• Nikita Yadav 17
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  • Member since 2021

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Its urgent !!

I have public site where i want to give a access to user to view and download the files stored in VersionData field of ContentVersion object.

I am using aura and apex for the above requirement and I am uanble to find out the way to convert VersionData to actual file. Can anybody help me to convert VersionData to actual file using aura and apex.

Thank you.
Need urgent help !

I am new to LWC and API integration !

How to convert Input fields and values to JSON object in lwc without using APEX and send them to external api of payment gateway(Here i am trying to integrate with authorize .net) ?

Hello Folks,

I am very new to the flow.

I have a requirement to create new history record i.e. child record everytime whenever parent record is created or updated(Flow will trigger when record is created or updated on parent object).This child record will have same values and fields as parent record.

I am stuck to implement this.Please help me !!

Thank u.
Hello Experts,

Need urgent help.

Is there any way to stay on same(active) tab after refresh?

PLEASE NOTE : I am asking about tabs which are available through EDIT PAGE -> STANDARD COMPONENTS, NOT THE LWC OR AURA COMPONENT

Thank you.

I am solving below trailhead,

when I try following command,
sfdx force:lightning:lwc:test:setup

I am getting this error,
npm ERR! code ETARGET
npm ERR! notarget No matching version found for prettier-plugin-apex@^1.10.1. 
npm ERR! notarget In most cases you or one of your dependencies are requesting
npm ERR! notarget a package version that doesn't exist.

Note : All the command in above trailhead was successfully worked.
Please help me to solve this trail.
Thank u.

Hello experts,

I am migrating ContentVersion and Attachment data from one to another org and I have downloaded the records from Data Export,But the problem is that actual file is named as that records id with no extention(refer img) starting with 068 but the name/title of that file is different.To upload the data in new org I need to rename those file to give path for file.But I can not do this because files are in large amount i.e. 15k+.


Please suggest me something !

Downloaded Files from Data Export

Hello experts,

Need Urgent Help.

Whenever i insert records in bulk in EmailMessage Object,the activityId is not getting generated.I dont unsderstand why it is happening? Please tell what is going on and why?

NOTE :: I am inserting Records without RelatedToId and ParentId.

Thank you!!

I have created custom lookup field for Deals object on Activity object. This created field is visible on indivisual task layout but not visible in Activity timeline layout(PFA for layout). any idea how to add this field on activity timeline layout ?

Please help me with this.

Thank you in advance.

User-added image
Hello expert,

Do you guys know how to sync android/ios phone's conatct in salesforce?

Please help me with this.

Thank you in advance..


Kanban view for Opportunity showing only 5 out of 7 (All active) stages.any idea what is the reason? and how to add other remaining stages to kanaban view? 

Refere below screenshot,

Thank you.

Kanban Setting,User-added image

Stage Values,
User-added image

Current Kanban View,
User-added image
Hello Experts,

Is it Possible to filter Related to list in the Log call section? If yes, then How? Suggestions, please.
Please refer img.

Thanx in advance.

User-added image

I am passing List<String> (it contains list of ids) to my dynamic SOQL query from the apex code and I am getting query in debug log as,

SELECT Id, Colour__c, Show_Hide_in_Table__c, OwnerId, Owner.UserRoleId, Owner.Name, StageName, Status__c, LastActivityDate, CreatedDate FROM Opportunity WHERE Id IN ('0065w000025xUyVAAU', '0065w000025xUyZAAU', '0065w000025xUx7AAE', '0065w000025xUw9AAE', '0065w000025xUy5AAE', '0065w000025xUykAAE', '0065w000025xUuLAAU', '0065w000025xUyQAAU', '0065w000025xUvcAAE', '0065w000025xUKfAAM', ...) AND Show_Hide_in_Table__c = 'Show' ORDER BY StageName

So my question is that,
1) What is that ... (three dots) at the end of ids?
Note: I did not add that ... from my apex code

2) Is it necessary to pass : (Colon) when used IN clause in dynamic soql?

Thanx in advance.