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I am unable to check the save Hierarchy check box in the Report Properties on a Report.

I had to kind of play around as we had some visibility issue. I unchecked it first later on when I try to check it, this do not work. But If I hit on the Save buton on report and then I will have ability to check this. Though I check it, guess what Its gone again.


I do have SYS ADMIN rights.

Can someone please help me or gimme an idea?


Thank you!


I think I may have identified a bug and need some help ensuring that I am right.  I have a trigger on the FeedItem object that checks to see if a filename contains jpg, png or gif.  from there it grabs the ContentData.  when loading a gif or png to a FeedItem, this works fine, but when I load a jpg, I am not seeing the data on the FeedItem


I have done some debuging and see that it returns Blob[0] for jpg but Blob[<large integer>] for gif and png.


the basic idea of the code is this: 



trigger myTrigger on FeedItem (after insert) {
    for(FeedItem f : trigger.new){
        if(f.ContentFileName <> null && 
            ( f.ContentFileName.toLowerCase().endsWith('jpg') ||
              f.ContentFileName.toLowerCase().endsWith('gif') ||



Please let me know if there is something I am missing or if you are experiencing the same issue.


I'm green so be gentle :smileyhappy: I'm more of an architect looking to move or rebuild an app on force.com and I'm looking to make sure that the key parts of this app will be able to be built with Force.com


The functionality I'm looking for or testing is this...  I will have a table with of over 15,000 codes or values that will grow soon to over 60,000 codes-  This table will serve as a Lookup to another table in which there will be about 36 possible fields in which codes will be entered from the "lookup" table


We want to be able to more or less build a rules engine-  starting with simple ones such as  no code can be the same in any of the 36 fields.  Then move to creating more complex to things like  if field 1= X  then   Field 17  can't be this, this , this, this, this ,this....so what if the list of what can't go in the field is huge like 200 or more.


When they type in these fields they wil only be able to enter values that are in the lookup table.  This is more of user interface type question but maybe someone knows-  can you enter a value in a field and have it validate or work these "rules" on the fly versus filling out the whole "form and then validating??  Thanks much!

Good day, 


I trying to create a condition in order to get the value appear in email template


the condition like following 


If approved reason = "Not Exceed" then show "Other approve reason" which is user entry value, i put it in this way but when i try to test the template, it doesn't show me the "Other approve reason" value


** Approved reason is picklist whereas "Other approve reason" is textfield


My try on following, but it doens't show me the "Other approved reason" value, any clue ?



{!IF(ISPICKVAL(myObject.Approved_Reason__c,"Not Exceed"),myObject.Other_approved_reason__c,"") OR 


Thanks in advance !


Anyone else seeing this?


Occurs on "Edit" of Account that has the Edit button overridden to bring up an AccountEditVFPage.


Debug logs shows no error!



I am trying build an outer join to display a list of contacts showing if they have a related portal user records or not.


I know you can get a list of related contacts from the user object but is it possible to go from contacts to user? 


I know this works...Select u.isactive, u.Contact.name From User u but what about Select name, c.user.isactive From Contact c?


Any thoughts how I can outer join these two tables and display one list? 




I want my button to default todays date in a date field


When I do





Nothing is populated.


Please let me know what I need to do.


Thank you in advance




I am admin of one instance it was in production. I am unable to login, i can get ssword using forgot password option. But i dont want reset that password because this instance integrated with some other application that is the reason i am unable to reset my password. In this integration i used that password if i reset the password automatically the integration will collapsable.


Please advice me any one of you with solution Immediatly.


 Thank you


When you convert a LEAD into Account/Contact, Salesforce.com has rules in place that copies the data where it deems best.   One example is the LEAD SOURCE field winds up being transferred over to ACCOUNTS level record.    I however also want that same data to appear down in each CONTACT record that is a part of that same ACCOUNT.   When we are on the phone, I want to know what the LEAD SOURCE is.    How can this be solved?     Can I just display the account field LEAD SOURCE in the Contact view?  Or perhaps I have to create a custom field in CONTACTS level and create a formula for grabbing/copying that data down into Contacts - Lead Source field.


NOTE:  We are on GROUP EDITION of Salesforce.


Thanks for your assistance.

Hey guys,

I need some suggestions on how to write a trigger for this particular criteria.

Scenario is like this: An Account is created.And there is No activity on the account for 3 weeks. (no update, or delete).
I need to write a trigger for this inactivity, on Account. I am stumped because  until and unless there is some action on account, my trigger wont get fired.

so i need some suggestions on how to move forward with this.



     I have a requirement where in the default values have to be set for the Standard Field of Opportunity i.e. Opportunity Name, could any one suggest a solution for this. 



Thanks & Regards

