• anju
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I have an Prpblem Related to Customize List Button.
I want to add multiple oprtion in One Button(For Mass Update)
Chnage Owner
Change Role
Change Type
Change Status
I want to put all those option in one List button for Mass Update.
How can I do this.Can you plz help me ...

<apex:page standardController="My_Object__c" > 
     Name &nbsp; <apex:inputField value="{!My_Object__c.Name}" required="true"></apex:inputField>
     DOB <apex:inputField value="{!My_Object__c.Date_of_Birth__c}"></apex:inputField>
     Test Text &nbsp; <apex:inputText value="{!My_Object__c.Note__c}" required="true" ></apex:inputText> 
     <apex:commandButton action="{!save}" value="Save"></apex:commandButton> 
The highlighted code is not working. In my visual force page 'Test Text' is not displaying as required and I can save without entering any value.
In object 'Note__c' is required field.
Can anybody tell me what is wrong in this code?
I have an scontrol page. I want to remove the scontrol and need to embed that scontrol in visualforce. Is it possible? If so then how?
I don't want to use -
         <apex:outputLink value="{!$SControl.HelloWorld}">Open theHelloWorld s-control</apex:outputLink>
        <apex:scontrol controlName="HelloWorld" />
Is it possible to copy and paste scontrol in visualforce? Please help me.


Can any body tell me that what is the difference between Force.com platform and standard Salesforce.com CRM platform?


I heard that some of the functionalities and standard objects are not there in Force.com. To test this I have created two developer accounts with interest 'Salesforce.com customization' and ‘Force.com platform’. But I didn’t find any difference. All the standard objects in standard Salesforce.com CRM and Force.com are same.

I have a report. I need to email that report to the User at a specified frequency. Is there is any way to do it?
Please help me.
When we assign a case we have options to send mail to both Contact and Case Owner(mail will send as per assignment rule).
In closure of a case we have option to send mail to the Contact. But how can I send a mail to Case Owner.
Is there is any way other than s-control and triggers?
If anybody has any idea then please help me. Its very urgent. Please help.
I have a picklist having values A and B (this field is sforce field. Not an scontrol field.)
While selecting value "A" I need to display a field(will be number or text field).
And while selecting value "B" I need to hide that field.
Any way to do it?
I have a date type field namely "Start Date". In New  page Start Date should be editable.
And in Edit Page Start Date should be read only.
We can't able to do it from page layout because for New, Edit and View page layout is same.
I tried to use a scontrol to create Start Date field. But that scontrol(by default) will be called only in View mode not in new and edit mode.
Do I need to override New button for that? Or is there is any other way to do it?
Please help me if anybody has any idea.
Thanks in advance
I'm having some trouble, I don't know any programming :smileysad: and attempting to teach myself to create some things, which the helpdesk at salesforce says will be simple, but I'm having a rough time.  I'm looking for a tutor for about an hour.  Thanks.  Cheryl :smileywink:
I have arelated list in Opprotunity. I need to remove its "Action" field. Is it possible. If so then how?

From Karina Kaiser @ salesforce:

Because of the limitations on the formula field, this would require creating three fields: “Days Since Closed”, “Days Since Open” and “Age”. Only the “Age” field would be visible on the page layout the others would have to be hidden. 

Formula Fields with Number data type and zero decimal points. Below are the formula values for the fields. 

  1. Days Since Closed  = TODAY() - {!CloseDate}
  2. Days Since Open = NOW() - {!CreatedDate}
  3. Age = IF(ISPICKVAL({!StageName},"Closed Lost"),{!Number_Since_Open__c} -  {!Days_Since_Closed__c},NOW() - {!CreatedDate})
Hopefully this will help you.