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Is there a way to back out the data I imported into Salesforce?
First – thank you for your time in reading and replying to this message!  I appreciate it very much…
I am a new Sales Force user and am using your Excel Connector to import my Opportunities into Sales Force.
I grab all of our company data out of our software program and format it in Excel, then import it in using the Sales Force Wizard and he Excel Connector.  I’m running into TWO issues that are slowing the process down and wondered if you knew a solution to them:
1. When I import my Opportunities with Excel Connector.  I’d like to be able to use the “Account Name” instead of the “Account ID” but that doesn’t seem to be an option.  I already have my unique Account Name created in Sales Force and in my Excel Opportunities spreadsheet, but the Connector doesn’t give me the option to upload via Account Name.  Instead I need to look up the “Account ID” for each of the Opportunities and then it will work.  I’m importing a couple hundred records every couple weeks, so looking up that Account ID for each line slows me down considerably.  Any solution to this?
2. And my other problem is once I do get my Opportunities uploaded to Sales Force I would like them to automatically tie into my Contact.  Example: Contact has an Account Name of A009.  Opportunity has an Account Name of A009, but they will not connect until I manually go in and update the “Contact Roles” tab.  Again, very time consuming and I’m hoping there is a way to automate this.
Any thoughts or suggestions on these two issues are GREATLY appreciated.

Thanks again
Hi All,

I am not very good at Excel. Please help me with this.

Can I pull contact records from SFDC, using XL connector based on a column which I already have in my Excel?


Is there a limit on the number of contacts an account can have?
I am running 6.16pe. In Excel my date is showing in format dd/mm/yyyy however when I upload to S.F. it changes to mm/dd/yyyy. Am I doing something wrong?
I am testing out the data loader and am having a problem. I am trying to load a campaign record and though it tells me the load was successful I can not see the campaign record through the UI. What methods are there to see if it was actually inserted or to figure out what the issue is? thanks!

I can’t update records owned by deactivated SF account.
What is the best practice to deal with records owned by deactivated SF account? Just transfer them?

Thank you
When I create a custom field, I don't see an option to make it 'required'. Is it possible to make a custom field required field? If so, how?

I noticed on the address fields both country/state data are text fields - this applies to lead/account and contact objects. This is concerning given the various permuations a user could enter in when filling out this information.

In an effort to ensure some level of data accuracy I've had to add custom fields for country and states as pick list.

Of course what ultimately ends up happening is a new custom address record is developed: address 1, address 2, state, country, zip code, etc.

Have others taken a simliar approach or just decided to do periodic periodic data cleanup. Any danger with creating my own custom address record.


I don't understand the process to Close and Win a sale.  When a salesperson "closes" a deal, how is a sales order created and how is the prospect or lead converted to a Customer?
I've gone through the tool and documentation and find it surprising of the lack of information about closing and orders, isn't that the point of Sales?
Anyway, I'm looking to integrate our software with salesforce, but only after a sales lead becomes a customer and also to move a sales order details. 

Trying something that sounds simple but has been a headache so far... be gentle, I'm new at this.
All we want is a small form that sends info as a lead to salesforce - this form has a hidden Campaign_ID field.
First of all, when you generate the web-to-lead code it gives you the Campaign_ID and not the Campaign field as the one you should be sending to salesforce. We found out from salesforce that you actually have to use the "name" and not the "ID".
Everything works fine except for the auto-response rule that looks for the Campaign field to then send out an email with an attachment. We've tried "Campaign_ID", "Campaign" (name), with parenthesis, without parenthesis, and many other options - it just doesn't want to work.
Any suggestions? Anybody out there been able to do this? We've called salesforce and they've "escalated" the issue... just trying to get a faster answer to this...
Any help would be appreciated.
Forgive me if this has been asked before -- I searched, but failed to find answers in the archives.

I am evaluating salesforce.com for my employer, and am trying to do a test upload of my company's data, using the SForce Dataloader.

Creating the CSV files that conform to the salesforce.com data model is straightforward: we have tables corresponding to Accounts, Contacts, etc in our legacy system.

The problem I have is foreign key joins.

For example, I would like to create and import two CSV files, one containing Accounts and one containing Contacts. The Contact record requires a reference to the salesforce ID of the corresponding Account, but I don't have that: I haven't created the Account yet.

I can do a multi-pass import (import Accounts first, and then use the IDs created to create the Contact CSV), but I'd rather not -- how is this intended to work? I think I must be missing something.

Any help would be deeply appreciated!

-Shawn Vincent.

Is there a way to do a mass update of opportunity stages? I have over 150 opportunities (for different accounts) that need to be closed. These are left-overs from when we started using saleforce and no one could remember to close the opportunities.

I looked at the appexchange and there is an app for mass updating opportunity close dates, but not stage.

I don't see where I can customize the event invitation email?
It is not listed in any of my "Communication Templates".

Am I missing something?
We are a new salesforce customer, and I'm currently working the the sforce data loader to import data from our current CRM system into salesforce. I'm having an issue with importing activities: large numbers of old, completed activities are assigned to employees that no longer work at our company. It's important that I preserve this historical information on who these activities were assigned to, but since the old employees won't have logins or ownerids in salesforce, I can't import directly to the ownerid field in the task object.

I'm sure I'm not the first person to need to import "legacy" activity data like this - does anyone have a suggestion for how I tackle this problem?

I'm using the asset object to store information on the purchase of our company's book & video products. Using the sforce data loader, I successfully imported data to the assett object yesterday, with the exeption of a particular group of records: assets that are linked to contact records that are not also linked to account records. For these records, the data loader returned the error:

"Cannot parent an asset to an unparented contact"

We sell a lot of products to individuals (i.e. contacts) that are not necessarily linked to an account. Is there any way I can get around this requirement, and store asset data for these customers?
Here's a question that's come up for me in conjuction with the sforce data loader: does salesforce require that the field delimiter for a csv file be a comma and a double quote? (",")

I am attempting to import data into the comments (a long text field) in the tasks object. A lot of the data that I'm trying to import into this field has quotation marks in it as part of the data, which is causing it to fail. I could work around this if I could use a different field delimeter that I know doesn't exist in the data, in addition to the comma. For instance, I maybe I could use a ^, so ^,^ would be the delimiter?

Much thanks for any advice.