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<apex:page standardController="Tandure_Domain__c" sidebar="false" extensions="attachementsample"> <apex:form > <apex:pageblock > <apex:pageblockbuttons location="Bottom"> <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!Save1}" disabled="{!save}"/> </apex:pageblockbuttons> <apex:pageblockSection title="Salesforce"> <apex:inputField value="{!Tandure_Domain__c.Name__c}"/> <apex:inputField value="{!Tandure_Domain__c.Education__c}"/> </apex:pageblockSection> </apex:pageblock> </apex:form> </apex:page>Class
public class attachementsample { public tandure_domain__c dom{get;set;} String accid = System.currentPagereference().getParameters().get('id'); public attachementsample(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { dom=new tandure_domain__c(); } public void save1() { Database.upsert(dom); system.debug('>>>>>'+dom); // Education and Name fields are Blank here, Only Id got generated } }
- Vigneshwaran Loganathan
- April 02, 2015
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Fetching and Displaying Details of Parent Object in Child's Tab (Salesforce Default UI)
I have a Master - Detail Relationship between two objects, say, Tasks__c and Projects__c. Each Project is supposed bto have a few tasks. So when I display the instances of the tasks in the Tasks tab, I also want to display the details of the project it is related to. Right now, I am able to display the Project__c id, i.e., the index field, but not the name of the project or any other detail. A screenshot of the current Tab is attached below. Please help!!
PS: This is a very basic thing which I can easily do in a custom visualforce page. Calling this feild name : Project__r.Project_Name__c.
But, how do I display this field in Salesforce defined detailed page.
I want to show the Project Name here as well.
- Akanksha Cullen
- March 16, 2015
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Test class code coverage
I written one trigger and test class, but code coverage is 33%. can any one help me
trigger LeadPreventUpdatePhone on Lead (before update) {
string UserName = userinfo.getUserName();
if(UserName.left(4) == 'sfdc'){
for (Lead Lead : System.Trigger.new) { // This line is not covered the code
Lead oldLead = Trigger.oldMap.get(Lead.ID); // This line is not covered the code
if(Lead.Phone != oldLead.Phone){ // This line is not covered the code
Lead.Phone = oldLead.Phone; // This line is not covered the code
Test class:-
public class LeadPreventUpdatePhoneTestClass
@isTest static void LeadPreventUpdatePhone()
Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='SumT Support'];
User u = new User(Alias = 'Test', Email='Test@testorg.com',
EmailEncodingKey='UTF-8', LastName='Test', LanguageLocaleKey='en_US',
LocaleSidKey='en_US', ProfileId = p.Id,
TimeZoneSidKey='America/Los_Angeles', UserName='xsfdc@testorg.com');
System.runAs(u) {
// The following code runs as user 'u'
System.debug('Current User: ' + UserInfo.getUserName());
System.debug('Current Profile: ' + UserInfo.getProfileId());
Lead objLead=new Lead();
insert objLead;
Lead la = [select phone from Lead where id = :objLead.id limit 1];
System.debug('Original Lx:'+ la.phone);
System.assert(la.Phone == '515222632');
la.phone = '123456789';
update la;
Lead lb = [select phone from Lead where id = :objLead.id limit 1];
System.debug('Changed lb:'+ la.phone);
//COMMENT: then we assert that the field we updated equals the field it was updated from
System.assert(la.Phone == '123456789');
- kumar.fdc81.3902978579608325E12
- September 02, 2014
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Even numbers printing 1 to 50 in developer console
how print even numbers between 1 to 50 in developer console class......
i write a code here ...........
An error is generate ... line9:18 no aviable alternaive at character '%'...
public class ListEvenNumbers
public void evenMethod()
Integer limit=50;
System.debug('Printing even numbers between 1 and '+limit);
for(Integer i=1;i<=limit;i++)
System.debug('Display the even numbers'+i);
please help me
- palli
- October 11, 2012
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Trigger Bulkify Help - Hitting limits with SOQL query and For Loop.
I need help with a trigger I wrote. It works fine with one record updates but it hits the govenor limits when a batch is procesesd. I understand that it is because I have the SOQL query in a for loop which is causing the query to fire multiple times when a batch is processed. The issue is I am not sure how to write it where the Query is outside the loop and the trigger will still work and how to "Bulkify" the portion where I am updating BillingCity and BillingZip to handle the mutiple records in the query. I'm a beginner/learning and any help would be appreciated.
trigger triggerAccountCityState on Account (before insert, before update) {
for(Account acct:Trigger.new){
if(acct.BillingPostalCode != null && acct.BillingCountry != 'FOR'){
string zipcode = acct.BillingPostalCode;
string zipcity;
string zipstate;
List <Zip_Code__c> zipList = [select Name, City__c, State__c from Zip_Code__c where Name = :zipcode];
for(Zip_Code__c z : zipList){
zipcity = z.City__c;
zipstate = z.State__c;
acct.BillingCity = zipcity;
acct.BillingState = zipstate;
for (Integer i = 0; i < Trigger.new.size(); i++) {
if (Trigger.new[i].BillingCity == null){
Trigger.new[i].addError('The Zip Code you have entered is not valid.');
- syric
- October 04, 2012
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how to set default value for required Field.
I want to set default value for Required field of standard object. Before insert trigger is not working on that. Help me.
Eg: There is Last name in Lead, which is required field, what my business requirement is when i click on save without entering the field value in "Last Name",trigger would update "XYZ" value in that standard field.
Hope my requirement is clear. any help would be appreciated.
- @taani.ax1426
- October 01, 2012
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Trigger help
I want to write a trigger on Account so that when I edit the Phone field of an existing Account record ,the same Phone also auto populate in the Phone field of associated Contacts of that Account .
I have created a trigger but it shows exception .Please give me genuine way to avoid this exception or help me with code .
Here is my code
trigger updtPhone on Account (before update) { for(Account acc:trigger.new){ List<contact> lst=new List<contact>(); Contact c=new Contact(); c=[SELECT Phone FROM Contact WHERE AccountId=:acc.id]; c.Phone=acc.Phone; lst.add(c); update acc; } }
- sourav046
- September 28, 2012
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<apex:repeat> issue
Hi everybody,
My opportunity has a master-detail to a custom object called Opportunity.
i tried this
<apex:repeat value="{!Opportunity.Payment__c}" var="line"
but it's not working.
- AntonyasLen
- September 27, 2012
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Uploading a video or video file in salesforce sandbox
is there any possibility of uploading a video file or directly a video in salesforce sandbox
Thanks In advance
- surendra.cloud
- September 18, 2012
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Pleas tell me how to write Extension's test code.
I want to test the following code.
Plead tell me how to write test code.
public with sharing class LogACallControllerExtension { public Task task; ApexPages.Standardcontroller controller; public LogACallControllerExtension(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { this.task = (Task)controller.getRecord(); User u = [Select Id From User Where id = :UserInfo.getUserId()]; List<Lead> lead = [Select Id,Email,Phone From Lead Where Lead.Id =:ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('who_id')]; task.WhoId = lead[0].Id; task.WhatId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('what_id'); task.Status = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('tsk12'); task.OwnerId = u.Id; } public PageReference save() { Task t = new Task(); t.ownerId = task.ownerId; t.status = task.status; t.subject = task.subject; t.whoId = task.whoId; t.activityDate = task.activityDate; t.Description = task.Description; insert t; return null; } }
- D.Younai
- July 13, 2012
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I'm getting this error - can anyone help me tp understand whay this simple SELEST QUERY doesn't work?
Query in Forice.Com Explorer:
SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE DateDiff(day, CreatedDate, GETDATE()) = 0
It return the follwing error:
FROM Account WHERE DateDiff(day, CreatedDate, GETDATE()) = 0
ERROR at Row:1:Column:41
unexpected token: ','
Best regards,
- npaustian
- July 11, 2012
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Test Coverage:
HI all,
Hi need to test coverage for the apex class ,I am getting 66%, can any one help to get more that 75%, My apex class is
public class acceptavailability
id i;
id pid;
public acceptavailability()
for(Availability_In_Order__c a:[select id,Purchase_Order__c from Availability_In_Order__c where id=:i])
public pagereference update1()
pagereference p2=new pagereference('/'+i);
purchase_order__C p=[select id,Available_Order_Accepted_by_executive__c from purchase_order__C where id=:pid];
update p;
return p2;
My test class is
Private class Testacceptavailability
static TestMethod void TestAccept()
id i ='a07U000000AK8mW';
id pid;
Purchase_Order__c p = new Purchase_Order__c();
insert p;
Availability_In_Order__c a= New Availability_In_Order__c(Purchase_Order__c=p.id );
insert a;
acceptavailability ac= new acceptavailability();
The red lines are not covered any can help
- Nageswara reddy
- July 03, 2012
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Date format
I am getting date as 2012-07-03 00:00:00 but I want the date format as 03/07/2012 is it possible to get it this way without time
please help me to solve this problem thanks.
- Anu Raj.ax1269
- July 03, 2012
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Rendering image
Hi All,
I have a image in Visualforce pdf and i want it to display according to the field selection
I have used the following code but it is not working
<apex:image url="{!$Resource.Image1}" rendered="{!Opportunity.Project_l__c='East Point'}" />
Project_I__c is a lookup field in Opportunity.
when i select this field as East Point it should show the image.
Please help me...
Thanks in advance.
- affu
- July 02, 2012
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Data Cache in Salesforce
We have a requirement were in we need to fetch datas which are stored in Salesforce objects and we need that to be cached on the VF page instead of the controller.
We have actions to be executed based on the data which we are storing, so we do not want to hit the controller each and every time for verifying the data.
Is there an option in Salesforce where in we can put the data in the memory of the page and use those data using Javascript or some other option.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
- Prakashb
- July 03, 2012
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<apex:page standardController="Tandure_Domain__c" sidebar="false" extensions="attachementsample"> <apex:form > <apex:pageblock > <apex:pageblockbuttons location="Bottom"> <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!Save1}" disabled="{!save}"/> </apex:pageblockbuttons> <apex:pageblockSection title="Salesforce"> <apex:inputField value="{!Tandure_Domain__c.Name__c}"/> <apex:inputField value="{!Tandure_Domain__c.Education__c}"/> </apex:pageblockSection> </apex:pageblock> </apex:form> </apex:page>Class
public class attachementsample { public tandure_domain__c dom{get;set;} String accid = System.currentPagereference().getParameters().get('id'); public attachementsample(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { dom=new tandure_domain__c(); } public void save1() { Database.upsert(dom); system.debug('>>>>>'+dom); // Education and Name fields are Blank here, Only Id got generated } }
- Vigneshwaran Loganathan
- April 02, 2015
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Cannot Trace a CUSTOM Object - COMPLAINT in our SFDC ORG
Please help.
- Debendra Ray 8
- March 17, 2015
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Custom list button in console from different objects. Important
This button is on different objects like Account,opportunity,Quote and some othe custom objects.
The button works fine in out side the service cloud console , but it is nor working in console.
below code is for out side the console . I need a help how can put this button for console.
This button also should work in console , can any one please guide me how to do this .
//Get parent ID
var x = top.window.location.pathname;
var x1 = x.substring(1,x.length);
var xpre = x1.substring(0,3);
//Parent page is Account
if (xpre == '{!$ObjectType.Account}'){
var Acc = sforce.connection.query("Select Id, Name From Account Where Id = '" + x1 + "' limit 1");
var accrecords = Acc.getArray("records");
if (accrecords.length > 0){
top.window.location.href = '/setup/ui/recordtypeselect.jsp?ent=Case&nooverride=1&save_new_url=/500/e?nooverride=1&def_account_id=' + accrecords[0].Id + '&retURL=%2F' + x1;
//Parent page is Opportunity
else if (xpre == '{!$ObjectType.Opportunity}'){
var Opp = sforce.connection.query("Select Id, AccountId, Account.Name, Name From Opportunity Where Id = '" + x1 + "' limit 1");
var opprecords = Opp.getArray("records");
if (opprecords.length > 0){
top.window.location.href = '/setup/ui/recordtypeselect.jsp?ent=Case&nooverride=1&save_new_url=/500/e?nooverride=1&def_account_id=' + opprecords[0].AccountId + '&{!$Setup.OrgIDs__c.SR_OPRTY__c}_lkid='+ opprecords[0].Id + '&{!$Setup.OrgIDs__c.SR_OPRTY__c}='+ opprecords[0].Name + '&retURL=%2F' + x1;
//Parent page is Quotes
else if (xpre == '{!$ObjectType.UNUM_QUOTE__c}'){
var Qte= sforce.connection.query("Select Id, Name, OPRTY_ID__r.AccountId, OPRTY_ID__r.Name, OPRTY_ID__c From UNUM_QUOTE__c Where Id = '" + x1 + "' limit 1");
var Qterecords = Qte.getArray("records");
if (Qterecords.length > 0){
top.window.location.href = '/setup/ui/recordtypeselect.jsp?ent=Case&nooverride=1&save_new_url=/500/e?nooverride=1&def_account_id='+Qterecords[0].OPRTY_ID__r.AccountId+'&{!$Setup.OrgIDs__c.SR_OPRTY__c}_lkid='+ Qterecords[0].OPRTY_ID__c+'&{!$Setup.OrgIDs__c.SR_OPRTY__c}='+ Qterecords[0].OPRTY_ID__r.Name + '&{!$Setup.OrgIDs__c.SR_Quotes__c}_lkid='+ Qterecords[0].Id+'&{!$Setup.OrgIDs__c.SR_Quotes__c}='+ Qterecords[0].Name + '&retURL=%2F' + x1;
//Parent page is Enrollment Event
else if (xpre == '{!$ObjectType.Enrol_Event__c}'){
var Enr = sforce.connection.query("SELECT Id, Name, OPRTY_ID__c, OPRTY_ID__r.Name, OPRTY_ID__r.AccountId FROM Enrol_Event__c Where Id = '" + x1 + "' limit 1");
var enrrecords = Enr.getArray("records");
if (enrrecords.length > 0){
top.window.location.href = '/setup/ui/recordtypeselect.jsp?ent=Case&nooverride=1&save_new_url=/500/e?nooverride=1&def_account_id=' + enrrecords[0].OPRTY_ID__r.AccountId + '&{!$Setup.OrgIDs__c.SR_OPRTY__c}_lkid='+ enrrecords[0].OPRTY_ID__c + '&{!$Setup.OrgIDs__c.SR_OPRTY__c}='+ enrrecords[0].OPRTY_ID__r.Name + '&{!$Setup.OrgIDs__c.SR_ENROL_EVENT_ID__c}_lkid=' + enrrecords[0].Id + '&{!$Setup.OrgIDs__c.SR_ENROL_EVENT_ID__c}=' + enrrecords[0].Name + '&retURL=%2F' + x1;
//Suresh Added
//Parent page is Rating Product
else if (xpre == '{!$ObjectType.UW_Rating_Products__c}'){
var Enr = sforce.connection.query("SELECT Id ,Name,OPPTY_ID__c, OPPTY_ID__r.Name, OPPTY_ID__r.AccountId, UNUM_QUOTE_ID__c, UNUM_QUOTE_ID__r.Name, PRODT_ID__r.Name, PRODT_ID__c FROM UW_Rating_Products__c Where Id = '" + x1 + "' limit 1");
var enrrecords = Enr.getArray("records");
if (enrrecords.length > 0){
top.window.location.href = '/setup/ui/recordtypeselect.jsp?ent=Case&nooverride=1&save_new_url=/500/e?nooverride=1&def_account_id=' + enrrecords[0].OPPTY_ID__r.AccountId + '&{!$Setup.OrgIDs__c.SR_OPRTY__c}_lkid='+ enrrecords[0].OPPTY_ID__c + '&{!$Setup.OrgIDs__c.SR_OPRTY__c}='+ enrrecords[0].OPPTY_ID__r.Name +'&{!$Setup.OrgIDs__c.SR_Quotes__c}_lkid='+ enrrecords[0].UNUM_QUOTE_ID__c + '&{!$Setup.OrgIDs__c.SR_Quotes__c}='+ enrrecords[0].UNUM_QUOTE_ID__r.Name +'&{!$Setup.OrgIDs__c.SR_Rating_Product_ID__c}_lkid='+ enrrecords[0].Id + '&{!$Setup.OrgIDs__c.SR_Rating_Product_ID__c}='+ enrrecords[0].Name + '&{!$Setup.OrgIDs__c.SR_Rating_Product_Name__c}='+enrrecords[0].PRODT_ID__r.Name+'&retURL=%2F' + x1;
- Aruna
- March 16, 2015
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Business Date Formula Field
Can you please help me out with the formula field it is very urgent. I have this formula field below and I need to update this field to get calculated date based on business days. Suppose if Record CreatedDate is on Friday then Estimated Completion Date + 2 Shouldn't be Date of Sunday it should be the Date whichever will be on Tuesday.
Formula Field Name: Estimated_Completion_Date__c
Field Type: Date
CASE(RecordType.Name, "Credit Request", CreatedDate + 2, "Cancellation", CreatedDate + 2, "Invoice/Usage Report", CreatedDate + 2, "New Order Assistance/Special Terms", CreatedDate + 1, "Technical Issue", CreatedDate + 2, "Vendor Information", CreatedDate + 2, "Purchase Order Submission", CreatedDate + 2, "Change of Address/Invoice Recipient Request", CreatedDate + 2, "Organic Growth", CreatedDate + 2, "Account Number Issue", CreatedDate + 5, Null)
Thanks Guys
- nksf
- March 16, 2015
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How to add Custom vf page as related list in standard object
Could you plz tell me how to add custom vf page as a related list in standard object?
- Chidanand Magadum 24
- March 16, 2015
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Count/List of opportunities which don't have a opportunity team member added
I am able to generate opportunitieis with team members and thier count.
- Santosh Asbe
- March 16, 2015
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Error: Compile Error: Non-void method might not return a value or might have statement after a return statement
integer count = [select count() FROM Sworn_Undertaking__c WHERE id =:swornUT.id];
if (count>0) // Error at this Line
if(SUT.submit_done__C == false)
sakid = 'Y';
SUT.City_of__c = swornUT.City_of__c;
SUT.Address__c = swornUT.Address__c;
upsert SUT;
sakid = 'N';
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.WARNING,' You have already entered details in Sworn Undertaking Form'));
return null;
sakid = 'N';
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.WARNING,' You have already entered details in Sworn Undertaking Form'));
pagereference pdf = page.pdfSwornUndertaking;
Attachment attach = new Attachment();
Blob body;
catch(visualforceException e)
body=Blob.valueOf('Some Text');
return null;
I have given return null but its still shows the same.. Am i wrong Anywhere?
- Vigneshwaran Loganathan
- March 16, 2015
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Test @future call from trigger
I have the below trigger that makes an @future call to an apex class.
This line UpliftmentRequestFutureWebService.sendvehiclerequest makes the call.
I have tried various things in my test class such as test.startTest() and test.stopTest() and still fails with a "Methods defined as TestMethod do not support Web service callouts, test skipped".
Any guidance is very welcome on this!
trigger UpliftmentRequestCreate on Vehicle__c (after insert) {
DateTime createdate = system.now();
String dateofrequest;
Integer insurer;
String claimno;
DateTime dateoflossconvert;
String dateofloss;
Integer vehiclecondition;
String customerfirstname;
String customerlastname;
String vehiclemake;
String vehiclemodel;
String vehiclemmcode;
String vehicleyear;
String vehicleregistrationno;
String vehiclecommercialpassenger;
String locationname;
String locationcontactperson;
String locationcontactno;
String locationemailaddress;
String locationstreetaddress;
String locationsuburb;
String locationpostalcode;
String locationcity;
String locationprovince;
String createuserfirstname;
String createuserlastname;
String salesforcecapturer;
String salesforcerefno;
String refno;
id customer;
id vehicleid;
User currentuser=[Select FirstName, LastName from User Where Id =: UserInfo.getUserId() LIMIT 1];
createuserfirstname = currentuser.FirstName;
createuserlastname = currentuser.LastName;
salesforcecapturer = createuserfirstname+' '+createuserlastname;
system.debug ('Current User : ' + createuserfirstname +' '+createuserlastname);
for (Vehicle__c v : Trigger.new) {
vehicleid = v.id;
customer = v.Customer__c;
if (v.Insurance_Group__c == 'AFI' || v.Insurance_Group__c == 'Zurich'){
dateofrequest = createdate.format('yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss');
system.debug ('Date of Request New : ' + dateofrequest);
if (v.Insurance_Group__c != null){
if (v.Insurance_Group__c == 'AFI'){
insurer = 26;
else if (v.Insurance_Group__c == 'Zurich'){
insurer = 347;
insurer = 1;
insurer = 0;
system.debug('Insurer : ' + insurer);
if (v.PolicyNo__c != null){
claimno = v.PolicyNo__c;
claimno = 'Not Specified';
system.debug('Claim No : ' + claimno);
if (v.Date_Of_Loss__c != null){
dateoflossconvert = DateTime.newInstance(v.Date_Of_Loss__c.year(), v.Date_Of_Loss__c.month(), v.Date_Of_Loss__c.day());
dateofloss = dateoflossconvert.format('yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss');
dateofloss = null;
system.debug('Date of Loss : ' + dateofloss);
if(v.Vehicle_Condition__c != null){
if (v.Vehicle_Condition__c == 'Repairable'){
vehiclecondition = 1;
else if (v.Vehicle_Condition__c == 'WriteOff'){
vehiclecondition = 2;
vehiclecondition = 0;
vehiclecondition = 0;
system.debug('Vehicle Condition : ' + vehiclecondition);
if(v.Vehicle_Commercial_Passenger__c != null){
vehiclecommercialpassenger = v.Vehicle_Commercial_Passenger__c;
vehiclecommercialpassenger = 'Not Specified';
system.debug ('Vehicle Commercial Passenger : ' + vehiclecommercialpassenger);
if(v.Make__c != null){
vehiclemake = v.Make__c;
vehiclemake = 'Not Specified';
system.debug ('Vehicle Make : ' + vehiclemake);
if (v.Model__c != null){
vehiclemodel = v.Model__c;
vehiclemodel = 'Not Specified';
system.debug('Vehicle Model : ' + vehiclemodel);
if (v.MMCode__c != null){
vehiclemmcode = v.MMCode__c;
vehiclemmcode = 'Not Specified';
system.debug ('Vehicle MMCode : ' + vehiclemmcode);
if (v.Reg_Year__c != null){
vehicleyear = v.Reg_Year__c;
vehicleyear = 'Not Specified';
system.debug('Vehicle Year : ' + vehicleyear);
if(v.RegNo__c != null){
vehicleregistrationno = v.RegNo__c;
vehicleregistrationno = 'Not Specified';
system.debug('Vehicle Registration No : ' + vehicleregistrationno);
if (v.MBR_Name__c != null){
locationname = v.MBR_Name__c;
else {
locationname = 'Not Specified';
system.debug('Location Name : ' + locationname);
if (v.MBR_Contact_Person__c != null){
locationcontactperson = v.MBR_Contact_Person__c;
locationcontactperson = 'Not Specified';
system.debug('Location Contact Person : ' + locationcontactperson);
if (v.MBR_Email__c != null) {
locationemailaddress = v.MBR_Email__c;
else {
locationemailaddress = 'Not Specified';
system.debug('Location Email Address : ' + locationemailaddress);
if (v.MBR_Address__c != null){
locationstreetaddress = v.MBR_Address__c;
else {
locationstreetaddress = 'Not Specified';
system.debug('Location Address : ' + locationstreetaddress);
if (v.MBR_Suburb__c != null){
locationsuburb = v.MBR_Suburb__c;
locationsuburb = 'Not Specified';
system.debug('Location Suburb : ' + locationsuburb);
if (v.MBR_Postal_Code__c != null){
locationpostalcode = v.MBR_Postal_Code__c;
locationpostalcode = '';
if (v.MBR_City__c != null){
locationcity = v.MBR_City__c;
locationcity = '';
if (v.MBR_Province__c != null){
locationprovince = v.MBR_Province__c;
else {
locationprovince = 'Not Specified';
system.debug('Location Province : ' + locationprovince);
if (v.MBR_Contact_No__c != null){
locationcontactno = v.MBR_Contact_No__c;
locationcontactno = 'Not Specified';
system.debug('Location Province : ' + locationcontactno);
if (v.StockNo__c != null){
salesforcerefno = v.StockNo__c;
salesforcerefno = 'Not Specified';
for (Account a : [Select Id, FirstName, LastName from Account where Id =: customer LIMIT 1]) {
if (a.FirstName != null){
customerfirstname = a.FirstName;
else {
customerfirstname = 'Not Specified';
if (a.LastName != null){
customerlastname = a.LastName;
customerlastname = 'Not Specified';
system.debug('Customer Name : ' + customerfirstname +' '+ customerlastname);
for (Vehicle__c v : Trigger.new) {
if (v.Insurance_Group__c == 'AFI' || v.Insurance_Group__c == 'Zurich'){
try {
system.debug ('About to call the web service class');
UpliftmentRequestFutureWebService.sendvehiclerequest(dateofrequest, insurer, claimno, dateofloss, vehiclecondition, customerlastname, customerfirstname, vehiclecommercialpassenger, vehiclemake, vehiclemodel,
vehicleMMCode, vehicleyear, vehicleregistrationno, locationname, locationcontactperson, locationcontactno, locationemailaddress, locationstreetaddress,
locationsuburb, locationpostalcode, locationcity, locationprovince, salesforcecapturer, salesforcerefno);
catch(DmlException e){
system.debug('The following exception has occured: ' + e.getMessage());
- Jacobus
- March 16, 2015
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Fetching and Displaying Details of Parent Object in Child's Tab (Salesforce Default UI)
I have a Master - Detail Relationship between two objects, say, Tasks__c and Projects__c. Each Project is supposed bto have a few tasks. So when I display the instances of the tasks in the Tasks tab, I also want to display the details of the project it is related to. Right now, I am able to display the Project__c id, i.e., the index field, but not the name of the project or any other detail. A screenshot of the current Tab is attached below. Please help!!
PS: This is a very basic thing which I can easily do in a custom visualforce page. Calling this feild name : Project__r.Project_Name__c.
But, how do I display this field in Salesforce defined detailed page.
I want to show the Project Name here as well.
- Akanksha Cullen
- March 16, 2015
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Test class for Apex Trigger fails
trigger ReparentComment on CaseComment (before insert) { Map<String, Case> newCaseMap = new Map<String, Case>(); Set<Id> caseIds = new Set<Id>(); Map<Id, List<CaseComment>> ccMap = new Map<Id, List<CaseComment>>(); List<CaseComment> newCCList = new List<CaseComment>(); for(CaseComment cc : trigger.new) { caseIds.add(cc.ParentId); List<CaseComment> ccList = ccMap.get(cc.ParentId); if(ccList == null) ccList = new List<CaseComment>(); ccList.add(cc); ccMap.put(cc.ParentId, ccList); } for(Case c : [Select Id, Subject From Case Where Id in :caseIds Order by CreatedDate]) if(newCaseMap.containsKey(c.Subject)) for(CaseComment cc : ccMap.get(c.Id)) { CaseComment newCC = cc.clone(); newCCList.add(newCC); newCC.ParentId = newCaseMap.get(c.Subject).Id; } else newCaseMap.put(c.Subject, c); for(Case c : [Select Id, Subject From Case Where Subject in :newCaseMap.keySet() And Id not in :caseIds And Status != 'Closed']) for(CaseComment cc : ccMap.get(newCaseMap.get(c.Subject).Id)) { CaseComment newCC = cc.clone(); newCCList.add(newCC); newCC.ParentId = c.Id; } insert newCCList; }
Test Class :
@istest public class TestReparentComment{ static TestMethod void testcomment(){ list<casecomment> ccomment = new list<casecomment>(); for(integer i=0;i<200;i++){ case c= new case(subject='RE:'); insert c casecomment cc = new casecomment(cc.commentBody = c.Description) Parentid=c.id; insert cc; List<case> insertedcases =[Select Name ,Subject,status from case Where Id in :c.Id Order by CreatedDate]; for(case c :insertedcases){ system.assertEquals( 'NotClosed',c.status); } } }
- nikkey
- March 15, 2015
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Emailing and Scheduling a Report
- Seth Rosen
- March 15, 2015
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Report join
I need to pull one single report, Its like combining of two reports.. Contacts with sponsership details also contacts with affiliation details.
Sponsership has lookup field to contact and Affiliation too.. How can i cobine all these data in single report ??
- March 15, 2015
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List items
Below are my Visual force and controller code. I would like display Account name as read only field from the list of items.
Unfortunately I am getting error as Error: Unknown property 'VisualforceArrayList.name'
visualforce page:
<apex:page controller="AccountInformation">
<apex:sectionHeader title="ACCOUNT DETAILS"/>
<apex:pageBlock title="Detailed Information">
<apex:pageBlockButtons location="top">
<apex:commandButton value="Save"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Cancel"/>
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Account Information">
Account Name <apex:outputText value="{!accountlist.name}"/>
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Billing Information">
Billing Street <apex:outputText />
Billing City <apex:outputText />
Billing State <apex:outputText />
Billing Country <apex:outputText />
Billing PostalCode <apex:outputText />
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Shipping Information">
Shipping Street <apex:outputText />
Shipping City <apex:outputText />
Shipping State <apex:outputText />
Shipping Country <apex:outputText />
Shipping Zipcode <apex:outputText />
controller code:
public class AccountInformation
public PageReference edit() {
string str = apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('Accountid');
pagereference pg = new pagereference('/'+str+'/e');
return pg;
public list<Account> accountlist{get;set;}
public AccountInformation()
accountlist = new list<Account>();
accountlist = [SELECT Name,BillingStreet,BillingCity,BillingCountry,BillingPostalCode,BillingState,ShippingStreet,ShippingCity,ShippingCountry,ShippingPostalCode,ShippingState FROM Account order by Name asc
- SFDC_BigDog
- January 12, 2015
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Javascript button to call method
I'm trying to learn on the fly here, my knowledge is more around triggers.
I'm trying to create a List button to automatically create three records, basically I'm trying to create my own grocery list and just automate a few items.
Class and Method:
Global class addGroceries { WebService static void addSomeGroceries(){ List<Groceries__c> groc = new List<Groceries__c>(); Groceries__c g1 = new Groceries__c(Name='Garlic', Category__c='1 - Fruit and Vegetables'); groc.add(g1); Groceries__c g2 = new Groceries__c(Name='Onions', Category__c='1 - Fruit and Vegetables'); groc.add(g2); Groceries__c g3 = new Groceries__c(Name='Pears', Category__c='1 - Fruit and Vegetables'); groc.add(g3); insert groc; } }
Onclick Javascript button:
{!REQUIRESCRIPT("/soap/ajax/29.0/connection.js")} {!REQUIRESCRIPT("/soap/ajax/29.0/apex.js")} sforce.apex.execute("addGroceries","addSomeGroceries",{}); window.location.reload();
Error message
A problem with the OnClick JavaScript for this button or link was encountered: args not specified
Everything I look up seems to reference passing parameters as part of the button, but I don't have anything to pass here.
I'm assuming that it's something obvious
Thanks very much
- Geoffrey J Flynn
- January 10, 2015
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sending email notification to user when article is published
Note:- I have created one article type alert.
- Praveen Jha
- January 10, 2015
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