• heatherwebster
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I am looking for an application (or solution) to schedule formatted reports to users outside SF. We have weekly reports of data that we send to clients / managers we were able to accomplish this task via Jaspersoft 4 Salesforce. We could schedule reports, format the report, as well as PDF the report for distribution as an attachment.  However, their application is going away in the next month or two and I MUST HAVE a Solution prior to this. Anyone know of an application that accomplishes this or a solution (that is relatively easy)?  Any assistance is appreciated!  Thanks!

I must be doing something wrong, as I can´t believe this is so complicated.

I want to add a "Reason Lost" to my Opportunities. This new field will be a picklist.

I want to validate that, if the status is changed to "Closed - Lost" a "Reason Lost" must be entered.

If I have 3 reasons, let´s say: "Price", "Service", "Cancelled Operation"

Do I really need a formula like this?

AND(ISPICKVAL(Status, "Closed - Lost"), NOT(OR(ISPICKVAL(ReasonLost__c,"Price"),ISPICKVAL(ReasonLost__c,"Service"),ISPICKVAL(ReasonLost__c,"Cancelled Operation"))))

I would have hoped for a much simpler:

AND(ISPICKVAL(Status, "Closed - Lost"), NOT(ISNULL(ReasonLost__c)))

What am I doing wrong? or is this a limitation? (I can´t imagine if I want to do this for a picklist with 100 values!)

Thanks all!
We have the following two custom objects:
1. Purchase_Orders and
2. purchase_items.
The object Purchase_Orders has a custom text field named "Approval Status". The requirement is that once the value of the field "Approval Status" is "Approved", users (except system administrators) SHOULD NOT be able to EDIT the record for both the purchase_order and the purchase_item. Until then they are allowed to edit the detail pages for these records.
What are the different options to enable this kind of functionality to disable "EDIT" based on certain criteria? Can we do this using any standard force.com functionalities?
Appreciate all your feedbacks on this.
Thanks and regards,
P.S:(We cannot use the standard salesforce approval process due to some inherent restrictions, therefore cannot use its locking mechanism.)
Is it possible to have an imaged formula field display on a Visualforce Page? 
If so where do the images need to be stored (I've tried both Documents and Static Resources)?  And what component and attribute do you use to display it?  Output field Value displays the url and not the actual image.  The formula is valid and it does display on a traditional SF page.  