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Hi All,

       How do I show an edit button for a custom object in a visual force page and allow the user to edit the custom object?Please proviode me code?

Hi Buddies,

Am uploading Start date field into my custom object using data loader.
Field data type is Date only.
Date formats are :
01/01/14    :    Start Date: invalid date: Sun Dec 31 00:00:00 GMT 13
07/01/14    :    Start Date: invalid date: Sat Jun 30 00:00:00 GMT 14

Time - Zone is : GMT-05:00

How can i fix this issue, all are inserted except this date field.
Can you tell me what is the format i need to give in excel sheet.
Hello all,

Hope you can help.  Writing one of my very first workflows (hooray for newbies) and I want the workflow to be triggered if it has been 6 weeks since a particular status was changed.  We have a field which records the date the status changed (here called Date__c).  Will the following rule criteria work as a formula?

Date__c <= (TODAY()-42)

I think this should activate if the date in the Date__c field is from 6 weeks ago or longer.  Is this right?  There are no syntax errors so it seems good to me.  I just don't know if the criteria formula box will work out what I'm saying.  Any advice?

I am creating a new client database in salesforce. I have created a custom object and started to create custom fields & relationships with the parameters our current MS Access DB already has (ie. Name, Phone, Addy). I am wondering how the behaviour of the import will act if I don't include certain fields into the new Client object. 

Does my new Client Object and corresponding custom fields need to match my current DB fields exactly or can I skip certain fields?

Also if I can do this, what happens to those fields imported into my Client Object but have no matching custom field?

Hi everyone,

As far as I understand, accounts and contacts used by Service Cloud are the same as general Salesforce CRM uses. When fetching these from database is it possible to discern those accounts and contacts that have a relation to Service Cloud (permitted to use Customer Portal and/or have cases registered there) from all other (Sales or CRM-related) accounts and contacts? There is an Account attribute, IsCustomerPortal, described here (http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/api/Content/sforce_api_objects_account.htm#topic-title), which looks a lot like criteria in question. Is this the one or is there some other way to do that?

When a mail merge document is generated the document can be sent to either email or document tab. Is there a way to automatically send the generated mail merge document to the Notes & Attachment related list in Opportunity? Please advise.


Hi Guys,

Please help me with this.

Can I set a Visualforce Tab's visibility in Permission Set ?

I'm able to find Tab visibility option for Custom Objects but not sure about Visualforce Tabs.
I wrote a Java code (using wsdl file in library) that retreive Data from a custom object and send them to a software.
The program works find but need to be lauch manually.

I wonder if there is a way to create an automation process , for example when statut is aproved lauch my java code.
Dear Sirs, I would like to find freelancer or freelancer team for develop new custom apps on Force.com. Russian/ukrainian speaking is a plus. Best regards, Igor



I need some Salesforce hand holding.


I have a self service portal and would like to allow my contacts to edit some basic fields of information (telephone, email + custom fields). I have a portal all set up, but I will need help in creating a page layout, adujsting security parameters, and anything else that's involved.

I'd like to accomplish this within 5 days. Ready to start when you are.

If you are interested, please send me a message on this board. please give me a telephone number where I may call you and send an estimate of the cost.

Thank you,





I have two custom fields under Account. I want to setup history tracking for this two field but this Account already exceed the field limits for setup tracking. There are already 25 field under Account, whom had setup the the history tracking. 


So can I implement this history tracking by writing Trigger on Account ? If Yes then how can i do? 

I am new to Trigger..so please explain me briefly.



