• Paul.Fox
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Our opportunity partners have commissions associated with opportunities. We have created a new object called Commissions which is tied to opportunities and accounts. To create commissions the sales person clicks “add new commission” from the opportunity page and fills out a simple form below.


Opportunity Name (Auto populates)                      

Partner Lookup (A lookup to choose partner "account" that will get commission)

Commissions (Yes/No)

Amount (Currency)                         

Product (Multi Select)


We’d like to have a visual force page that pulls in all associated opportunity partners with a separate commission section for each. Currently we’re asking sales to reselect the partner when adding commission which isn’t very elegant. Can you please offer any ideas or examples of how we might improve our process?


I would greatly appreciate any ideas or help.


Thank you!



I have a LARGE VF page on Quote with multiple sections.  One of the sections (near the bottom 2/3rds of the page) renders approvals in an object.  Each approval record has a series of buttons (approve, reject, etc.).  When users click on one of these buttons, they are directed to another form to fill out the necessary information and, when complete, they return to the quote thorugh a PageReference in an Apex class.  The issue is, when returning to the quote, it automatically returns to the TOP of the quote page.  Is there a way to make them return to the approvals section of the Quote VF page when they are being directed to the QUOTE page from the Apex Class?  Any help on how to do it?

I need help figuring out why this isn't working on my VF page.  I have a section on my page set up like this:

<apex:commandButton style="width 50px;" value="Search" action="{!batchDetail}" status="status"/>
              <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!listResult == FOUND}">
              <apex:pageBlock >
              <apex:pageBlockSection title="Batch Information" id="resultsBlock" columns="1">
              <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!batchDetails}" var="item" rendered="{!NOT(ISNULL(batchDetails))}">
              <apex:column style="text-align:center;" value="{!item.Name}" headerValue="Batch #" width="95"/>
              <apex:column style="text-align:center;" value="{!item.Total_Contracts__c}" headerValue="Contract Holders" width="105"/>
              <apex:column style="text-align:center;" value="{!item.Product_Group__c}" headerValue="Policy Type" width="85"/>
              <apex:column style="text-align:center;" value="{!item.Form_Number__c}" headerValue="Form" width="95"/>
              <apex:column style="text-align:center;" value="{!item.Cancellable__c}" headerValue="Cancellable" width="95"/>
              <apex:column style="text-align:center;" value="{!item.Cancellation_Fee__c}" headerValue="Cancel Fee" width="95"/>
              <apex:column style="text-align:center;" value="{!item.Received_Date__c}" headerValue="Received Date" width="95"/>

 and it's governed by my controller here:

public PageReference batchDetail(){
          String qry = 'SELECT Name, Dealer__r.name, Received_Date__c, Product_Group__r.name, Total_Contracts__c FROM MG_Batch__c WHERE Name =:batchSearch AND Agent__c =:account LIMIT 1';
          batchDetails = Database.query(qry);
          if((batchDetails != null)){
          listResult = FOUND;
          return null;
              listResult = NONE;
              ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, 'No Batches found which match that information, please try again.'));
              return null;

 However, regardless of the outcome of the search an empty table is rendering with no error message or found records based on which statements are evaluating to be true and I would appreciate any help on pointing out where the error lies because I'm failing to see at the moment why this is not working when I have other similar sections which are.


i have custom object A.B AND C Object have Lookup relationship with A OBJECT.In A object Have custom field name: delevery template (its a rich text).it is work as a EMAILTEMPLATE....
My task is whenever create a new record under A Object -when select 'B'&'c' custom  field...custom field name: delevery template (its a rich text) section automatically send email to 'B' object emailfield.
here i am use delevery template (its a rich text) section like a plaintext for email..how to automatically send email whenever create a new record under A Object -when select 'B'&'c' custom  field Using apex trigger..
please give your knowledge.

Hey there,


I am not even sure this is possible, but I need some advice. Basically, I have a tabbed VF page for my account and all of its related lists and child objects have their own tab. These tabs are lists of all the records associated with that account and should the user click on one of the links, the bottom half of that tab will re-render with the information. Essentially, it is all the information on one page.


This all works perfectly, except what i need to do is to make it so that should the user wish to create a new record, upon saving they will be re-directed to the tab of the object they had jsut created the record in. I have searched and searched and searched for a solution, many people have theories on how to do this...maybe some people have even done this (by searching for a reference for each tab or naming each tab in the code), however it is a bit beyond my coding skill.


My question is...Would it be possible to have a link which will re-render the bottom half of the tab..into a create new record VF page...which upon saving will once again re-render to the record... What are your thoughts people?



How do I rerender a component on the page after someone inline edits a detail section?


According to the docs I thought I could just specify an id in the rerender attribute of apex:detail


So in this page:

<apex:page standardcontroller="Account" extensions="AccountDetailController" tabStyle="Account" id="AccountPage">
	<apex:detail id="detail" relatedListHover="false" inlineedit="true" rerender="relatedlists"/>
    <c:PageBlockTableEnhancer targetPbTableIds="contracts" paginate="true" defaultPageSize="10" pageSizeOptions="10,20,50"/>
    <!-- Outputpanel for rerender (for inline editing) -->
    <apex:outputpanel id="relatedlists">

I thought the Account.Name would update if someone inline edited it in the detail section above. But it doesn't seem to work that way. Can't really tell what the rerender attribute does.


Anybody know another way to refresh the outputpanel after inline editing is finished?