• Jesip
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With the Winter 07 release, we are taking advantage of making some of our custom objects private.  I am trying to track down the object that manages the security for these custom objects.  This would be the equivalent to AccountShare, OpportunityShare, CaseShare, etc.  Is there an sObjectShare?  We need to identify this for some of our custom applications.
Thank you!!
Is it possible to use sforceClient.Login within an sControl rather than sforce.init?  I would like to allow my sControl to login as an adminstrative user as a security work-around, but I keep getting errors when calling the Login method.
One small question.... If I need to schedule more than one operation (ex: one inserts, one updates and one deletes), do I need to write three differentes config files and put them in separated places ? (could it be in the same place, with differentes names?) or do I write all the operation secuencially in the same file ?

As always thanks for your support.


I am getting an error creating the new Opportunity with the AJAX toolkit.

I have read through this message board and found that the object parameter must be in the form of an array, but I still get the following messge when I interogate the SoapFault object (toString):

"faultstring: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException:  The reference to entity "D" must end with the ";" dilimeter.  faultcode: soapenv:Server"

Can someone help me how I can troubleshoot this??

Here is my create script:

var Opp = new DynaBean("Opportunity")

//A series of set statements

var saveResult = sforceClient.Create([Opp]);

if (saveResult.getClassName() == "SoapFault") {


} else {

     alert("It worked!");



For example,

I have 2 *.csv files: myaccounts.csv, myopportunities.csv with
the data of my old system and without ids,
the way I associated opportunities with accounts was with a field called "account name" in the "myopportunities.csv" file.

Now, i don´t know how to insert this information in salesforce.com with sfoce data loader automatically.

I think the first step i need to do is to insert the "myaccounts.csv" file, but i don´t know which must be the next step ... ( how to insert the opportunities "myopportunities.csv" and associate with accounts in salesforce.com automaticaly )

Thanks a lot.


I have been using the sForce Provider for .NET for several integrations with great success.  Kudos to the developers who did a fantastic job.

I am having a problem with one particular integration in which I want to pass the session id passed from SFDC and reuse it to create a connection within my asp page.  When I do this using the sForce api, it is as simple as setting the sessionheadervalue of the sForceService equal to the SessionID.  Can anyone tell me how I can do the same thing with the provider?

(The reason I need to do this rather than hard-coding a user and password is that the ASPX page is going to create objects within SFDC that I would like the user to own)


Hi all,

I'm new to SalesForce.  I have been messing around with the API the last few days.  I have managed to write code to insert a new contact and account.  I also played around with querying data in accounts.  But I am stumped on something.  We have created several user-defined fields in accounts.  By reading thru various posts I see that you must append __C at the end of custom fields.  So here is my SQL statement:


qra = binding.query("select Name, Site, Id, Bed_Count__c from Account")  Bed_Count is the user defined field.  I would like to display this field.  How do I do this?


