• JonAniano
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Hi Group,


   Do we have any option to disable Quick Text . Can anyone help me regarding this



Thanks for giving reply(In advance)



hi all ,

 Ive crated  live agent prechatform and added that to the force.com sites  and when i click on the link it giving me the following error

''You have attempted to access a page that requires a salesforce.com login. If you are already a user of the system, please login below."

is it possible to access that page without authorisation?



help would be appreciated

I've configured Live Agent to Work with the Custom Portal without using Sites, but the pre-chat form functionality is not working.  
The actual behavior is, when the customer clicks on the link to chat with a live agent and the live agent accepts, the customer is immediately able to chat with the live agent. 
Desired Behavior
The expected behavior is, when a customer clicks on a link to chat with a live agent and the live agent accepts the chat, the customer should complete a pre-chat form before proceeding to chat with the live agent. 
The pre chat form is created using examples provided by salesforce (I used the code in the example verbatim and I also tried using code from Pre-Chat form with some CSS.pdf). The visualforce page renders standalone, but it does not appear when the user clicks on a button.  The visualforce pages are associated with the customer portal user's profile.  I've used the example attached as well as the example in the official live chat developer's guide.  http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/live_agent_dev/index.htm.  The documentation does not provide enough information to implement the pre-chat form successfully.  
Another member from our team reviewed this issue and did not see where the javascript references the button and also believed the documentation is light.
Does the visualforce page only work with sites?  Is there an existing environment setup where this feature is working?  Do you have any sample pre-chat forms that use html/javascript instead of visualforce pages?
Thank you in advance for your help.  I have a video demonstrating the problem, if that will help  http://www.screencast.com/t/Xgv8EQDb4.
  • March 02, 2012
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Hi Group,


   Do we have any option to disable Quick Text . Can anyone help me regarding this



Thanks for giving reply(In advance)



hi all ,

 Ive crated  live agent prechatform and added that to the force.com sites  and when i click on the link it giving me the following error

''You have attempted to access a page that requires a salesforce.com login. If you are already a user of the system, please login below."

is it possible to access that page without authorisation?



help would be appreciated



I would like to know if it is possible to change de default name of the agent displayed in the chat on Live Agent chat window?

By default, it is the first name + the first lettre of the last name. But can it be mofified ?



I have set up Live Agent in my sandbox using this link.




But when i open my Service Console App, I can see the Live agent chat window but no buttons are available.

I have done all the set up, chat buttons, agent configurations, deployments and live agent users.


Please suggest.



I need to write a script to check chat availability.  Is there any documentation to the API that can assist with this?  For our previous system, it was simple to just check the image displayed on the website.  Unfortunately with Live Agent, I can not do the same.



I've configured Live Agent to Work with the Custom Portal without using Sites, but the pre-chat form functionality is not working.  
The actual behavior is, when the customer clicks on the link to chat with a live agent and the live agent accepts, the customer is immediately able to chat with the live agent. 
Desired Behavior
The expected behavior is, when a customer clicks on a link to chat with a live agent and the live agent accepts the chat, the customer should complete a pre-chat form before proceeding to chat with the live agent. 
The pre chat form is created using examples provided by salesforce (I used the code in the example verbatim and I also tried using code from Pre-Chat form with some CSS.pdf). The visualforce page renders standalone, but it does not appear when the user clicks on a button.  The visualforce pages are associated with the customer portal user's profile.  I've used the example attached as well as the example in the official live chat developer's guide.  http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/live_agent_dev/index.htm.  The documentation does not provide enough information to implement the pre-chat form successfully.  
Another member from our team reviewed this issue and did not see where the javascript references the button and also believed the documentation is light.
Does the visualforce page only work with sites?  Is there an existing environment setup where this feature is working?  Do you have any sample pre-chat forms that use html/javascript instead of visualforce pages?
Thank you in advance for your help.  I have a video demonstrating the problem, if that will help  http://www.screencast.com/t/Xgv8EQDb4.
  • March 02, 2012
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Can anyone explain how to create custom chatlets in the live agent console?


I am currently using the Salesforce Live Agent. I have successfully setup the administrator and the operator accounts and am able to establish the chat from a site that is Customer Portal enabled.

What I need is to display the logged in user name and context on the operator console when a chat invite is accepted by the operator. Currently it displays the name as  "visitor:" beside the visitor's message. Can I have the name of the Logged in User here. Also I need the contact associated with the User to be displayed. How do I establish the connection with my salesforce org so that I can achieve this.

I also need to route the chat to the appropriate operator based on certain parameters of the logged in user. Ex I need to route the chat to the account owner of the visitor. I can see only the default routing(based on departments) and a way to route based on their current chat activity. Is there any other way to specify custom routing?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

We have recently implemented the Salesforce.com Live Agent. The system itself is a little immature and does not allow a lot of avenues to get the data out of it. It does have a "HTTP" post method. We would like to push the chat data into a custom object in salesforce. I am not a developer so I have been struggling to do this. I am not sure of the exact URL that I need to give the Live Agent, but this is the one that I have determined is closest: https://cs4.salesforce.com/services/async/24/a0Q 


There is no way for me to currently see why this is failing from the live agent console. If I go directly to the URL I see this error message: 

<error xmlns="http://www.force.com/2009/06/asyncapi/dataload">
<exceptionMessage>Unable to find session id</exceptionMessage>

I assume that this is because I have not provided my credentials to the system, but I'm not sure how to do that. 


I guess the bottom line question is, does anyone know what I have to do to get the HTTP post from Salesforce live agent to create a custom object record in Salesforce.com?



Part of a project we are working on is deploying Live Agent. Part of Live Agent is the ability to add a button to a page that indicates if a Live Agent user has logged in and is available to chat, The button renders one message if its available and another if not. This is great and works well when we added to a home page in a customer portal setup.


However, when we added the code to a VisualForce page, the button would not work! Does anybody have experience with using this button code in a VF page? The VF page we are using is a sites page and is publicly available. The code is below, there are two sections to it.


<script type="text/javascript">
var __ALC_Deployment = 9702;
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='"+document.location.protocol+"//depot.liveagentforsalesforce.com/app/js/lt.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
<!-- END Salesforce Live Agent Deployment Code -->

And this is the code for the buttons:

<!-- START Salesforce Live Agent Button/Link Code: Place this code into your HTML wherever you want this button/link to appear -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var __ALC_BADGE_SUFFIX = (Math.round(Math.random()*10000000000));
document.write('<div id="__ALC_BADGE_ONLINE'+__ALC_BADGE_SUFFIX+'" style="display: none;"><a href="javascript&colon;//chat" onclick="_alc.startChat(14885); return false;"><img id="__ALC_BADGE_ONLINE_IMAGE" style="border: 0px none" src="'+unescape(document.location.protocol+'//depot.liveagentforsalesforce.com/app/chat/buttons/97/btn3_grn2_on.gif')+'" /></a></div><div id="__ALC_BADGE_OFFLINE'+__ALC_BADGE_SUFFIX+'" style="display: none;"><a href="http://www.city-link.com"><img id="__ALC_BADGE_OFFLINE_IMAGE" style="border: 0px none" src="'+unescape(document.location.protocol+'//depot.liveagentforsalesforce.com/app/chat/buttons/97/btn3_grn2_off.gif')+'" /></a></div>');
if ( typeof(__ALC_Badges) == 'undefined' ) __ALC_Badges = new Array();
var __ALC_BUTTON = new Object(); __ALC_BUTTON.id = '14885'; __ALC_BUTTON.available = '__ALC_BADGE_ONLINE'+__ALC_BADGE_SUFFIX; __ALC_BUTTON.unavailable = '__ALC_BADGE_OFFLINE'+__ALC_BADGE_SUFFIX; __ALC_BUTTON.department = 0; __ALC_Badges.push(__ALC_BUTTON);
<!-- END Salesforce Live Agent Button/Link Code -->


I've been provisioned a LiveAgent admin account and am setting up a demo for internal knowledge transfer.


I've created a Deployment and a button, and it's showing up for me in my Customer Portal.


What I"m not able to complete:

- When the customer initiates a chat from the Portal, the agent is notified,and can click the Accept button. The pop-up window with the progress bar is in waiting mode, and the console's status stays at "Enaging..." indefinitely.

- Also, the agent is able to click the Invite button to initiate a chat with a customer...(the console reports that an invitiation was sent), but the customer's web page never sees a chat invitiation window


- For the Deployment creation, I used the the appropriate sfdc subdomain (na12.salesforce.com)... 

- In the liveagent console, I've checked my connection settings and it reports that it's a Direct connection


Any suggestions?