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I have a select list defined as follows :



<apex:selectList id="member_list" multiselect="true" value="{!selectedMembers}" size="10" >
          <apex:selectOptions value="{!MemberNames}"/>

 Now, {!selectedMembers} is a the list of all selected items in the select list. However,is it possible to get a list of all items (selected as well as unselected) of the above select list in my Controller, preferably as a List ?



Thank You.




In my VisualForce page i have a select list whose values i want to pass to my Controller when the command button is pressed.

The select list  is defined as follows :


 <apex:selectList id="member_list" value="{!selectedMembers}" size="10" >
                 <apex:selectOptions value="{!memberNames}"/>

 The command button is defined as follows :


<apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!move}" rerender="hiddenBlock">
              <apex:param name="selected" 

<apex:pageBlock id="hiddenBlock" rendered="false"></apex:pageBlock>

If im not mistaken, {!selectedMembers } is the set of all values in my select list.

Now, in my controller, how to define {!selectedOptions} as List <String> object ?


Please help

Thank You.








I have a trigger which executes when an Opportunity is marked as 'Closed Won'. It creates/updates Contact Roles in Account based on the Contact Roles in the associated Opportunity. If a Contact Role exists in Account, it updates its Role to the Role of the Contact in the associated Opportunity.

If Account Contact Role does not exist it creates it and sets the Role to that defined in the corresponding OpportunityContactRole.

Now, if there are AccountContactRoles in the Account before the trigger executes, the trigger works fine. But, if there are no AccountContactRoles, i get the following error:



Field is not writeable: AccountContactRole.AccountId

 My code is as follows :



AccountContactRole acr = new AccountContactRole();
acr.AccountId = accountId;
acr.ContactId = o.ContactId;
acr.Role = o.Role;
insert acr;



Please help

Thank You




Is there a way to check if a given element exists in a List or not without having to iterate through every List element, or do i have to convert the List to a set and then use the contains() method ?


Please help




We can assign an error to a field, but is it possible to show the error on the top of the page using Apex code ?


Please Help

Thank You



Through my trigger code is there any way to lock an Opportunity so that only  users with system administrator profile can edit it and not others ?


Please help.

Thank You.



Im using the Force.com IDE for writing Apex code. Is there any way to write debug statements to print a value to the console ?. An example would be really appreciated.


Thank You



I have an application built in my developer organization which is on spring 10, where i need access to the Quotes standard object provided by salesforce.But since existing developer accounts on spring 10 dont have the Quotes standard object yet,i had to sign up for a new developer account to get access to it.

So, now is it possible to move/copy my application from my previous developer organization to the new one ?. Any ideas on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated.


Thank You.



I have the following two questions which i would like someone to please help me with


1. Salesforce has introduced a Quotes standard object which is available in Enterprise,Unlimited and Developer Editions. But, when i login into my developer account i dont see a Quotes object. I checked Customize under App Setup too,but its not there. Any reason why this is so ?


2. Is there any way to determine the version of the Salesforce Developer Edition that i use ?


Please help.

Thank You

Message Edited by rzs on 04-01-2010 10:09 AM