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The following query gets a parent object's name

"Select  s.TUser__c, TUser__r.Name From TUser_Security__c s"

In Java, using the Partner WSDL,

get_any()[0].getValue() gives me the first column value

get_any()[1].getValue() returns null, so I'm obviously doing something wrong.

I can see that get_any()[1].getName() gives me the relationship name.

Please could someone point me in the direction of the way I get the value - the examples in the docs don't have parents.



I would like to retrieve a list of our email templates and the html and text version of the template. Is there something similar like the url to retrieve all reports http://www.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.ReportList ?

Is there a better solution than to extract the templates from the html pages?

Hope some one has some experience on this and is kind enough to help me.

Thanks in advance.
Role to develop, manage, and drive the Saleforce.com system to support the Sales, Marketing and support functions within the business. 
This is a business driven role which will manage and exploit SFDC across the business.  Own, evolve and maximise the architechture of SFDC and to ensure the company realises the best value from their investment. 
It's an easy fix, but I'm wondering if something changed with beta 3.3 to cause this or what... I wasn't having this problem on Friday.

Has anything changed in the last day that would mean that a "get" from a Sforce.QueryResults.records[] element would be returning an empty string rather than null ?
Anybody using excel connector for opportunity uploads?
Hi, Im a newbie to Salesforce, and I need to build a simple SControl rather quickly.
I am able to use merge fields to reference the data from the object (say, Opportunity) and display a form in the SControl. Is there a way I can post back data from SControl to the parent object - that is, I want to save certain changes made by the user in the SControl into the opportunity fields. Is this possible?
If so, how can I point the SControl form submit action to the Opportunity tab? The {!Scontrol_URL} takes me to the same page again. Also, I tried using some server-side (ASP) script in the SControl, and it does not seem to work. Can someone point me to a right direction? Thanks.
I understand there is a rule that you cannot establish a relationship between two standard objects (lookup or master-detail). Is there a way to get around this rule? The use case would be:

When a customer calls in for support a technical support engineer will check if the customer has a valid service contract. The support engineer will do a lookup against the account and attached the contract to the case.

I am looking at updating to.from an oracle database.  We are looking to update the accounts/opportunity/contacts table from salesforce to an oracle database and also from oracle to salesforce.
Is this possible and how do I go about starting to achieve this?  Any help is appreciated.
Probably a stupid question, but I cannot figure this out.

I have a custom object that we will called "Main information".  This has simple info.  Then I have another custom object that we will name "Distribution List".  What I am looking to do is have multiple "Distribution Lists" tied to one or more "Main Information" records.

"Main Information" name = Test 1234
"Distribution List" name = List 1
"Distribution List" name = List 2
"Distribution List" name = List 3

List 1, 2, and 3 all tie (join) to Test 1234.

Then I add a "Main Information" name = New 1234, and want to tie Distribution List 1 and 2 to this new "Main Information" record.

Something like this...
                                     Custom Object 2           
Custom Object 1  -     Custom Object 2
                                     Custom Object 2
Custom Object 1    -   Custom Object 2

Possible?  All I am able to get is one lookup field at the "Disribution List" level, so I can only associate the Distribution List with one "Main Information" record.


Message Edited by Bill_G on 03-06-2006 03:17 PM

Does anyone have an example of creating a record (either task or custom object) using the API called from an S-Control using Javascript?

I've been able to create a query, but cannot figure out the syntax for creating a new record.  Using an S-control to interact with a 3rd party fulfillment center, but need to track shipping details (passed back to s-control) within SFDC.

I've found a VB example, and examples of doing other stuff with the API, but there's no good documentation or examples I can find for creating a new record.

I've been playing around the SalesForce dependent picklist functionality. It's pretty cool stuff. Can I minic this using the Ajax toolkit?


i was using ajax toolkit beta 1 and there DynaBean was working properly but with beta 3.3 i get a error DynaBean is undefined moreover i was using qr.records[i].name qr.records[i].id where qr is query result but with beta 3.3 it does not works is there any documentation for changes done if yes please tell

Thanks and Regards

I remember hearing several tips given at last week's developer presentation by DaveC (DevAngel) on developing with salesforce.  One thing that was especially important was to try and not used customized standard objects since these could not be deployed on the AppExchange.  Why is this again?  I understand that because they are standard objects, others can customize them as well, but if your code checks for the prescence of your own custom fields and behaves accordingly, why should this make a difference?
Secondly, it was mentioned that you should "avoid using record types".  I can't remember the reason for this, but was wondering if you could provide more insight on why this is suggested... thanks

Is there a document or whatever that explains the features / functions / limitations of the soon to be rolled out Appexchange ?

I'd like to know:

  • How partner applications are generally deployed in Appexchange (an overview of the SFDC internal process -- not any of the marketeering crap about how great it's going to be but the real meat of what a deployed application looks like from the programmer / developer's perspective).
  • How are custom objects deployed into a client's SFA when they deploy a partner app ?
  • Exactly which custom objects (objects, tabs, web-tabs, S-Controls) are / are NOT deployed
  • Do custom fields on standard SFObjects (i.e: Opportunity) get deployed when a client deploys a partner app into their SFA ?
  • Do custom objects and custom fields retain the object name assigned in SForce when the object was created ? If "yes" -- how shouild one go about resolving conflicts in custom object / field names across partners ? In other words: What happens if ABC Company deploys an Appexchange app with custom field or object names that conflict with DEF Company's app and the client want to deploy BOTH ABC's and DEF's applications ?
  • Do custom objects, tabs, etc., retain the same "ID" or do they get a new client-specific id in the client SFA when deployed via Appexchange ?
  • Are there any operations / calls currently in the API which are NOT allowed from an Appexchange  deployed app ?
  • Conversely: Are there any operations / calls specific to Appexchange deplayed apps that do NOT appear in the API ?

It would be really useful and helpful for SForce / Appexchange developers if there were a single-source for this kind of information....

