• BenL
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Like the title says, I just (well, last night) installed the latest version of the Force.com IDE on my Mac running OS X 10.8. After the installation completed it auto opened on it's own and I set about to do what I needed to do. Then I closed it down and went to bed. Now, I'm trying to open it again, but the only shortcuts I'm finding are the uninstallers and the Pulse installer.


Do I have to reinstall the IDE again just to continue working and will I have to repeat the process each time I close the application, or is there a way to get to the IDE?

I used the code snippets found in THIS POST and the search works for both Firefox and Chrome, but IE simply refreshes the page and a second press on the search button moves the user over to the Content Search page without the parameters in the Search box.


What is it with IE that would cause this behavior and how do I overcome it?


EDIT: This seems to be something with the way the browser is being forwarded. IE doesn't process the OUTPUT PANEL on the first button press. A second press does get this to work; however, the protocol and host have to be hard coded for IE to work - at least in my case.


So, the question becomes why doesn't IE process the outputpanel on the first button press?

Hello Community,


I'm not able to add a Custom Setting value to a Custom Button onClick JS.

The error is :

Error: You referenced an unsupported field type called "Lookup" using the following field: Cid__c


When trying to reference :



How can i reference a custom setting value inside the js of a onclick Js custom button?

I have to delete an apex class from Production env using migration tool. I have my destructiveChanges.xml in deletecodepkg like this


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Package xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">


please let me know what will be build.xml for executing this.


I am trying to use 


<project name="Sample usage of Salesforce Ant tasks" default="test" basedir="."   xmlns:sf="antlib:com.salesforce">

    <property file="build.properties"/>
    <property environment="env"/>

     <target name="undeployCode">
      <sf:deploy username="${sf.username}" password="${sf.password}" serverurl="${sf.serverurl}"  deployRoot="deletecodepkg"/>



I have deletecodepkg,build.xml and build.properties in the same folder. when I run ant undeployCode at command prompt I get the below error


package.xml:No package.xml found


Please let me  know what is wrong in build.xml. thanks in advance.



Message Edited by sfdeveloper9 on 11-09-2009 12:22 PM
Message Edited by sfdeveloper9 on 11-19-2009 10:50 AM


I've developed a Custom List Button, to mass operate on a certain object.

this is working fine, but after the operation, I would like to refresh the list.

Any idea how to do that?


what I do now is reload the page using javascript, but this is slow and a bit redundant.





I have done a fair amount of research on this topic, but I am still unclear on how to accomplish the following two things:

1. We are using Salesforce's Customer Portal product. We have built two custom objects and are displaying tabs for these custom objects in our Customer Portal. We have also built controller extensions for these custom objects to extend the functionality of the standard controllers. We want to display Visualforce pages when a user clicks on the tabs for these objects in the Customer Portal. In order to override the tabs for these objects with a Visualforce page, we cannot specify a standardContoller using the same object name in the Visualforce page. If we do, the VF page is not given as an option when you try to override the tab. If the VF page does not have a standardController specified, we can use it to override the tab, but we cannot link our controller extension to the page.

For example, I have a custom object called "Contact Us". I want to override the tab for this object with the following Visualforce page:

<apex:page standardController="Contact_Us__c" extensions="ContactUsExtensions">
  <h1>Custom Contact Us Page</h1>

I am not given the option to override the "Contact Us" custom object tab with this page. It will only allow me to override it with a page that does not have a standardController specified. Why is that?

2. In addition to above, we need to show the standard "Contact Us" homepage when a user clicks on the "Contact Us" tab in the regular Salesforce interface, and we need to show a custom Visualforce page when a user clicks on the "Contact Us" tab in the Customer Portal. To do this, we created a new controller, ContactOverride - here is the code:

public class ContactOverride {
    public ContactOverride() {


   String recordId;

public ContactOverride(ApexPages.StandardController
       controller) {recordId = controller.getId();}

public PageReference redirect() {
  Profile p = [select name from Profile where id =
  if ('Customer Portal User'.equals(p.name)
      || 'Customer Portal Test'.equals(p.name))
       PageReference customPage =
       customPage.getParameters().put('id', recordId);
       return customPage;
      } else {
         return null; //otherwise stay on the same page

This code was lifted directly from the Force.com Cookbook (pages 53-56) and modified slightly to fit our needs. Basically, the controller sends users in the profiles "Customer Portal User" or "Customer Portal Test" to a custom Visualforce page (PortalContactUs) when they click on the "Contact Us" tab. If the user is not in either of those profiles, they stay on the same page.

Then, we created a new Visualforce page called ContactRedirect that looks like this:

<apex:page controller="ContactOverride" action="{!redirect}">
   <apex:detail />

and override the tab on the "Contact Us" custom object with this page.

Again, we took this code from the Force.com Cookbook (pages 53-56) and modified it slightly. (The instructions in the Cookbook tell us to set a standardController and use the override controller we built as an extension. However, we cannot override the tab with a standardController set as explained in issue 1.)

This seems to work, but we would prefer that users who are not in the "Customer Portal User" or "Customer Portal Test" profiles see the standard "Contact Us" homepage under the "Contact Us" tab, and not the "ContactRedirect" VF page. Is there a way to change the controller (ContactOverride) to do this?

What are the best solutions to these issues?

Thanks for any help that you can offer,

-- Robert


We're developing a Visual Force application with Custom Apex Controllers. One of the fields that we are using is a text field and we are getting the following error when trying to change the field type to a picklist:

Validation Errors While Saving Record(s)
There were custom validation error(s) encountered while saving the affected record(s). The first validation error encountered was "Generic Exception Creator".
Click here to return to the previous page.

Note that we have no data records for the object in question. We also have no validation rules. I suspect that this is an erroneous message that isn't leading us to the true cause of the problem. Interestingly, a Google search shows a discussion on this topic (http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fforums.sforce.com%2Fsforce%2Fboard%2Fmessage%3Fboard.id%3DVisualforce%26thread.id%3D2050&ei=uoRaSIWiE52qiAH88syHDA&usg=AFQjCNHDdOqhsIvyrwF6oUGxpAx77BjoEA&sig2=LZx9A1b-WT1FxUczjVDZFQ), but that thread appears to have been deleted for some reason. We're going to remove the field and add it again, but I am concerned that we found a bug that could affect us again. Any ideas what is causing this error?

-Tom Scott
Is there a way to use formulas in Email templates to handle conditional formatting?

For example, I'd like to use the formula UPPER( NAME HERE ) to cause the person's name to appear in all CAPS, even though it may appear as "Name Here" in the SFDC database. This is just one example.

Furthermore, there may be conditions upon which you do or do not want to show certain information in an email response. Using formulas would be helpful. I didn't see any documentation on this when search for "formulas in email templates" -- so I'm not sure if it's possible.
