• mwilkes
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My application is hosted outside of Salesforce and uses the API to keep data in sync.  This obvisouly requires a SF user account to be used to create and update objects in SF.  Does this user account need to be an Administrator account, or could it just be any SF user that is using a profile that has been granted the necessary rights (Modify All Data?)?  This user needs to be able to access picklist values, create companies, company contacts, users, etc.

I'm using the web links for some integration with the professional version. One of the problems I have is passing potential company names with control characters in the name as that breaks the web link.

Is there any way to escape the actual results being added to a weblink if the data being returned contains a control character such as an ampersand (&

an example:

A company name is sent in a web link as: Shell Oil & Gas  instead of Shell%20Oil%20%26%20Gas

due to the fact that I have to integrate the Professional version, I am limited to not using the API which means I have to do some sort of integration with the web links and I can make this work except for when these values contain a control character such as this.

Seems like a no brainer that the escape be applied by SalesForce if the value is being used in a weblink, but who knows. Any help would be appreciated.



Message Edited by mwilkes on 08-24-2004 10:09 AM


Does Salesforce allow writing javascripts or creating buttons/links to grab information and populate an external application?

For instance if a user wanted to pick out a certain account from a search results list and gather the data to populate an external application, can we create a link or button to enable that action?

Also are we allowed to write simple javascript to handle links created on ur site? Are we allowed to set cookies?



Hi all,

I have an issue with using the custom tab in SFDC. I am trying to create a single sign on using the tab/iframe function. I have successfully been able to open my web application with the tab but the problem is that the application requires session variables and the salesforce tab uses an ifram, which does not establish a session variable.

Anybody have any words of wisdom for me to get me out of this problem? The application work perfectly if I have already established a session, but if this is a first time connection then it will not run. The application environment is IIS5/Windows2000/ASP application...

Any help would be appreciated.