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How to query custom share object?
Hey, I need to query Notes__c custom objects share object i.e. Notes__share to check which records have parentid and UserOrGroupId populated. how do I do that?
When i tried
<List> nonNull = [select id,ParentId,UserOrGroupId from Notes_Share where UserOrGroupId != null and ParentId != null ];
it did not allow me to save informing that Notes_share is not supported and Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.
Any ideas?
- CalvinHobbes
- February 14, 2011
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Prevent 'Sharing' of lead
Hey, I have a scenarion where in I need to restrict the sharing of the Lead record through the 'Sharing' button on the page layout.
How can i acheive this without over riding the 'Sharing' Button?
Please suggest.
- CalvinHobbes
- February 09, 2011
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Prevent 'Sharing' of lead
Hey, I have a scenarion where in I need to restrict the sharing of the Lead record through the 'Sharing' button on the page layout.
How can i acheive this without having to over riding the 'Sharing' Button?
Please suggest.
- CalvinHobbes
- February 09, 2011
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Sharing Account records like Opportunity, task, notes, events etc
I have a scenarion wherein I need to share Account records to the new owner in case the current owner leaves the company or is not longer associated with the account. All the account releated records viz. opportunity, contacts, tasks, events, etc under the account.
How do i accomplish this? I cannot make the new user as owner of the records, I need to 'share' the records with read only permission. I cannot use apex sharing since it doesnt support standard objects.
I case i thought of was of having the Account team and memebers of those team having read access to all the records owned.
Please let me know if you got any better approach.
- CalvinHobbes
- February 08, 2011
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Cloning a Quotes - Is it possible?
On click of button,a new page with the cloned quote opens up. But when we try to save the cloned record the system throws the below error even for SYSYEM ADMIN profile:
Insufficient Privileges
You do not have the level of access necessary to perform the operation you requested. Please contact the owner of the record or your administrator if access is necessary.
- CalvinHobbes
- February 03, 2011
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Cloning a Quotes - Is it possible?
On click of button,a new page with the cloned quote opens up. But when we try to save the cloned record the system throws the below error even for SYSYEM ADMIN profile:
Insufficient Privileges
You do not have the level of access necessary to perform the operation you requested. Please contact the owner of the record or your administrator if access is necessary.
- CalvinHobbes
- February 03, 2011
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Read only access for Queue records
How do we prevent user from editing a lead which is in queue without accepting it?
I did a validation rule to check:
owner not equal to queueid
Last modified date is changed.
This din't work and i could save the edited queue record while the owner was queue.
Any help would be great!
- CalvinHobbes
- February 03, 2011
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Read only access for Queue records
How do we prevent user from editing a lead which is in queue without accepting it?
I did a validation rule to check:
owner not equal to queueid
Last modified date is changed.
This din't work and i could save the edited queue record while the owner was queue.
Any help would be great!
- CalvinHobbes
- February 03, 2011
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Spring 11 : Data Loader Issue
I am trying to upload a CSV in my org and don't want to map all the column , but it's not allowing me to do that.
Accounding to new , you need to map all the column what you have in the CSV file.
Did anybody face?
- Bhawani Sharma
- February 19, 2011
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Validation to check various fields before advancing stages
Hello! Here's my issue:
I'm trying to make sure certain fields ($$, date, and picklists) are filled out before someone can switch the stage (ie closed won must have payment due date, amount, and length of term (drop down)).
I looked around the forums and found these individually. ie. 1 validation rule for stage = closed won, isblank(fieldname)...etc.
How would I combine these various types of fields and map them to one stage validation? I'm a newbie and stumped. Thanks in advance.
- SunnyButCloudy
- February 19, 2011
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Cannot deploy profiles - no RecordType named idea.Record_type_for_community
I am trying to deploy profiles from sandbox to production. This is not possible because of the error message:
AProfileName : In field: recordType - no RecordType named idea.Record_type_for_community_091T00000004HfhIAE_entity_Idea found
I came to the conclusion that this is probably because the sandbox has a test community created (can be found in Customize -> Ideas - Communities). There is one default there named 'Internal Ideas' but in the sandbox there is an additional one.
I tried to de-activate the community. Then I removed the sandbox project from Eclipse and then imported it again (under a different name). Still the same error. Furthermore it is not possible to delete communities.
Now, what do I do?
The idea has struck me to create a community manually in PROD but I don't think that it will have the same Id as the one in the error message above anyway.
Any help appreciated!
BR / Niklas
- nickwick76
- February 18, 2011
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How to query custom share object?
Hey, I need to query Notes__c custom objects share object i.e. Notes__share to check which records have parentid and UserOrGroupId populated. how do I do that?
When i tried
<List> nonNull = [select id,ParentId,UserOrGroupId from Notes_Share where UserOrGroupId != null and ParentId != null ];
it did not allow me to save informing that Notes_share is not supported and Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.
Any ideas?
- CalvinHobbes
- February 14, 2011
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List has no rows for assignment
Im getting error like List has no rows for assignment to SObject here im giving the code plse tell me what s the error in that controller.
public class AAFControl {
private ApexPages.StandardController con;
private Application_Form__c objAAF;
private Application_Form__c aaf = new Application_Form__c();
//public List<Application_Form__c> aaform{get;set;}
public String LDate{get;set;}
public String EDate{get;set;}
public String BDate{get;set;}
private String AfName{get;set;}
public String sDate{get;set;}
public String stDate{get;set;}
public String cDate{get;set;}
public String dyDate{get;set;}
public String oDate{get;set;}
public String eyDate{get;set;}
public String tDate{get;set;}
public String fDate{get;set;}
public Id pid;
public Id aafId;
public AAFControl(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
aaf=[select Id,Date_of_Issue__c,Expiry_Date__c,Date_of_Birth__c,SPM_O_Level_or_equivalent_Year_of_Comp__c,STPM_A_Level_UEC_or_equivalent_Year__c,Certificate_Year_if_Completion__c,Diploma_Year_if_Completion__c,Others_Year_if_Completion__c,English_1119_Year_of_Completion__c,TOEFL_IELT_Year_of_Completion__c,Form__c from Application_Form__c where id=:aafId];
//aaf = [select Id,Date_of_Issue__c,Expiry_Date__c,Date_of_Birth__c,SPM_O_Level_or_equivalent_Year_of_Comp__c,STPM_A_Level_UEC_or_equivalent_Year__c,Certificate_Year_if_Completion__c,Diploma_Year_if_Completion__c,Others_Year_if_Completion__c,English_1119_Year_of_Completion__c,TOEFL_IELT_Year_of_Completion__c,Form__c from Application_Form__c where id=:ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')][0];
//aaf = aaform.get(0);
// aafform=aaf.get(0);
// system.debug('AAFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'+aafform);
// pid = aaform.id;
DateTime dt=aaf.Date_of_Issue__c;
DateTime ed=aaf.Expiry_Date__c;
DateTime dob=aaf.Date_of_Birth__c;
DateTime spm=aaf.SPM_O_Level_or_equivalent_Year_of_Comp__c;
DateTime stpm=aaf.STPM_A_Level_UEC_or_equivalent_Year__c;
DateTime cyc=aaf.Certificate_Year_if_Completion__c;
DateTime dyc=aaf.Diploma_Year_if_Completion__c;
DateTime oyc=aaf.Others_Year_if_Completion__c;
DateTime eyc=aaf.English_1119_Year_of_Completion__c;
DateTime toe=aaf.TOEFL_IELT_Year_of_Completion__c;
DateTime frm=aaf.Form__c;
sDate=' ';
stDate=' ';
dyDate=' ';
cDate=' ';
oDate=' ';
tDate=' ';
fDate=' ';
eyDate=' ';
public PageReference saveSB() {
objAAF = new Application_Form__c();
PageReference pr=null;
String ObjectPrefix =Application_Form__c.sObjectType.getDescribe().getKeyPrefix();
pr = new PageReference('/' + ObjectPrefix + '/o');
insert objAAF;
return pr;
public PageReference getdummyAction() {
return null;
public static testMethod void testAccount () {
Account a= new Account(Name='Test Account1');
insert a;
ApexPages.StandardController controller2 = new ApexPages.StandardController(a);
AAFControl afc1 = new AAFControl(controller2);
Application_Form__c aaf1= new Application_Form__c(name='demoapplicationform');
insert aaf1;
ApexPages.StandardController controller1 = new ApexPages.StandardController(aaf1);
AAFControl afc = new AAFControl(controller1);
- amrit
- February 08, 2011
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Read only access for Queue records
How do we prevent user from editing a lead which is in queue without accepting it?
I did a validation rule to check:
owner not equal to queueid
Last modified date is changed.
This din't work and i could save the edited queue record while the owner was queue.
Any help would be great!
- CalvinHobbes
- February 03, 2011
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