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     Is there any way to have minimum character limit on rich text area field (say min 200 characters).I have this field on visualforce page.

<apex:inputField value="{!Candidate__c.Resume__c}" />





     Is there any way to have minimum character limit on rich text area field (say min 200 characters).I have this field on visualforce page.



I need to show a Custom message on Visualforc Page.


VF Page

<apex;page standard controller="contact">

<b>You can find documents in{!custom}  to send to clients here</b>



My custom setting is 

Object name : Help Text

Type : Hierarchy

Field ; Message default value "SMART"


The custom value should change when the user change the default value in any org


Kindly help.

I am getting this error in batch apex  "DML operation on setup object is not permitted after you have updated a non-setup object  ".

How to fix this.

HI All,


 How to collect the failed record ids from database.saveresult.



 I need to check whether a field of type string contains only number in trigger.Is there any method?



Hi All,


  I have installed salesforce mobile app on my iphone.I want to test some functionality on my sandbox.How to do this?





Can u tell me what is the relation between pricebook and product? 



I'm using the PageReference getContent method to retreive the contents of a visualforce page. In the visualforce pages controller I set some cookies. I would like to retrieve the cookies that were set in the visualforce page. Is there anyway to do this? 




I need to implement the following scenarios in Lookup Relationship.




We have one Object say like "A" it has three child objects say "B1", "B2", "B3" associated with Lookup Relationship.

There is a field named "Grand Revenue" on object  "A" and all three fields named "Revenue" on objects "B1" , "B2", "B3".


We need to implement

"Grand Revenue"= "Revenue"+"Revenue"+"Revenue" on A(Parent).




If we delete one records on "A" all associated records should be deleted from childs "B1", "B2", "B3".


Could anyone please suggest how to achieve it.


Thanks for your suggestions.






We have a custom object called Deal_Desk_Form__c which is in a master-detail relationship with Opportunity. I'm trying to write a trigger that updates a field on the Opportunity based on a field on the Deal_Desk_Form__c. This is my current code:

trigger MasterDDValidation on Deal_Desk_Form__c (before insert,before update) {

//create list of Opportunity IDs
List<ID>OppIDs = New List <ID>();
for(Deal_Desk_Form__c dd: Trigger.new){

//get Deal Desk Ids + Version Type
List<Deal_Desk_Form__c>DDform=[SELECT Id, VersionType__c, Opportunity__c FROM Deal_Desk_Form__c WHERE Id in: Trigger.new];
//create list of opportunities to iterate on
List<Opportunity> OppUpdateList = [SELECT Id, HasMasterDDForm__c FROM Opportunity WHERE id in: OppIDs];
    for(integer i=0; i < OppUpdateList.size(); i++){
        if(DDform.VersionType__c == 'Master Terms'){
        OppUpdateList[i].HasMasterDDForm__c += 1;}
        if(DDform.VersionType__c != 'Master Terms'){
        OppUpdateList[i].HasMasterDDForm__c +=0;}
update OppUpdateList;        


Right now I'm getting the error message: Compile Error: unexpected token: update at line 24 column 0. 


Do I need some sort of map to relate the Opportunity to the Deal Desk Form? Thank you so much for any help you can offer!

I have created a page which performs a search and displays the matching records using List by a pageblocktable.


Along with the records names,I need to show some dummy percentage values assoicated to these records.I tried displaying the data using for loop,but all the records are getting displayed with same percentage.

<apex:column headerValue="Account">
<apex:outputLink value="/{!a.Id}" target="_blank">{!a.Name}</apex:outputLink> {!percentage} % Match

I have created accList which performs my search


Public Integer percentage{get;set;}

for(Account acc:accList)

. How to display different values for each record using pageblocktable.







 i declared the class as well as the variables as global still i am unable to view my page. 


The code,





<apex:page Controller="newpage1">
<apex:pageBlock >

<apex:pageBlockSection >

<Apex:pageblocktable value="{!leadrec}" var="l">
<apex:column value="{!l.Name}" />
<apex:column value="{!l.Email}" />





global class newpage1 {

global list<lead> leadrec{get;set;}
global newpage1()

leadrec=[select Name,Email from lead limit 10 ];


Am writing a test class... The need is to include a field of a object which is lookup to itself..... How can I include?



If the field was lookup to some other object then I would have written something like this:


field =instance.id;


How to include a field which is lookup to itself?


Pls help.....



Hi All,


  I am able to create a new user through apex but the user is not receiving an password confirmation email.Any thoughts?




Do we have any design pattern for salesforce data(model) accessing.


In .NET we do have enterprise library to access the data model.. here we have such design patterns



I need to use the "UserRecordAccess" in Apex Trigger in order to get the User permission on the Record,is it possible to use this in Trigger.


I have used the  UserRecordAccess in the Trigger while updating the record to get the User Permission on that record,but I am unable to get these lines of code executed.



If any one know about this,please help me.

Any body get this error before ? Any solution...I know it is about person account but ı do not figure out how Iam going to fix...

I ve already checked to profile setting for record types.


System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INVALID_FIELD_FOR_INSERT_UPDATE, Account: bad field names on insert update call: Name: [Name]

Hi All 


Here is my question . If we are inserting Users  in  Salesforce with all mandatory fields then how is the password generated. Can we have our desired password and insert the Users.


Second question : How do we delete users in through Data Loader. 

and how do I schedule the Data Loader?