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As soon as we try to view a managed package by selecting its name in the list of packages we are gettting an internal server error.

Error ID: 985527738-145562 (1773998380)

Can anyone from Salesforce.com shed some light on this. Not being able to access this page means we can do push upgrades, create patch orgs, and more. Sort of a big show stopper for an ISV. 


Because of SSLv3 Poodle vulnerability, we have turned off SSLv3 support on our web server. This in term is causing Salesforce outbound messaging to fail.

Is there a work around with this from Salesforce end?

The outbound messaging processing issue was resolved once we turn SSLv3 back on our web server.

Ted Tsung
We have a managed packaged that has an install script. Sometime within the last week queries agains the AsyncApexJob inside the install script started throwing the following error:

sObject type 'AsyncApexJob' is not supported.

I guarantee this used to work. Anyone from salesforce know of a change that could have broken this?

Today we’re excited to announce the new Salesforce Developers Discussion Forums. We’ve listened to your feedback on how we can improve the forums.  With Chatter Answers, built on the Salesforce1 Platform, we were able to implement an entirely new experience, integrated with the rest of the Salesforce Developers site.  By the way, it’s also mobile-friendly.

We’ve migrated all the existing data, including user accounts. You can use the same Salesforce account you’ve always used to login right away.  You’ll also have a great new user profile page that will highlight your community activity.  Kudos have been replaced by “liking” a post instead and you’ll now be able to filter solved vs unsolved posts.

This is, of course, only the beginning  and because it’s built on the Salesforce1 Platform, we’re going to be able to bring you more features faster than ever before.  Be sure to share any feedback, ideas, or questions you have on this forum post.

Hats off to our development team who has been working tirelessly over the past few months to bring this new experience to our community. And thanks to each of you for helping to build one of the most vibrant and collaborative developer communities ever.

I hate to double post but I think I've found a gap in salesforce.com functionality to build scalable URL Buttons that can be packaged across all Editions.


Here is the thread in question, http://boards.developerforce.com/t5/Visualforce-Development/Communties-Sites-make-it-URL-buttons-not-work/td-p/697949 , and any insight you may have into this would be appreciated.




It would appear if a customer is using Communities or force.com sites there is no way to build scalable custom object URL buttons that work everywhere.


Let's say on the Account object you have a custom URL button that opens a Visualforce page with the following text:



In this example we can't make the Content Source of the button Visualforce as this findNearby.page does not use a standard controller or extension.


For a normal user inside salesforce.com this works fine but let's say an org has a Community named 'customers'. This is were things start to break. That link should then redirect to:




So you might be thinking, no problem, just use the $Site global variable and do the following in the URL button:



This would normally work but here is the final caveat...this is part of a managed packaged that needs to support Group and Professional editions and in these editions the $Site var does not exists.


Unless I am missing something this seems to be a gap in functionality for creating URL button links with Communities.


Is there anyway, within a button to detect the correct url or salesforce version and build the appropriate URL?




We are buiding a system that will automatically provision License Seats when a customer purchases our product from our custom store front. All of this logic is in Apex and we are trying to write tests to ensure this works correclty but it seems this may not be possible.


In its simplest form the test would pefrom the following:

- Create a License

- Update the Seats__c field on the license

- Assert Seat__c field was updated correctly


Seem simple but it doesn not appear to work as this is the error received when trying to accomplish this: 

Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id a07e0000000ySK2AAM; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, Argument 1 cannot be null: []


Below is the code to reproduce:


//Create account license can be attached to
Account acct = new Account(Name = 'test');
insert acct;

//Create package
sfLma__Package__c pack = new sfLma__Package__c(
	Name = 'test',
	sfLma__Developer_Name__c = 'test',
	sfLma__Developer_Org_ID__c = 'abc',
	sfLma__Latest_Version__c = '3',
	sfLma__Lead_Manager__c = UserInfo.getUserId(),
	sfLma__Package_ID__c = '3',
	sfLma__Release_Date__c = system.today().addDays(-30)
insert pack;

//Create a package version
sfLma__Package_Version__c packVersion = new sfLma__Package_Version__c(
	Name = 'test',
	sfLma__Package__c = pack.id,
	sfLma__Is_Beta__c = false,
	sfLma__Release_Date__c = system.today(),
	sfLma__Sequence__c = 1,
	sfLma__Version__c = '3',
	sfLma__Version_ID__c = '3'
insert packVersion;

//Ceate a license record
Id recordTypeId = [select Id from RecordType where Name = 'Active' and SobjectType = 'sfLma__License__c'].Id;
sfLma__License__c lic = new sfLma__License__c(
    RecordTypeId = recordTypeId,
    sfLma__Status__c = 'Active',
    sfLma__Seats__c = 1,
    sfLma__License_Type__c = 'Editable',
    sfLma__Account__c = acct.Id,
    sfLma__Expiration__c = system.today().addDays(365),
    sfLma__Install_Date__c = system.today(),
    sfLma__Package_Version__c = packVersion.Id
insert lic;

//Update the Seats field on the license
lic.sfLma__Seats__c = 5;

update lic;


Any ideas?




I'm writing some tests that insert and update an LMA license record but my updates are failing with the following error:


Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id a07e0000000ySK2AAM; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, Argument 1 cannot be null: []


Below is the code to reproduce:


sfLma__License__c lic = new sfLma__License__c(
sfLma__Status__c = 'Active',
sfLma__Seats__c = 0
); insert lic; lic.sfLma__Seats__c = 5; update lic;


This looks to be coming from inside the LMA app and I am probaby not setting the the correct "required" fields on the License record. Anyone know what the minimun required fields are to peform an update DML on the License record?

It would appear there is a bug with the Winter 14 release and visualforce pageBlockSectionItem. Below is the markup to reproduce:



		<apex:pageBlockSection >
				<apex:outputPanel >
					Choose whether to define the fields for this Map Object or whether to refer to another object 
					already configured. (e.g. for Opportunities, you may want to refer to the Account object). Referring to 
					another object means this object need not be geocoded and will use the referring object's information.
				<apex:outputPanel >

In Summer 13 it looked like this, correct:



In Winter 14 it looks like this:

We are seeing this issue in our managed packaged in Sandboxes that have been updated to Winter 14.


"The configuration of your org has changed, please reload the page. Missing dependent object: Field: Account.SicDesc"
We are catching this error and displaying the message but we are having a very hard time locating the source as even the Debug logs are not showing any exception occuring, caught or not.
Any ideas?



We are using JS remoting. Found this interesting race condition:

  1. JS Remoting AJAX request made by user.
  2. Before it completes the user moves to another page
  3. When user moves browser to another page the js remoting ajax request is aborted.
  4. The abort invokes the error handler and we have a generic error handler which pops up a dialog showing exception info.
  5. In some cases, the dialog will flash up for a second because the page navigation away hasn't completed.

This looks ugly and we would prefer if the error handler knew there was a page unload happening and not show the error dialog if this was happening.

So, I tried adding a page unload listener and setting a flag in that which can be subsequently checked.

jQuery(window).unload(function() {
    unloadhappening = true;

This approach will work in most ajax designs but won't with JS remoting. JS remoting, calls the error handler before the unload event. Not sure why?

I tried the earlier beforeunload event:

jQuery(window).on('beforeunload', function() {
    unloadhappening = true;
    return '';  

This won't work because this event just shows up another dialog.

So I tried to add a listener to all anchor tags that have a http(s) hyperlink

jQuery('a[href^=http]').click( function() {
    unloadhappening = true; 

This won't work for relative URLs.

So I tried to adding a listener to all anchor tags that have a href

jQuery('a[href]').click( function() {
    unloadhappening = true; 

This will filter out components that won't work because it won't filter out components that don't trigger a page unload such as:

   <a href="#adviceTab">Advice</a>

So before I go and write a selector to filter out anything with a fragment identifier, there are also some anchors that are coming form JQuery UI that do:

   <a href="javascript&colon;%20void%280%29%3B" class="calToday"    onclick="DatePicker.datePicker.selectDate('today');return false;">Today</a>

I am starting to think this is a more of a hack that will never work as opposed to a solution. Do you have a good idea for this problem?

The only idea I can think of is to check the exception, error, event info returned by JS remoting for an aborted request. I see: Strings:

Unable to connect with Server 


Communication Failure

But they might be also used in another error that has nothing to do with a page unload. So wondering has anyone else seen this and if so what is your solution?

Note I have to use JS Remoting. Using forceTK etc is not an option.


Hi. I am in the process of providing some automation for my sales teams LMO. My code is trying to set the status of a license to Active and this is failing with a validation error. The code is running in a test org. The licence, package version, and package have been created in a test method.


Have I missed some vital data from one of the LMA objects or is there some magic to changing the license status?


This error is raised on the update of the license:

20:49:10.362 (362243000)|EXCEPTION_THROWN|[39]|System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id a06D000000PVrETIA1; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, Argument 1 cannot be null: []


The test code is:

sfLma__Package__c pkg = new sfLma__Package__c(
	Name = 'Licence Testing',
	sfLma__Release_Date__c = Date.parse('01/01/2010'),
	sfLma__Package_ID__c = '033A00000000000IAA' );
insert pkg;

sfLma__Package_Version__c pkgVer = new sfLma__Package_Version__c(
	Name = 'Licence Testing Jan 2010',
	sfLma__Version__c = 'Jan-10',
	sfLma__Version_ID__c = '04tA00000000000IAA',
	sfLma__Package__c = pkg.Id,
	sfLma__Release_Date__c = Date.parse('01/01/2010') );
insert pkgVer;

Lead ld = new Lead(
	LastName	= 'Customer',
	FirstName	= 'Test',
	Company		= 'MyTestCompany',
	Email		= 'test@MyTestCompany.com',
	sfLma__Subscriber_Org_Type__c = 'EE' );
insert ld;

sfLma__License__c testLic = new sfLma__License__c(
    	sfLma__Subscriber_Org_ID__c = UserInfo.getOrganizationId(),
    	sfLma__Used_Licenses__c=22 );
insert testLic;

System.debug([Select sfLma__Used_Licenses__c, sfLma__Subscriber_Org_ID__c, sfLma__Status__c, sfLma__Seats__c, sfLma__Proxy_User__c, sfLma__Package_Version__c, sfLma__Package_License_ID__c, sfLma__Licensed_Seats__c, sfLma__License_Type__c, sfLma__License_Status__c, sfLma__Lead__c, sfLma__Install_Date__c, sfLma__Help__c, sfLma__Expiration__c, sfLma__Expiration_Date__c, sfLma__Contact__c, sfLma__Account__c, RecordTypeId, Name, Id From sfLma__License__c WHERE Id=:testLic.Id]);


update testLic;




-       Andy