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Is there any way we can export more than 2000 records using Visualforce page to excel sheet?




Hi , I am looking into using exact target app for sending emails to Campaign Members. I have few questions which I need to clarify before deciding on using Exact Target: 1. Can the "From" adderss be an Org-wide email address? that is can we have a picklist of "From" address in the Exact target App which will include all Org-wide email addresses and the logged in user? 2. How can we upload email templates and contacts/leads in Exact Target? Do I need to upload it every time if I am creating a new Contact/Lead or email template in Salesforce? Please provide with your inputs. Thanks in advance. Shruti



I want to fire  Assignment rule when a case is created via Web Service in Salesforce.

I tried using DML Options but getting the following error:


"Execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.SObjectException: DML statment cannot operate on trigger.new or trigger.old:"


I am using an after insert trigger..

Please help me.. Its urgent

Hi All,


Is it possible to get the top 3 records from a custom object using a query for e.g. i have 5 records for todays date (14 Mar) and 4 records for tomorrow (15 Mar) and so on. What I need here is to get the top 3 records for each day.



Hi,  I have a requirement to add a custom button to a salesforce.com page layout.  I have added custom links before. Is there also an option to add a "Custom Button" as opposed to a custom link? I can't find such an option but I guess one must exist.





After removing the object level edit and delete permission from the profile. Still I am able to see the Action column in the related list. Is there is any way to remove this Action column?


Has anyone used Eloqua API to send emails to Contacts through code?

If yes ,  then please share the WSDL with me. I am not able to get the

"EloquaService Clietn" method from the WSDL.





trigger update_date on CampaignMember (after update) {
   //create list of members
   list<CampaignMember> memb = new List<CampaignMember>();
   for (CampaignMember m : Trigger.new) {
   list<CampaignMember> memb_old = new List<CampaignMember>();
   for (CampaignMember m2 : Trigger.old) {
if (memb.get(0).status == 'sent' && memb_old.get(0).status == 'not sent' ){   

list<contact> list2 = [select id,date_last_sent_email__c from contact where Id = :memb.get(0).contactid];
        for(contact c: list2){
            if (memb.get(0).type_campagna__c.contains('%email%')){
               list.get(0).date_last_sent_email__c  = system.today();  
        update list2 ;


this code works properly with one member, if I update more than 20 records the trigger update only one member and not all 20!!

Maybe Do have I to optimize the code, any suggestions ?



I imported Zuora WSDL v22.0 into my Dev Org using 'Generate from WSDL' and received a compile error on the 'core' API file. The first two (Object API and Fault API) went fine. I received an unexpected token on the word 'update' and expect I would receive one on 'delete' which occurs further down the file. So Zuora has update and delete methods and so does Salesforce - this can't be the first time. - Given that Zuora is at API 22 and SF is at API 19 this has to be something new? I have contacted Zuora but think this is more of an SF issue. The WSDL is copied below for reference. is too large to be included.


Ideas? I'd love to hear from SF reps on this.





I have enabled customer portal and created a Customer Portal Manager user with Portal Super User and delegated admin access. So this user can login to customer portal, add contacts and enable contacts for Customer Portal. It works fine if I enable a contact and use Customer Portal Manager license.


However, if I select High Volume Customer Portal as the license choose a profile and try to Save, I get the following error:

Guest Users cannot have a user role


The problem is, the role dropdown does not allow me to select no role.


Note that this is happening only when trying to enable customer portal user from the Customer Portal logged in as portal super user. When I try the same within my salesforce org, the Role dropdown is disabled when I select High Volume Customer Portal.


Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

any reason why the assignment rules won't trigger for new cases in this trigger:


trigger WebCaseAssign on Case (before insert) {
    integer i = 0;

    for (Case theCase:trigger.new) {
        if(theCase.Origin == 'Web') {
            Database.DMLOptions dmo = new Database.DMLOptions();
            dmo.assignmentRuleHeader.useDefaultRule = true;


I assume it's related to this issue/bug with Salesforce:


Message Edited by jduhls on 04-22-2009 11:31 AM