• benjasik
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Hullo all,

Having recently come away very impressed by the Visualforce video, I have a query...

Is there a way to create a Salesforce page that will let the great unwashed mass input/modify data directly in our SFDC database, without needing to be a Salesforce user? (obviously, there will be access restrictions required).

Reason I ask is - so far, pretty much everything I've done works as follows:-
Form page on our server -> database -> PHP script -> SF API -> SF.

Is it possible to simplify this down to:-
Form page on SF site -> SF.

Does anyone know a way around the restriction of Salesforce.com's requirement to use enterprise edition in order to use the API?

My customers have professional edition and don't want to upgrade to enterprise yet they want to merge functionality with other premise based systems which requires the API.

Is there a way to turn on the API with professional API?

Any work arounds?


I am a question concerning your SAML decision

(ref : http://blog.sforce.com/sforce/2005/07/sforce_single_s.html)

I am full agree with you concerning the SAML issue to implement SAML when you are a SaaS website, but you wrote "Supporting SAML on our website would have been easy. ".

What did you mean with supported SAML would have ben Easy
are you talked about supported SAML document ? accept an SAML RESPONSE assertion only?

How could you easily implemement SAML if you cannot define which Identity provider requested ? Any of your customers will have a specific identity provider/management, and the inital (first) request do not provide you the user, so you cannot find the identity provider....

So how supported SAML in your website would have been easy  ?


What is the most effective way to leave feedback regarding incomplete information in Creating On-Demand Applications?
I'm trying to follow the example in the "Creating On-Demand Applications" book, and I'm stuck in Chapt 7 where I'm setting up Security Roles.  The book has me create roles from the CEO on down under the Universal Containers organization.  But my account is pre-configured with a full set of Roles that someone has already setup for my actual company's organization.  I want to complete this test app, but I don't want to mess up my company's production Role setup for our organization.
How have other people gotten around this issue?
Hi all
          I am trying to create a SOAP message in apex code and want to send it to a servlet ( i will process the mesage xml in my servlet ), because i don't have a webservice running on the other end. i have a simple servlet running on other end and i want to send an id of a object in to that servlet. Can anybody give me any idea how to create a mesage and send it. Any idea about apex classes to send the message or any apex api docs.

Thanks in advance.



Anyone know the meaning of the login form fields ?
un => is the login yser name
pw => the password
startUrl ==> ???
LogoutUrl ==> where the logout in Salesforce will redirect (?)
ssoStartPage ==> ???
jse ==> ???
rememberUn ==> ????

Hi All
Is there any way I can login to salesforce not by username/password and sessionID/serverURL?
Can I use organization ID or User ID to login to salesforce account?
I can't find a way to find accounts whose value from a picklist START WITH a particular string. That forces me to check for all the possible values that start with it. E.g. we have Merchant: Active, Merchant: Prospective, Merchant: Committed.

It also means the code won't be forward-compatible if we add another Merchant type.

Is there no way to query for all that start with "Merchant", or even INCLUDE "Merchant" would be better than hard-coding all possibilities.

hello ,
I am facing one problem . I am creating lead through salesforce api through my code . In my code i am assigning   <a target=_blank href="http://www.ebizq.net/news/7612.html">More...</a>
to the description field .But after lead creation when i  ascess the same lead under Lead tab then in description field i get the same : <a target=_blank href="http://www.ebizq.net/news/7612.html">More...</a>
Actually i want More link having hyperlink like More having url to http://www.ebizq.net/news/7612.html .
Can anyone help me in this regard ?  I am using C# for development .
Thanks in advace .
First, is it possible to send an email from a trigger? If so, is there an example or documentation somewhere.

Further, is it possible, in general, to access the Apex Web Services API from within a trigger? Maybe I'm just getting my terminology all mixed up, but I'm losing a little of the separation between the Web Services API and the Apex methods to which my trigger has access.
Is it possible to config and use the data loader in batch mode to both export data from a salesforce db table and then import the data into my sql server db table?

1.-After developing the app with apex, is it posible to use it in an offline scenario?.

2.-The app used to be in AppExchange directory. Is it possible to deploy the app in my own server? If yes, what are the requisites?

Thanks in advance
another newbie question regarding force.com development.

who owns the code we develop in the force.com platform? if we're using a lot of salesforce.com code and then building our own applications on top of it, do we retain any IP rights to our code or is it considered a derivative work of salesforce.com and owned by them?

these are important issues for us to know if we are going to consider developing on the force.com platform. has anyone else asked this question or know the answer?

thank you,

Beginning Winter '07, we can create Parent Child Relationships
while loading data using the Apex Data Loader.
For example:
I have the Account object with External ID = ERP_Id__c
In my org, one Account can be the Parent of the other.
Using the Data Loader, I am able to tie one account to the other
by defining the Parent field of the account being upserted
as a lookup (using the External ID) against all the available accounts.
The sdl entry for this is shown below
(left side = Input file header, right side = SFDC field):
This works perfect when
- an exact match is found
- when an exact match is not found
However, when one account gets disconnected from its parent in the source ERP system,
I am sending an empty string for Parent_ID.
But the parent child relationship does not get deleted.
Does anybody have any ideas on how I can delete the Parent-Child relationship
using the data loader configuration and/or the input file data?
PS: I have already tried the input data = single space for the Parent_ID field.
I am using the Metadata API and I am getting the following error message on update call with CustomObject arguments:

ORA-01403: no data found
ORA-06512: at "SLEEPY.SSHARINGORG", line 1206
ORA-06512: at "SLEEPY.CCUSTOMENTITY", line 347
ORA-06512: at line 1
: {call cCustomEntity.update_detail(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)})}

I started getting this error when I pas more than 2 arguments. In other words, updating two custom objects in the single call works fine. As soon as I add the 3rd I get this error. Let me know if you need more info.

Hi Folks,

Can anybody please explain why "or" dosn't behave as I expect in the following...?

1. Create an opportunity with a name of "Joe Bloggs"

then run this query:

select id, Account.LastName , Name
  from Opportunity where Name=  'Joe Bloggs"

you will get one result

then run this query:

select id, Account.LastName , Name
  from Opportunity where Name=  'Joe Bloggs'
or Account.Lastname = 'Bloggs'

you will get zero results.

I don't know that this Opportunity is not associated with an Account (which I assume is somehow related to the empty result), but can somebody provide a query that will work whether there is an account or not?

Thanks very much for your help -- this has driven me quite mad!

I've seen the activesalesforce (a way for Ruby code to interface easily with salesforce) forums mention that authentication is possible through SID (session id).

I understand how to login with email / password. But I don't know even where to find my session ID.

Can someone point me in the right direction?


I want to make a https get call via the ajax proxy.
The result is:
400 Unable to forward request due to: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: No trusted certificate found
When I enter the URL in my browser I get the response without showing any certificate popup.
How can I check if my (root) certificate is supported by salesforce?

Hi There,
I have custom s-control to send email to User . Before it was working suddenly it stops working I can not see anything wrong . Any idea? Do I need to change any setting in salesfoece?
Code looks like
var singleRequest= new sforce.SingleEmailMessage();
singleRequest.toAddresses =contactEmail;
singleRequest.htmlBody = strBody;
singleRequest.bccAddresses = user;
singleRequest.subject = "test";
singleRequest.replyTo = user;
var sendMailRes = sforce.connection.sendEmail([singleRequest]);
alert('Email sent to user id: ' + contactEmail);
catch(err) {