery='select Name,id from account where name like \ +searchKey+'%\'';
acc= Database.query(searchquery);
<apex:page Controller="searchBox">
<apex:form >
<apex:inputText value="{!searchKey}" label="Input"/><br/>
<apex:commandButton value="Enter" action="{!search}"/>
<apex:pageBlock title="Searched Accounts are:-">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!acc}" var="a">
<apex:column value="{!a.name}"/>
<apex:column value="{!a.id}"/>
Apex Code
public class searchBox {
public list <Account> acc {get;set;}
public String searchKey {get;set;}
public searchBox( ) {}
public void search(){
string searchquery='select Name,id from account where name like \ +searchKey+'%\'';
acc= Database.query(searchquery);
<apex:page Controller="searchBox">
<apex:form >
<apex:inputText value="{!searchKey}" label="Input"/><br/>
<apex:commandButton value="Enter" action="{!search}"/>
<apex:pageBlock title="Searched Accounts are:-">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!acc}" var="a">
<apex:column value="{!a.name}"/>
<apex:column value="{!a.id}"/>
- Yashh
- May 19, 2021
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want help in proess builder
I am creating a process builder that I want to have updated a date/time opendate_c field with the time when any of the leads fields in a section are modified. except for leadstatus_c (its a picklist)
I am trying to define the action so that the new Date/Time field is updated to be when the process fires.I want to work on edited and created. i create in the workflow but it's not working. now I want to do that in process builder so please help me.
I am trying to define the action so that the new Date/Time field is updated to be when the process fires.I want to work on edited and created. i create in the workflow but it's not working. now I want to do that in process builder so please help me.
- Yashh
- May 15, 2021
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Help On Trigge
I want to build a trigger on product object
so the scenario is
when a new product is created a field should get populated as a new product.
so the scenario is
when a new product is created a field should get populated as a new product.
- Yashh
- May 07, 2021
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help in process builder
I want to help with the process builder
here is scenario
if the product name is changed then the status field (picklist) should show pending
and active (checkbox )should be false.
here is scenario
if the product name is changed then the status field (picklist) should show pending
and active (checkbox )should be false.
- Yashh
- May 06, 2021
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I have created one custom field in the product as an Account through lookup so what I want that if anyone clicks on that Account and puts any name. its shows under that Name. So I have created one formula field where his name I want to show Through FORMULA
- Yashh
- May 03, 2021
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Want help in trigger
Each and every product should not overlap with the start and end date of another product. If it happens, then the new product should not get saved, an error should come
Example Suppose if any client book that date and second client also taking the same date either taking date between the previous client start date and end date so i want an error if this happens that record has not saved.
Example Suppose if any client book that date and second client also taking the same date either taking date between the previous client start date and end date so i want an error if this happens that record has not saved.
- Yashh
- April 30, 2021
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formula fields on picklist
i have created one 2 picklists so one is gender (Male/female) and second is age(0to15 and 16to60) so i want a formula that if anyone selected supposes male and he selected 0to15 so its shows value master that guy name.
if any female put 16to60 so i want to show them Mrs
so i want help on formula fields
if any female put 16to60 so i want to show them Mrs
so i want help on formula fields
- Yashh
- April 28, 2021
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validation on limit to generate error on fields
I have created one product description field I want to create a validation rule on that particular fields that above 400 characters it should be generate error on that field
want formula ??
want formula ??
- Yashh
- April 26, 2021
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Formula field trouble
want help on formula field
Here is Scenario Formual field data type will be Text as I given
1> if Record type is Personal Loans And parent ID is Blank and Product Currency(PicklistField) is USD so in the formula field I want this value get populated(03-Credit Karma Offers ,Inc. ).
2> if Record type is Personal Loans And parent ID is Blank and Product Currency PicklistField is CAD so in the formula field I want this value get populated(01-Credit KarmaLLC ).
2> if Record type is Personal Loans And parent ID is Blank and Product Currency PicklistField is GBP so in the formula field I want this value get populated(72 -Credit Karma UK Ltd ).
here is be help me on this #Trailhead #TrailblazerCommunity #AwesomeAdmins #Salesforce Admin
Here is Scenario Formual field data type will be Text as I given
1> if Record type is Personal Loans And parent ID is Blank and Product Currency(PicklistField) is USD so in the formula field I want this value get populated(03-Credit Karma Offers ,Inc. ).
2> if Record type is Personal Loans And parent ID is Blank and Product Currency PicklistField is CAD so in the formula field I want this value get populated(01-Credit KarmaLLC ).
2> if Record type is Personal Loans And parent ID is Blank and Product Currency PicklistField is GBP so in the formula field I want this value get populated(72 -Credit Karma UK Ltd ).
here is be help me on this #Trailhead #TrailblazerCommunity #AwesomeAdmins #Salesforce Admin
- Yashh
- August 20, 2021
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salutation Trouble help to solve this problem
I am getting a Full name as one of Record Salutation in the contact but In salutation, I have not put this name as on the picklist
it will automatically generate so how can I solve this problem?
it will automatically generate so how can I solve this problem?
- Yashh
- August 07, 2021
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Need help on create Merger button on Lightning interface
Hello Friends
In this picture here is the Merge button in Account-Related List in classic
But I want this button on Lightning on the basis of Account-Related
contact how can I do this I have tried the edit the page but it's not showing can you please
help me to solve these Functionalities.
In this picture here is the Merge button in Account-Related List in classic
But I want this button on Lightning on the basis of Account-Related
contact how can I do this I have tried the edit the page but it's not showing can you please
help me to solve these Functionalities.
- Yashh
- August 02, 2021
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Modify this code on trigger need help
1>So the scenario is that when I created new product name As Chase Auto loans and saved and created another has the same name so its give an error that name already exists.
here is my code based on 1st point
trigger DuplicateProductName on Product2 (before insert,before update) {
List<Product2> accList=new List<Product2>([select Name from Product2]);
map<String,Product2> accmap=new map<String,Product2>();
for(Product2 acc:accList){
if(Trigger.isbefore&&(Trigger.isinsert|| Trigger.isupdate)){
for(Product2 acc:Trigger.new){
acc.adderror('This Product name already exists');
2>but now i want to modify this code that if I create the same name but that duplicate name record checkbox is disabled then your record will be saved but the checkbox is active you cant save.
here is my code based on 1st point
trigger DuplicateProductName on Product2 (before insert,before update) {
List<Product2> accList=new List<Product2>([select Name from Product2]);
map<String,Product2> accmap=new map<String,Product2>();
for(Product2 acc:accList){
if(Trigger.isbefore&&(Trigger.isinsert|| Trigger.isupdate)){
for(Product2 acc:Trigger.new){
acc.adderror('This Product name already exists');
2>but now i want to modify this code that if I create the same name but that duplicate name record checkbox is disabled then your record will be saved but the checkbox is active you cant save.
- Yashh
- July 01, 2021
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Help on process builder
The Scenerio is i want populate record there is User account manager data so i want populate into Account manager .And user account manager is lookup and account manager is lookup field.
And when i edit the account manager so it will Change to user account manager.
And when i edit the account manager so it will Change to user account manager.
- Yashh
- June 11, 2021
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help on visualforce
i want to create visualforce page to show all accounts name and their related contacts name through tabular format
- Yashh
- June 01, 2021
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Error: Compile Error: Found punctuation symbol or operator '%' that isn't valid in Apex. at line 6 column 87
Error: Compile Error: Found punctuation symbol or operator '%' that isn't valid in Apex. at line 6 column 87
Apex Code
public class searchBox {
public list <Account> acc {get;set;}
public String searchKey {get;set;}
public searchBox( ) {}
public void search(){
string searchquery='select Name,id from account where name like \ +searchKey+'%\'';
acc= Database.query(searchquery);
<apex:page Controller="searchBox">
<apex:form >
<apex:inputText value="{!searchKey}" label="Input"/><br/>
<apex:commandButton value="Enter" action="{!search}"/>
<apex:pageBlock title="Searched Accounts are:-">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!acc}" var="a">
<apex:column value="{!a.name}"/>
<apex:column value="{!a.id}"/>
Apex Code
public class searchBox {
public list <Account> acc {get;set;}
public String searchKey {get;set;}
public searchBox( ) {}
public void search(){
string searchquery='select Name,id from account where name like \ +searchKey+'%\'';
acc= Database.query(searchquery);
<apex:page Controller="searchBox">
<apex:form >
<apex:inputText value="{!searchKey}" label="Input"/><br/>
<apex:commandButton value="Enter" action="{!search}"/>
<apex:pageBlock title="Searched Accounts are:-">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!acc}" var="a">
<apex:column value="{!a.name}"/>
<apex:column value="{!a.id}"/>
- Yashh
- May 19, 2021
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want help in proess builder
I am creating a process builder that I want to have updated a date/time opendate_c field with the time when any of the leads fields in a section are modified. except for leadstatus_c (its a picklist)
I am trying to define the action so that the new Date/Time field is updated to be when the process fires.I want to work on edited and created. i create in the workflow but it's not working. now I want to do that in process builder so please help me.
I am trying to define the action so that the new Date/Time field is updated to be when the process fires.I want to work on edited and created. i create in the workflow but it's not working. now I want to do that in process builder so please help me.
- Yashh
- May 15, 2021
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help in process builder
I want to help with the process builder
here is scenario
if the product name is changed then the status field (picklist) should show pending
and active (checkbox )should be false.
here is scenario
if the product name is changed then the status field (picklist) should show pending
and active (checkbox )should be false.
- Yashh
- May 06, 2021
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I have created one custom field in the product as an Account through lookup so what I want that if anyone clicks on that Account and puts any name. its shows under that Name. So I have created one formula field where his name I want to show Through FORMULA
- Yashh
- May 03, 2021
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How to display the related contacts of account in the same visual force page
I want to display the account and related contacts in the same visual force page. Actually i am achieved this like,
i am displayed the account names in first page block and am kept the command link for that account names if we click on that command link that will displayed the contacts related to that particular account in another pageblock. But, Now i want to display the account name first and all related contacts line by line. like that i want to displat the contacts for all accounts. please any one help me how to solve this...
Maple Lawn Office III 8161 Maple Lawn Blvd Fulton, MD 20759 Contact: Lydia Chandlee | G & R Management 840 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20002 Phone: 301-807-0271 Fax: 202-898-0053 Email: Contract: No | Inspection Date: 4/6/2010 Inspection Type: Annual 5 Year Test: 2012 Reg/Serial #: HO1863 Service Company: Kone Equipment Type: Passenger Hydraulic Annual Price (per unit): $180 Semi-Annual Prince (per unit): $80 |
Maple Lawn Office III 8161 Maple Lawn Blvd Fulton, MD 20759 Contact: Lydia Chandlee | G & R Management 840 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20002 Phone: 301-807-0271 Fax: 202-898-0053 Email: Contract: Yes | Inspection Date: 4/6/2010 Inspection Type: Annual 5 Year Test: 2012 Reg/Serial #: HO1863 Service Company: Kone Equipment Type: Passenger Hydraulic Annual Price (per unit): $180 Semi-Annual Prince (per unit): $80 |
- yamini
- March 29, 2011
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