• AravindBabu512
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This link says that we can set up outbound messages failure notice for every 24hrs. But I do not find the outbound message notifications in my setup menu. Am I missing something here..? Could any of you please help me out on this?


Note: My current org has outbound messages enabled and am sending messages to my other application. I need to configure failure notice to the existing setup





It seems pretty odd, but I am not able to export the data from my VF to an excel. The content-type argument of apex:page tag works fine with other browsers and not IE. But my business team uses only IE. Is this is a problem with Salesforce IE functionality. Or am I missing something.


<apex:page Controller="LSR" contentType="application/vnd.ms-excel">
  <apex:pageBlock >
    <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!lsrList}" var="l">
      <apex:column headerValue="Agency Name"> {!l.loc_name} </apex:column>
      <apex:column headerValue="Location Code"> {!l.loc_code} </apex:column>
      <apex:column headerValue="Status"> {!l.loc_status} </apex:column>         
      <apex:column headerValue="Evaluated Status"> {!l.ob_status} </apex:column>      


 This is my code, this works fine with other browsers but not in IE. Any workaround to get this done.






Is there a way to remove the "Name at Company" text from the Home Tab?

hi ,

iam new to salesforce and iam facing with the following issue... can anyone help me ...

i have 3 objects..

1.patient_details -> here i collect patient name and doctor name(lookup) they want to meet.


2.patient _traking -> i want to create track sheet  that has details like patient name(lookup), bed no , ward no, doctor name  after entering this details i want to save this record.


iam facing the pblm when creatin the scenario...


when i choose the patient name in lookup , the doctor they consulted should be displayed automatically...i don't know how to bring this...

my code is here...




<apex:page controller="track" >
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock >

<apex:pageBlockSection title="Patient Tracking System" columns="2">

<apex:inputField value="{!pt.Name__c}"/>
<apex:outputPanel id="out">
<apex:outputtext value="{!pt.staff_details__c}"/>
<apex:inputField value="{!pt.Type_of_treatment__c}"/>
<apex:inputField value="{!pt.Status__c}"/>
<apex:inputField value="{!pt.Priority__c}"/>
<apex:inputField value="{!pt.Bed_No__c}"/>


<apex:pageBlockSection title="Search">
<apex:outputLink value="{!URLFOR('https://c.ap1.visual.force.com/apex/tracksearch')}">
Track the patient



<apex:pageBlockButtons location="bottom">
<apex:commandButton value="SAVE" action="{!savenew}"/>
<apex:commandButton value="CANCEL" action="{!cancelnew}"/>
<apex:commandButton value="CLEAR" action="{!clr}"/>





public class track
public Patient_tracking__c pt{set;get;}

public track()
pt= new Patient_tracking__c ();
Id ptId= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('ptId');

pt=(ptId==null)? new Patient_tracking__c ():

[select Name__c,Bed_No__c,Priority__c,staff_details__c,Status__c,Type_of_treatment__c from Patient_tracking__c where id=:ptId];

public pageReference savenew()
upsert pt;

ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.INFO, 'Your data was saved successfully'));

catch(Exception e)
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR, e.getMessage()));

pageReference pg= new pageReference('/apex/trackview');
return pg;

public pageReference Edit()
pageReference pg= new pageReference('/apex/trackpatient');
return pg;


public pageReference clr()
pt= new Patient_tracking__c ();
return null;

public pageReference cancelnew()
pageReference pg = new pageReference ('https://ap1.salesforce.com/home/home.jsp');
return pg;





We have a custom field "Priority" of type Picklist in contact object.
If we execute query using Ajax  using sforce.connection.query in the VF page using special character then it gives an error in the case of picklist field

I give an example
Paste the following code in your org
For that first create a custom fild name Priority  of type Picklist Type in your Contact object having value "one", "two" ,"Folder~`!@#$%^$-&*()_+{}|":<>?/.,;'\][fsdsvghchx"
now create a contact in which Priority field having value "Folder~`!@#$%^$-&*()_+{}|":<>?/.,;'\][fsdsvghchx"
<apex:page standardController="contact" extensions="testclass" id="pg">
    <script src="/soap/ajax/16.0/connection.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="/soap/ajax/16.0/apex.js" type="text/javascript"></script>    
    <apex:form id="frm">
        <p><b>text1</b></p><input type="text"  id="box"/>
        <input type="button" value="ClickMe" id="box12" onclick="callfun()"  />
        <apex:outputPanel id="inputhiddenfld2">
                <apex:inputText value="{!passdata}" id="hid2" />
            sforce.connection.sessionId  = "{!$Api.Session_ID}";
            var check = '';
            function callfun()
                    check = document.getElementById('box').value;
            function calloncom()
                        var check1 = document.getElementById('pg:frm:hid2').value;
                        var query = "Select Id, LastName, FirstName From Contact where Contact.Priority__c like \'" +check1+"%\'";  //query2
                        var forerror = sforce.connection.query(query);
                        alert('forerror     '+forerror);
                        alert('err   '+err);
        <apex:actionFunction name="callname" action="{!cont}" reRender="inputhiddenfld2,hid2" oncomplete="calloncom()">
            <apex:param name="passvalue" value="" assignTo="{!passvaluecont}"/>


public with sharing class testclass
    public string passvaluecont{get; set;}
    public string passdata{get; set;}
    public testclass(ApexPages.StandardController controller)
    public void cont()
        passdata = String.escapeSingleQuotes(passvaluecont.trim());

Now Enter value "Folder~`!@#$%^$-&*()_+{}|":<>?/.,;'\][fsdsvghchx" in the text box named as "text1" and then click on button "ClickME"
it give an error, in normal case(without special character) it working fine
I just want to know how we handel the special character so that this query execute properly using Picklist having like operator
if any thing is not clear then please contact me on
Email- abhishek0674@gmail.com



I am unable to drag the field which is of type longtextarea in Internet Explorer 8 but the same can be done in IE 9. Kindly advise.


Thanks in advance.







I've a list of Object's record (Department) and i'm able to apply crud on this object, could anyone please tell me how to apply crud on all the child records(SubDepartment) of its object(Department).


thanks in advance.




Is it possible to implement a hierarchial level of approval in Salesforce. Say, i have a record. The record owner creates and submits the record for approval, the reviewer approves the record-Step 1. Step 2 will be the record will be sent for approval the the Manager. Step 3 will be the record will be sent for approval to the Group leader(say).


We only have the option of assigning multiple users, so the same record will be sent for approval to multiple users, but what i require is after step 1, step 2 approval should happen, after step 2, step 3 approval should happen. If in any level the record is rejected the record must go to the prev level for correction.


Please let me know if this is possible to achieve.






There is requirement for sending report to a group of users as an attachment along with the email. Please let me know if any options/ work around available for this functionality.


Thanks in advance.






I have a joined report with 3 blocks and each block consisting of 12columns and 4formula fields each. I just need the summary information, hence i have given hide details. On giving hide details i could only see the formula fields and not the columns that are added to the report. But when i rerun the report with show details, i could see all the fields in the report.


Could any of you please let me know if there is any workaround to get all the fields in joined reports with hide details option?


Thanks in advance,




I have a requirement to generate a report and the report format is as below


Report       Col1             Col2           col3             col4

                 Formula1     Formula2    col1+col2    (Col1*Col2)/Col3

                 Formula3     Formula4    ........


I have different formula in each row and each column. Is it possibe to generate the report in this format.


The report data is loaded in SFDC and I was wondering if there is any possibility to generate such dynamic report in Salesforce


Thanks in advance,





I have a requirement where in i must schedule a report, extract the output as an excel and send it as an email attachement with a predefined template. On my initial understanding, my query is as below, 


1) Salesforce does not send report result as an attachment. So is there any workaround to achieve this.

2) Report scheduler sends an email of the result in salesforce predefined format, can i define a custom template and use the template to send across the scheduled report result?

3) The current report template has 5 sheets in it with images in first sheet and few pivot table in 2nd sheet. 3rd, 4th and 5th has the report data. I could understand that we need multiple reports, but is it possible to show them in same spreadsheet.


Any help is highly appreciated.


Thanks in advance,



Hi every body,


if you know the  my requirement to any one

please replay urgent......














Can anyone plz tell me how can we have version control in salesforce.




Hi All,


I have the following:


1. A child object called Review under Opportunity object.

2. I have a custom visualforce page which overwrites the New Button. It's purpose is to prepopulates couple of fields. 

3. One of the fields that I am prepopulating is called ReadOnlyTest__c. It is populated with the text 'Testing ReadOnly'

4. The user has full access to the object

5. On the page layout I have made the field read Only.


What I am trying to archieve is prepopulate the field ReadOnlyTest__c with the value 'Testing ReadOnly' and make that field not editable by the user. But the user has to visually see this field. 


I do know I can do this with custom visualforce page.  But my goal is to do this with standard page layout. I expected the text to be pre-pulated. But what happens is the page renders fine and it shows the field as read only, but the text 'Testing ReadOnly' is missing. It's just empty. Can someone help me with what I might be doing wrong here?





I have a requirement to integrate peoplesoft with salesforce.

Can anyone please help me out with this.


Thanks in advance.


My organization has a lot of instances where someone needs to communicate a listview to another individual. Unfortunately, Salesforce does not refresh the listview's ID (my.salesforce.com/[This is the ID]) when a listview is selected. 

To facilitate communications, I'd like to place a custom button that pre-populates an email form with this ID in the send field. Many of us have seen how to "hack" the URL applications in Salesforce, and I was wondering if I could get something like {!$Currentpage.URL} to work for that field.


Is there any way to capture the current listview and place it in an email field?


 I've got a button that executes javascript like this: 




p7 refers to the field in which I'd like to insert the previous page's URL into, or at least listview ID into.


Here's a selection of the source code for the listview selection, I'm wondering if I can capture the selected value from here at least.



<option value="00B40000005UwDR">*****- Manager Open Overdue</option>
<option value="00B40000005UwDZ">*****- Manager Open ReadyActive</option>
<option value="00B40000005UwDe">*****- Manager RecentlyModified</option>
<option value="00B40000006FG3G"> ***** - AssignedBy Open</option>
<option value="00B40000006F9Yb" selected="selected">*****- AssignedTo Open ReadyActive</option>
<option value="00B400000063dc9">*****- AssignedBy Open</option>
<option value="00B400000063dc4">*****- AssignedBy Open Single Tasks</option>
<option value="00B400000063dbz">*****- AssignedBy RecentlyModified</option>
<option value="00B400000063dbu">*****- AssignedTo Open</option>