• sebipinn
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Is it possible to iterate over a List of Maps? In the simplest form, a Map<String,String>... I want to be able to do the following in a visual force page (simplified):


VisualForce Page

<apex:repeat value="{!customMap}" var="map">
{!map.name} : {!map.custom}





public someController
public List<Map<String,String>> customMap = null;

public getCustomMap()
if (customMap == null)
customMap = new List<Map<String,String>>();

customMap.add(new Map<String,String>{
'name' => 'Apple',
'custom' => 'Pie'

customMap.add(new Map<String,String>{
'name' => 'Banana',
'custom' => 'Cake'
return customMap;


 Would hopefully print something like...



Apple : Pie
Banana : Cake


 This is obviously not working for me, any suggestions or is this not possible right now?




Is there a way to set up a parameter in a method to accept anyType? almost how when you use Double.valueOf(anyType) works. I want to do this to my own method where i can accept a string, an integer, or double and return a double after i do some transformations to it.


Is this possible?

Don't have much experience with Java, but is there a way that I can specify optional parameters in my method?


An example in PHP would be...


function someFunction( $required, $optional = 'default_value' );


I'm assuming this can be done since with Batch Apex you can specify an optional scope between 0 - 200.

Yesterday I couldn't save to server because i was using the orgWideEmailAddressId method in the SingleMail object.  Must've been released recently. All I see when I look for updates is 16.0. Anyone have a clue when they are expecting to release 17? or is there a way that I can force it somehow? I had to make the change directly via the Apex Class editor in Setup.
Is there a way to pass the Trigger as an argument? I know I can pass a member of the Trigger object, but I want it in its entirety.

I'm using the textmate plugin for salesforce. Any chance the associated apexloader.app will be updated, or perhaps the source released?


The eclipse ide is just too fragile, so I'm developing using TextMate as editor with ant migration tool for uploading, but Salesforce_com.tmbundle is great for recompiling just one class or trigger at a time.

Message Edited by Shikibu on 03-19-2009 08:25 AM