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I'm trying to generate an Apex class from the WSDL file from Amazon AWS's SimpleDB web service:


The file parses fine, but then when I try to generate the Apex class I get this error message:

Apex generation failed.

Error message:

Error: Unable to find name for element in :ListDomainsResponse_element

Anyone know how to deal with this, or seen this before with other WSDL files?

I'm guessing it's a problem with the Apex generator, not the WSDL, because I don't see anything out of the ordinary in the WSDL.

I think I may be able to get around using SOAP since they offer HTTP REST services also, but it seems like the SOAP interface would be a better way to use the service.

thanks, -paul

Message Edited by ptepper on 06-23-2008 01:19 PM

Message Edited by ptepper on 06-23-2008 01:20 PM
My organization is using the Force.com platform for an application. I am trying to implement the Single sign on in Salesforce.com.
I got the SSO enabled from SalesForce.com. Then I set up a web service for delegated authentication as per the WSDL released by Salesforce.com.
I turned on "Single sign-on" feature for my user profiles. I developed an ASP.NET web page that submits a POST request to

https://www.salesforce.com/login.jsp as given in the sample code by SalesForce.com. Heres the code:

<body onload="document.loginForm.submit();">

<form action="https://www.salesforce.com/login.jsp" method="POST" id="login" name="login">

<input type="hidden" name="un" runat="server" id="username"/>

<input type="hidden" name="pw" runat="server" id="token"/>

<input type="hidden" name="startURL" runat="server" id="startURL"/>

<input type="hidden" name="logoutURL" runat="server" id="logoutURL"/>

<input type="hidden" name="ssoStartPage" runat="server" id="ssoStartPage"/>

<input type="hidden" name="jse" value="0" id="jse"/>

<input type="hidden" name="rememberUn" value="1"/>

<script language="Javascript1.2" type="text/javascript">

document.getElementById("jse").value = 1;




The problem is that the login does not happen. I get the login page again after the post request, populated with the username. However, when I enter the password, I am able to login successfully.

Can somone help me please? We are applying for the enterprise edition, and without this, we can't be sure.

Thanks in advance,

Jyoti Khetan

Is it possible to create a single, generic OM listener that is not early bound to any particular sObject type?
Looking to just grab sessionId and objectType from notification and query all available fields via Partner API.
Hi All
Just wanted to share.
function sendMail(messageBody,emailTo) { //var message = new SingleEmailMessage[1]; var messages=new Array(); var message = new sforce.SingleEmailMessage(); message.set("subject","Appointment Reassigned"); message.set("useSignature",true); message.set("htmlBody",messageBody); var toAddresses = new Array(); toAddresses.push(emailTo); message.set("toAddresses",toAddresses); messages.push(message); result = sforce.connection.sendEmail(messages); }
I need to automatically send a mass email each day to anyone who became a contact 7 days prior. I can do this manually by using "Mass Email Contacts" and creating a view that shows only contacts with a Created Date of 7 days ago, but I need to do it automatically, every day, for each user's contacts.

So far, the best way I've come up with is to have our server access the API, query for contacts created x days ago, send mass email (in batches of 10 emails), then login as the next user, and repeat.

This seems really inefficient -- but I'm very new to Salesforce, so I'm hoping there's an easier way that I don't know about.

Has anybody solved this problem already?

I am trying to isolate the time part of the Event Date Time Field (evt13). 
<script language="JavaScript">
function redirect() {

I would like evt13 to be the time of the previous event (I am creating a custom Clone Event button).  Any help is greatly appreciated.
I have been researching this problem for days.  I previously posted a question the outbound messaging thread but it didn't register as a "new" post and I haven't heard anything on it.
I need to deploy multiple outbound listeners.  How can I have say, an opportunity listener and an account listener running at the same time.  Must I modify both the URL and the wsdl2java -p naming so as to get different packages.  Must I also modify the service name?
How can this be done.