• Volker_factory42
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Because of SSLv3 Poodle vulnerability, we have turned off SSLv3 support on our web server. This in term is causing Salesforce outbound messaging to fail.

Is there a work around with this from Salesforce end?

The outbound messaging processing issue was resolved once we turn SSLv3 back on our web server.

Ted Tsung


I have a Problem with the postcallback of an Visualforce Page.  

I have a Opportunity to edit which could be edit. The following issue only occur once afterwards everthing work fine.

The controller should take the Object o_edit which is a wrapper around the Opportunity and save it. But it never reach the save Method and returns the following Error
j_id0:sf42_FormOppEdit:callbackRerenderOppEdit:j_id492:0:j_id520:j_id521:0:j_id522:j_id525: An error occurred when processing your submitted information.
j_id0:sf42_FormOppEdit:callbackRerenderOppEdit:j_id492:0:j_id520:j_id521:1:j_id522:j_id525: An error occurred when processing your submitted information.
j_id0:sf42_FormOppEdit:callbackRerenderOppEdit:j_id492:0:j_id520:j_id521:5:j_id522:j_id525: An error occurred when processing your submitted information.
j_id0:sf42_FormOppEdit:callbackRerenderOppEdit:j_id492:0:j_id520:j_id521:8:j_id522:j_id525: An error occurred when processing your submitted information.
j_id0:sf42_FormOppEdit:callbackRerenderOppEdit:j_id492:0:j_id520:j_id521:11:j_id522:j_id525: An error occurred when processing your submitted information.
j_id0:sf42_FormOppEdit:callbackRerenderOppEdit:j_id492:1:j_id520:j_id521:0:j_id522:j_id525: An error occurred when processing your submitted information.
j_id0:sf42_FormOppEdit:callbackRerenderOppEdit:j_id492:1:j_id520:j_id521:4:j_id522:j_id525: An error occurred when processing your submitted information.
j_id0:sf42_FormOppEdit:callbackRerenderOppEdit:j_id492:1:j_id520:j_id521:5:j_id522:j_id525: An error occurred when processing your submitted information.
j_id0:sf42_FormOppEdit:callbackRerenderOppEdit:j_id492:1:j_id520:j_id521:6:j_id522:j_id525: An error occurred when processing your submitted information.
j_id0:sf42_FormOppEdit:callbackRerenderOppEdit:j_id492:1:j_id520:j_id521:7:j_id522:j_id525: An error occurred when processing your submitted information.
j_id0:sf42_FormOppEdit:callbackRerenderOppEdit:j_id492:2:j_id520:j_id521:1:j_id522:j_id525: An error occurred when processing your submitted information.
j_id0:sf42_FormOppEdit:callbackRerenderOppEdit:j_id492:3:j_id520:j_id521:0:j_id522:j_id525: An error occurred when processing your submitted information.
j_id0:sf42_FormOppEdit:callbackRerenderOppEdit:j_id492:3:j_id520:j_id521:1:j_id522:j_id525: An error occurred when processing your submitted information.

The part auf the vsualforce page:

<apex:form id="sf42_FormOppEdit" >
    <div class="overlay_content">
        <apex:pageBlock id="callbackRerenderOppEdit">
            <apex:repeat value="{!mObject.OppLayoutDefaultSections}" var="ols">
                <apex:pageMessages />
                <apex:pageBlockSection columns="2" collapsible="false">
                    <apex:repeat value="{!ols.fieldlist}" var="f">
                        <apex:pageBlockSectionItem DataStyleClass="{!ols.DataStyleClass}" LabelStyleClass="{!ols.LabelStyleClass}"
                        rendered="{!AND(f != '_blank_' , IF (CONTAINS(o_edit.OppLayoutVariable, f) , CONTAINS(o_edit.OppLayoutVisible, f) , true ))}">
                            <apex:outputLabel value="{!IF( CONTAINS(f,'Account.') , $ObjectType.Account.Fields[SUBSTITUTE(f,'Account.','')].Label , $ObjectType.Opportunity.Fields[f].Label)}" />
                            <apex:outputPanel >
                                <apex:inputField value="{!o_edit.Opp[f]}" rendered="{!NOT(CONTAINS(f,'Account.'))}"/>
                                <apex:outputField value="{!o_edit.Opp[f]}" rendered="{!CONTAINS(f,'Account.')}"/>
                        <apex:pageBlockSectionItem DataStyleClass="{!ols.DataStyleClass}" LabelStyleClass="{!ols.LabelStyleClass}"
                        rendered="{!IF (f == '_blank_' , true , false)}">&nbsp;</apex:pageBlockSectionItem>
                    <apex:pageBlockSectionItem />
                    <apex:pageBlockSectionItem />
            <apex:pageBlockSection columns="1">
                <apex:inputField value="{!o_edit.Opp.Zus_tzliche_Vertragsinformationen__c}" />
    <div class="sf42_btns clearfix">
        <apex:commandButton value="{!$Label.MC_Save} {!$ObjectType.Opportunity.Label}" onclick="saveOpportunityFunction(this);" action="{!null}" reRender="''"/>
        <apex:commandButton value="{!$Label.MC_Cancel}" onclick="resetPopupOpp(this);" action="{!null}" reRender="''"/>
                 <apex:actionFunction name="resetPopupOpportunity" action="{!resetPopup1}" immediate="true" />
    <apex:actionRegion >
        <apex:actionFunction name="saveOpportunity" action="{!saveOpportunity}"  />
    <!-- <apex:actionFunction name="resetPopupOpportunity" action="{!resetPopup1}" immediate="true" />
    <apex:actionFunction name="saveOpportunity" action="{!saveOpportunity}" reRender="msg" oncomplete="resetPopupOpportunity"/> -->

the method "saveOpportunityFunction" disables  the save button and calls the "saveOpportunity" method.

I tried also to encapsulate the opportunity in a own object but the Error still exist.

I know this code is not very nice but i have to deal with it.

I have a problem with Inlineedit-Save when using Apex:include


<apex:page standardController="Case" extensions="MYCLASS" showHeader="true" sidebar="true">
    <apex:include id="PAGEIDNAMEVA" pagename="MYVFPAGE/>
    <apex:detail inlineEdit="true"/>


 my include page has only a textstring. This is only a sample, my complete Code has a lot of more functionality. I also can't use a component for this.


When editing on a case with this  inline edit and "save" all button stay grey and no refresh / reload for my case...

I have a visualforcepage which is included in a layoutpage.

Viewlayout of this object has an override with another visual force page.


When I  call a pagereference methode from "inline" visualforcepage an try to leave the Iframe and load current objectpage again, salesforce creates a new URL with parameter inline=1.

By this parameter, Header and Sidebar is invisible. 



<apex:commandlink styleClass="btn newButton" style="text-decoration: none; margin: 2px !important;" value="Click" action="{!executeAction}" target="_parent">
pageRef = Page.NAME;
//pageRef = new ApexPages.StandardController(OBJECT).view();


 Is there a possibility to avoid getting parameter inline=1?


I tried:

  • new parameter inline=0
  • URL as a string
  • new redirect visualforce page


without success...


I need to have an apex-class which can close open Cases. 

I tried to update Case.status = "Closed", but the Case is not closed after this update. 
Case.isclosed is not writeable. Is there a possibility to close a case with apex? 

i.e. like Database.leadconvert() ? 

last weekend, Tapp0 Sandbox was upgraded to Winter '12.We have a Flash/Flex File, which included a working Session login (working with Summer '11).
We're giving SessionId from Apex:



to Flexmethod:

     	if (initsession_id != null) {
     		infotext.text = "Login via Session " + initserver_url.toString();
	     	lr.server_url = initserver_url + '/services/Soap/u/22.0';
	     	lr.session_id = initsession_id;
	     	exturl = initserver_url;
     	} else {
     		infotext.text = "Login via User";
			lr.username = user;
			lr.password = pwd + token;

     		conn.serverUrl = "https://test.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/22.0"; 
     	lr.callback = new AsyncResponder(loginResult, loginFault);



We receive no response from Salesforce, flexfile can't login. It's working fine with Username and Password+Token.

I hope you can help!



I've got 2 custom list buttons working in Summer '11 in my production instance, but neither work in my newly upgraded Winter '12 sandboxes.  I can't get any kind of javascript list button to work.... click the button and nothing happens!


Example button that does nothing:



alert("this button works!");

 Did something change about libraries I need to include, profile access to execute Java, anything? 


Did I mention I'm training 115 users in 2 days??? HELP!


Hi all,


I have define a Field Sets on Account object and in that i included fields list as Account name,Account ID,billing city and billing street.


Here comes the issue, when i wanted to display the Field Sets on Visualforce page. it is throwing error message


Unable to Access Page 
Invalid parameter value "" for parameter "id". 

Error: The value of the parameter specified above contains a character that is not allowed or the value exceeds the maximum allowed length. Remove the character from the parameter value or reduce the value length and re-submit. If the error still persists, please report it to our Customer Support team and provide the URL of the page you were requesting as well as any other related information. 



if i remove the Accountid from the Field Sets list. now its working fine.


is there any field set limitation with visualforce page?


could anyone have solution for this?



I'm posting this in the hopes of helping "the next guy" that hits this.  


Our ant-based deployments, which had been going flawlessly for months, suddenly started failing, with lots of UNABLE_TO_LOCK_ROW errors in the logs from our various Apex test methods.  The same exact test methods passed when executed from "Run All Tests" in the UI.  We tried deploying with Eclipse and Change Sets, but got the same UNABLE_TO_LOCK_ROW errors.


The lines of code that were failing were all record inserts for certain objects.  We realized that if we removed those objects from our package.xml, we could complete the deployment without the errors.  However, we are making lots of object-level changes (new fields, etc), so this was a bad long-term solution.


After much troubleshooting, SFDC Tech Support finally found the root cause.  It turns out that if you modify the format of an auto-number field - say, change the name from "C-{0000}" to "CDM-{0000}" - subsequent deployment of that object will fail if any test methods insert records of that object.


Ouch.  Ugly, bad bug.  But once we knew the cause, we matched up all auto-number field formats in our source & destination orgs, and then re-ran the full ant script (with all objects) again, and the deployment was successful.


Hopefully SFDC will fix this odd bug quickly.  But in the meantime, if you get UNABLE_TO_LOCK_ROW" errors during deployment, check your auto-number field formats!

Does anyone know if it is possible to create a quote PDF on-the-fly via the Salesforce Web Services API?



All out DEs and our PE have been upgraded to Spring '10 but our client is still on Winter '10. We need to release a new package version to them but the deployment fails saying that a Spring '10 package can't be deployed to a Winter '10 org. Seems reasonable but this means that we can't release new features they require and the latest announcement says that it might be March until we can. This will cause them significant issues.


What are our options?


Can we get our DEs and PE rolled back to Winter '10 (or is there a plan to roll everyone back to Winter '10 if there is an issue with Spring)? Can we have this block overridden as we're not using any Spring '10-specific features yet?

I have some apex code that has been running since winter '09 and it still works in Winter '10.  It consistently fails in Spring '10 

The apex code that invokes a visualforce page and then invokes a getContent method to retrieve the PDF that is created by the Visualforce page.    It consistently fails in Spring '10 with the following error

System.VisualforceException: core.apexpages.exceptions.ApexPagesGenericException:  


Has anyone seen this and have you figured out what to do? Here is a code snippet - it fails on the getContent.  I have not heard of any changes that are in Spring '10 that should cause this to fail.



PageReference pdfPage = new PageReference(Page.MyPage.getURL() + '?id=' + quoteId); System.debug('URL for attachment ' + pdfPage.getURL()); System.debug('create new attachment'); //create an attachment //Attach as an Attachment Attachment attachment = new Attachment(); attachment.ParentId = quoteId; attachment.name = 'QuoteSent' + System.now()+'.' + extension; attachment.body = pdfPage.getContent();




I have created a custom object and I want to use a picklist in a formula field. All I really want to do is display this field on my custom object. Is there a way to do that without using a Formula field since I cannot use a picklist in the way I want. I do not want to override the pages with visualforce I know this is one way to just put an output field of the picklist on the page.


This is all I am trying to do: Account__r.Operational_Status__c.


Where Operational_Status__c is a custom picklist.  I just want the value that is selected in this picklist to appear on a different object's detail view.


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



Message Edited by MSVRad on 09-16-2009 02:08 PM

(1) How can you return all custom label objects in a list through a web API call?


(2) Is this capability exposed via the Flash plug-in (Force.com Toolkit for Flex)?  If so, how is it invoked?


Code examples appreciated.






I am wondering how do static variables behave in Salesforce. Is the variable shared by all the threads/users within an org?

In the following example, p.FirstRun is set to false inside the trigger.

What happens when :

1. At the same time user 1 is executing this trigger, user 2 is also executing the same trigger? Do they overwrite each other's value?
2. What happens  when 10 minutes later someone else needs to execute the same trigger. Is the p.FirstRun set to false by the the first
    execution of the trigger? Does the trigger below need to reset p.FirstRun to true when it comes back in the second time for recursion so that a second user
    ten minutes later find p.Firstrun as true?


From Salesforce Apex Language reference manual:

Use static variables to store information that is shared within the confines of the class. All instances of the same class share a
single copy of the static variables. For example, all triggers that are spawned by the same request can communicate with each
other by viewing and updating static variables in a related class. A recursive trigger might use the value of a class variable to
determine when to exit the recursion.

A trigger that uses this class could then selectively fail the first run of the trigger:

Suppose you had the following class:
     public class p {
    public static boolean firstRun = true;

trigger t1 on Account (before delete, after delete, after undelete) {
              Trigger.old[0].addError('Before Account Delete Error');


I have written an S-Control which switches Account owners to different owners. I would also like to be able to switch any manual shares for accounts and opportunities. I don't seem to be able to create new rows in either the AccountShare or OpportunityShare show because the RowCause field is readonly.

Is there a better way to switch manual AccountShares / OpportunityShares to a different user via the API?

I know this question is a straight forward but still if anybody has any clue then please let us know.
We are trying to insert data in AccountShare table and are facing problem. While trying to insert data in AccountAccessLevel field, API is throwing the following error message:

Message: Account Access: bad value for restricted picklist field: Read Only\nStatus Code:INVALID_OR_NULL_FOR_RESTRICTED_PICKLIST\nFields: System.String[]\nID: \n\n


We are trying to insert value which reads as "Read Only" without double quotes.


We checked the field properties and found that it is restricted picklist and filterable. Is there any way we can insert data in this field or leave it blank.


Thanks in advance.


