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SFDC integration with informatica
- gopipatel_2610
- June 29, 2007
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Update Account Team Access
My organization has recently changed the org-wide default for Accounts from Public Read/Write to Public Read/Only. An unexpected consequence of this change was that all Account Team Members who had Read/Write Access to accounts were updated to be Read Only. We would like to programmatically update all of the account team members back to Read/Write.
It appears that there are two objects involved in this process. First, the AccountTeamMember object holds the relationship between all Account Team Members and the Account. Second, the AccountShare object holds the security level if it is "not trivial." Knowing that we cannot update the RowCause field on the AccountShare object, we can insert records through the API where the RowCause is "Manual", but the Account Team Member still shows as "Read Only" when I go view the account. Although I think that adding these "Manual" records to AccountShare will grant the user the access they need, the user's access is not obvious when looking at the account.
My question is, how do these "Manual" AccountShare records show themselves in the application? And is there anyway that I can programmatically update the Account Team so that these relationships are more intuitive? (We would do it manually, but this problem affects more than 200,000 account team member relationships.)
- Jesip
- February 16, 2005
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API Cursor Storage Optimization
- benjasik
- March 03, 2006
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API Cursor Storage Optimization
- benjasik
- March 03, 2006
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Data Center Move
We don't anticipate anyone will, but we want to make sure everyone knows what's going on.
Salesforce.com will be transferring its service to a new set of IP addresses in conjunction with the launch of our new Mirrorforce data centers. We are moving from an IP address block sub-allocated by one of our ISPs to a new address block allocated directly to salesforce.com by the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN).
Why are We Changing?
Salesforce.com always strives to provide our customers with the best service possible. You may have recently heard about our $50M MirrorForce investment to bring new East Coast and West Coast data centers online with near real-time data replication and failover. Direct IP allocations make that possible. In addition, direct IP allocations provide for:
• ISP Peering: The ability to select diverse peering to avoid congested networks.
• ISP Redundancy: The ability to easily expand beyond two network carriers
• IP Stability: The ability to maintain the same IP addresses with different network carriers.
What you need to do:
If you utilize IP address filters for your integration, or you hardcode the IP address of the Salesforce.com endpoint:
• Unfilter Salesforce.com’s new IP address space
• Remove the hardcoded IP address and utilize DNS to connect to our servers.
If you currently whitelist our current address space, you should not change these settings in order to avoid disrupting your service from our current data center. Please add the new IP addresses to the current IP addresses. If you have not received an email with the new list of IP addresses, please contact support for the list.
If You Have Any Questions…
While logged into salesforce.com, click on the ‘Help and Training’ link. From there you may search for additional information via the online help using the keywords “new IP network” or “mirrorforce”.
If you do not locate the information you are looking for, please contact our support organization by logging a ticket in the Help and Training portal
Message Edited by benjasik on 11-09-2005 08:11 PM
- benjasik
- November 09, 2005
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What's New in the 7.0 API
Let us know if you have questions!
- benjasik
- November 04, 2005
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What's New in the 7.0 API
Let us know if you have any questions!
- benjasik
- November 04, 2005
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Sforce Data Loader Open Source Project
Let us know what you think! The best think to take out of this is the axis.jar file, which implements persistent connections and bi-directional compression. These two features can really help your integrations fly if you are using AXIS
- benjasik
- June 30, 2005
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Sforce + Google maps
Enjoy, and let us know what ideas you have for integrating Sforce with Google maps!
- benjasik
- June 20, 2005
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Sforce 6.0 is now live
- benjasik
- June 11, 2005
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- benjasik
- May 18, 2005
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What's New In Sforce 6.0
We're looking forward to your feedback!
Message Edited by benjasik on 05-17-2005 10:01 PM
- benjasik
- May 18, 2005
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Looking for someone to build integration between Breeze and Salesforce
On a weekly or daily basis we want to make a call to the Breeze servers and return presentation ID, presentation name, author, and number of views. This information will be written into a Salesforce.com custom object.
The code could be kicked of manually by a user, it does not need to be scheduled.
We would like the code to be written in Java. The ideal contractor knows Sforce, and the Breeze APIs, but we can provide documentation for the Breeze APIs.
Please contact bjasik at salesforce.com if you'd be interested in this.
- benjasik
- March 30, 2005
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Password Expired Behavior Changes in Sforce 5.0
Pasted below here as well:
With the sforce 5.0 release, we removed the ability to login to the sforce API with an expired password; attempts to do so will now fail.
In the past, the API has not honored these expirations. With Winter '05 and sforce 5.0, the system will not allow logins with expired passwords. This is important as scripts or other programs that run automatically with an expired password will fail to execute if the password is expired.
If you run into this problem, there are a few options to fix it.
1) Login to the website with the expired password, and change your password. You may then continue to use the application, although you may need to update your integration program.
2) There is a new permission on profiles called "Password never expires". We do not recommend this route except for integration-only users. For those users, we suggest an extra secure password, and customers lock down access to only the IP addresses that need to access the sforce APIs (This can be done on the profile detail screen).
3) Upgrade to the 5.0 API and use the passwordExpired flag on loginResult to automatically reset your password when it's expired (using the setPassword or resetPassword calls)
Please let us know if you have any questions about this.
- benjasik
- November 30, 2004
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Password Expired Behavior Changes in Sforce 5.0
In the past, the API has not honored these expirations. With Winter '05 and sforce 5.0, the system will not allow logins with expired passwords. This is important as scripts or other programs that run automatically with an expired password will fail to execute if the password is expired.
If you run into this problem, there are a few options to fix it.
1) Login to the website with the expired password, and change your password. You may then continue to use the application, although you may need to update your integration program.
2) There is a new permission on profiles called "Password never expires". We do not recommend this route except for integration-only users. For those users, we suggest an extra secure password, and customers lock down access to only the IP addresses that need to access the sforce APIs (This can be done on the profile detail screen).
3) Upgrade to the 5.0 API and use the passwordExpired flag on loginResult to automatically reset your password when it's expired (using the setPassword or resetPassword calls)
- benjasik
- November 30, 2004
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Sforce 5.0 issues thread
- One thing not mentioned in the release notes, but a change that was made: All IDs should now be returned as 18-character IDs. This was previously not the case, which was a bug as the WSDL defined ID to be 18 characters. If this has affected your integration, please post. Also, if you are doing any special handling for ID fields because their not 18-character you should post this info as well.
Note that we will be rolling back this behavior for 4.0 and below, and 5.0 will always return 18 character ids. This is only the case for organization_id on the getUserInfo call. Rolled back on 11/15 for 4.0 and below apis
- Running a query that returns more than batchSize records on OpportunityLineItem is failing. Fixed on 11/15
- Address Label changes are causing problems for customers using Data Junction and XML/RPC. Please log a case if this issue is affecting you. These labels will be left with their new values.
- The Web Integration Link URL for the API servers now returns the API pool. For example, this merge field: {!API_Enterprise_Server_URL_25} now returns na1-api.salesforce.com and not na1.salesforce.com. If you have a WIL that needs to return back to the detail page when it's done, you should use the detail page merge field. For example, on Opportunity this would be: {!Opportunity_Link}.
There are also some scontrols that have stopped working because security settings only allows code to talk with the originating server. We are reverting this change, and a short-term fix is to hardcode the originating server url, such as na1.salesforce.com
Patched 11/18
- Calling retrieve when setting the batchSize header and the number of elements retrieved is larger than batchSize is causing unexpected_error faults for some entities. Patched on 11/18. However, there is still an issue if you are selecting a long binary column on an entity such as Attachment or Document. Patch pending
- Retrieve used to always return id. Now it is only returning id if you request it. Short term workaround: adding id to your select list. Patched 11/18
- Querying user on firstName or lastName will not return any rows. Patch release on 11/16 to api servers, on 11/18 to all servers.
- A SOSL call on User that selects division will return an error. Example: FIND {Steve} RETURNING User(Division, Email). Workaround is to not select divison. Patched on 11/18
- New fields: SystemModstamp was added to AssignmentRule, and SortOrder was added to OpportunityLineItem. New fields can appear in older versions of the API.
- The WSDL generation page now respects field level security. Note that you must be an admin to even view this page, so you can always make fields hidden via FLS visibile. No change will be made here
- Dates are now validated such that the year is between 1700 and 4000. This will be rolled back for 4.0 and below, and kept for 5.0. If you are requesting a date field using .NET, and the field is null, .NET turns that into 1/1/1. When sent back up, this is causing problems. This does not seem to be a problem for any other client. Patched on 11/18
Message Edited by benjasik on 11-18-2004 07:45 PM
- benjasik
- November 14, 2004
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sforce 5.0 documentation online
New features will be available this weekend
Message Edited by benjasik on 11-11-2004 09:40 PM
- benjasik
- November 12, 2004
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sforce 5.0 documentation online
The new features will be available this weekend
Message Edited by benjasik on 11-11-2004 09:39 PM
- benjasik
- November 12, 2004
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Sforce 5.0 What's New Tech Note Available
Message Edited by benjasik on 10-27-2004 08:47 AM
- benjasik
- October 27, 2004
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Why is my date/number/boolean being ignored for create and update?
sforce.Account newAcc = new sforce.Account();
newAcc.Name = "Test Account";
newAcc.AnnualRevenue = 10000;
sforce.SaveResult [] sr = svc.create ( new sforce.sObject[] { newAcc } );
Console.WriteLine("new id of account is {0}", sr[0].id); } else {
Console.WriteLine("error creating account {0}", sr[0].errors[0].message);
What's happening is that for field type's that do not support being null in .NET, the generated .NET code includes an additional property that indicates if it should send the value. Unfortuanly even if you explicitly set a value, the property that says to send the value doesn't get set. You need to also set that property as well. These properties have "Specified" appended to the property name they apply to, so the above example should be
sforce.Account newAcc = new sforce.Account();
newAcc.Name = "Test Account";
newAcc.AnnualRevenue = 10000;
newAcc.AnnualRevenueSpecified = true;
sforce.SaveResult [] sr = svc.create ( new sforce.sObject[] { newAcc } );
Console.WriteLine("new id of account is {0}", sr[0].id); } else {
Console.WriteLine("error creating account {0}", sr[0].errors[0].message); }
If you run this revised version, you'll see the AnnualRevenue value in the application. Properties of type DateTime, bool, int and double all have these additional specified flags.
- benjasik
- July 29, 2004
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Setting Timeouts In Soap Clients
The default timeout in Axis 1.1 and later is 60 seconds.
Instructions on how to increase the timeout in Axis are here:
Make sure you set the timeout after the login call.
In Java, the exception for a client timeout usually looks like this:
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out
In .NET, set the client timeout by setting the Timeout property on the generated web service class. The default is 100 seconds. See the below link for more information on setting the timeout in .NET.
The exception for a .NET client timeout usually looks like this:
System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed-out.
Message Edited by benjasik on 07-28-2004 03:20 PM
- benjasik
- July 28, 2004
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API Cursor Storage Optimization
- benjasik
- March 03, 2006
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API Cursor Storage Optimization
- benjasik
- March 03, 2006
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Data Center Move
We don't anticipate anyone will, but we want to make sure everyone knows what's going on.
Salesforce.com will be transferring its service to a new set of IP addresses in conjunction with the launch of our new Mirrorforce data centers. We are moving from an IP address block sub-allocated by one of our ISPs to a new address block allocated directly to salesforce.com by the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN).
Why are We Changing?
Salesforce.com always strives to provide our customers with the best service possible. You may have recently heard about our $50M MirrorForce investment to bring new East Coast and West Coast data centers online with near real-time data replication and failover. Direct IP allocations make that possible. In addition, direct IP allocations provide for:
• ISP Peering: The ability to select diverse peering to avoid congested networks.
• ISP Redundancy: The ability to easily expand beyond two network carriers
• IP Stability: The ability to maintain the same IP addresses with different network carriers.
What you need to do:
If you utilize IP address filters for your integration, or you hardcode the IP address of the Salesforce.com endpoint:
• Unfilter Salesforce.com’s new IP address space
• Remove the hardcoded IP address and utilize DNS to connect to our servers.
If you currently whitelist our current address space, you should not change these settings in order to avoid disrupting your service from our current data center. Please add the new IP addresses to the current IP addresses. If you have not received an email with the new list of IP addresses, please contact support for the list.
If You Have Any Questions…
While logged into salesforce.com, click on the ‘Help and Training’ link. From there you may search for additional information via the online help using the keywords “new IP network” or “mirrorforce”.
If you do not locate the information you are looking for, please contact our support organization by logging a ticket in the Help and Training portal
Message Edited by benjasik on 11-09-2005 08:11 PM
- benjasik
- November 09, 2005
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What's New in the 7.0 API
Let us know if you have questions!
- benjasik
- November 04, 2005
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What's New in the 7.0 API
Let us know if you have any questions!
- benjasik
- November 04, 2005
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Sforce + Google maps
Enjoy, and let us know what ideas you have for integrating Sforce with Google maps!
- benjasik
- June 20, 2005
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What's New In Sforce 6.0
We're looking forward to your feedback!
Message Edited by benjasik on 05-17-2005 10:01 PM
- benjasik
- May 18, 2005
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Password Expired Behavior Changes in Sforce 5.0
In the past, the API has not honored these expirations. With Winter '05 and sforce 5.0, the system will not allow logins with expired passwords. This is important as scripts or other programs that run automatically with an expired password will fail to execute if the password is expired.
If you run into this problem, there are a few options to fix it.
1) Login to the website with the expired password, and change your password. You may then continue to use the application, although you may need to update your integration program.
2) There is a new permission on profiles called "Password never expires". We do not recommend this route except for integration-only users. For those users, we suggest an extra secure password, and customers lock down access to only the IP addresses that need to access the sforce APIs (This can be done on the profile detail screen).
3) Upgrade to the 5.0 API and use the passwordExpired flag on loginResult to automatically reset your password when it's expired (using the setPassword or resetPassword calls)
- benjasik
- November 30, 2004
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Setting Timeouts In Soap Clients
The default timeout in Axis 1.1 and later is 60 seconds.
Instructions on how to increase the timeout in Axis are here:
Make sure you set the timeout after the login call.
In Java, the exception for a client timeout usually looks like this:
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out
In .NET, set the client timeout by setting the Timeout property on the generated web service class. The default is 100 seconds. See the below link for more information on setting the timeout in .NET.
The exception for a .NET client timeout usually looks like this:
System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed-out.
Message Edited by benjasik on 07-28-2004 03:20 PM
- benjasik
- July 28, 2004
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Access to Salesforce by non-Salesforce customers?
Having recently come away very impressed by the Visualforce video, I have a query...
Is there a way to create a Salesforce page that will let the great unwashed mass input/modify data directly in our SFDC database, without needing to be a Salesforce user? (obviously, there will be access restrictions required).
Reason I ask is - so far, pretty much everything I've done works as follows:-
Form page on our server -> database -> PHP script -> SF API -> SF.
Is it possible to simplify this down to:-
Form page on SF site -> SF.
- Mrdini
- October 22, 2007
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Use of the API and Salesforce.com Professional Version
My customers have professional edition and don't want to upgrade to enterprise yet they want to merge functionality with other premise based systems which requires the API.
Is there a way to turn on the API with professional API?
Any work arounds?
- hicama
- October 19, 2007
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SAML and salesforce
I am a question concerning your SAML decision
(ref : http://blog.sforce.com/sforce/2005/07/sforce_single_s.html)
I am full agree with you concerning the SAML issue to implement SAML when you are a SaaS website, but you wrote "Supporting SAML on our website would have been easy. ".
What did you mean with supported SAML would have ben Easy
are you talked about supported SAML document ? accept an SAML RESPONSE assertion only?
How could you easily implemement SAML if you cannot define which Identity provider requested ? Any of your customers will have a specific identity provider/management, and the inital (first) request do not provide you the user, so you cannot find the identity provider....
So how supported SAML in your website would have been easy ?
- ErikGEn
- October 18, 2007
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Where do I send feedback on the books?
- AR
- October 15, 2007
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Test Organization
- effceekay
- October 10, 2007
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create a SOAP message in APex code
I am trying to create a SOAP message in apex code and want to send it to a servlet ( i will process the mesage xml in my servlet ), because i don't have a webservice running on the other end. i have a simple servlet running on other end and i want to send an id of a object in to that servlet. Can anybody give me any idea how to create a mesage and send it. Any idea about apex classes to send the message or any apex api docs.
Thanks in advance.
- Amitp
- October 05, 2007
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SSO - Delegated Authentication
Anyone know the meaning of the login form fields ?
un => is the login yser name
pw => the password
startUrl ==> ???
LogoutUrl ==> where the logout in Salesforce will redirect (?)
ssoStartPage ==> ???
jse ==> ???
rememberUn ==> ????
- ErikGEn
- October 05, 2007
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login to salesforce rather than username/password and sessionID/serverURL
- moeoo
- October 05, 2007
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SOQL "like" query on picklists
It also means the code won't be forward-compatible if we add another Merchant type.
Is there no way to query for all that start with "Merchant", or even INCLUDE "Merchant" would be better than hard-coding all possibilities.
- bdegraf
- October 04, 2007
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URL problem on lead details page
- guddu
- October 01, 2007
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Email from Trigger
Further, is it possible, in general, to access the Apex Web Services API from within a trigger? Maybe I'm just getting my terminology all mixed up, but I'm losing a little of the separation between the Web Services API and the Apex methods to which my trigger has access.
- aezell
- September 28, 2007
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Apex Data Loader Ability
- JymH
- September 25, 2007
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Newbie: Offline app
1.-After developing the app with apex, is it posible to use it in an offline scenario?.
2.-The app used to be in AppExchange directory. Is it possible to deploy the app in my own server? If yes, what are the requisites?
Thanks in advance
- Ibson
- September 24, 2007
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who owns the code we develop?
who owns the code we develop in the force.com platform? if we're using a lot of salesforce.com code and then building our own applications on top of it, do we retain any IP rights to our code or is it considered a derivative work of salesforce.com and owned by them?
these are important issues for us to know if we are going to consider developing on the force.com platform. has anyone else asked this question or know the answer?
thank you,
- kurt.carter
- September 22, 2007
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Delete Parent Child Relationship using Apex Data Loader
- rsk_1980
- September 21, 2007
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Oracle Error in Metadata API
ORA-01403: no data found
ORA-06512: at "SLEEPY.SSHARINGORG", line 1206
ORA-06512: at "SLEEPY.CCUSTOMENTITY", line 347
ORA-06512: at line 1
: {call cCustomEntity.update_detail(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)})}
I started getting this error when I pas more than 2 arguments. In other words, updating two custom objects in the single call works fine. As soon as I add the 3rd I get this error. Let me know if you need more info.
- Maximus
- September 20, 2007
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soql "or" is broken?
Can anybody please explain why "or" dosn't behave as I expect in the following...?
1. Create an opportunity with a name of "Joe Bloggs"
then run this query:
select id, Account.LastName , Name
from Opportunity where Name= 'Joe Bloggs"
you will get one result
then run this query:
select id, Account.LastName , Name
from Opportunity where Name= 'Joe Bloggs'
or Account.Lastname = 'Bloggs'
you will get zero results.
I don't know that this Opportunity is not associated with an Account (which I assume is somehow related to the empty result), but can somebody provide a query that will work whether there is an account or not?
Thanks very much for your help -- this has driven me quite mad!
- kerryland6
- September 13, 2007
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Background on session ids?
I understand how to login with email / password. But I don't know even where to find my session ID.
Can someone point me in the right direction?
- djwonk
- September 13, 2007
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Ajax Proxy https certificate
I want to make a https get call via the ajax proxy.
The result is:
400 Unable to forward request due to: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: No trusted certificate found
When I enter the URL in my browser I get the response without showing any certificate popup.
How can I check if my (root) certificate is supported by salesforce?
- thorsten_d
- September 13, 2007
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Email Sending is not working
singleRequest.htmlBody = strBody;
singleRequest.bccAddresses = user;
singleRequest.subject = "test";
singleRequest.replyTo = user;
var sendMailRes = sforce.connection.sendEmail([singleRequest]);
alert('Email sent to user id: ' + contactEmail);
catch(err) {
- Nila
- September 12, 2007
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