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Hello All,


I'm in need of a validation rule for a text field. Once that field has been populated w/ information it can not be changed.


See formula below:


IF(NOT(ISBLANK(Acquisition_Program_Name__c )), Acquisition_Program_Name__c,
ISCHANGED( Acquisition_Program_Name__c))


Received the following error:


Error: Incorrect parameter type for function 'IF()'. Expected Text, received Boolean

I've created three fields , one on the lead page, the second on the contact page and a third on the campaign members page. But I looking for a formula to be used on the campaign member page that would read the value of the  lead or conatct page fields. It would be either or. The list is also a pick list...


TEXT( Lead.Lead_Source_Segment__c )
TEXT( Contact.Lead_Source_Segment__c )


IF(NOT(ISBLANK(Lead.Lead_Source_Segment__c ))&& ISBLANK(Contact.Lead_Source_Segment__c ), Lead.Lead_Source_Segment__c
IF(NOT(ISBLANK(Contact.Lead_Source_Segment__c ))&& ISBLANK(Lead.Lead_Source_Segment__c), Contact.Lead_Source_Segment__c ,
IF(NOT(ISBLANK (Lead.Lead_Source_Segment__c ))&& NOT(ISBLANK(Contact.Lead_Source_Segment__c )), Contact.Lead_Source_Segment__c ,


Error: Syntax error. Found 'Lead.Lead_Source_Segment__c


IF(NOT( ISPICKVAL(Lead.Lead_Source_Segment__c ))&& ISPICKVAL(Contact.Lead_Source_Segment__c ), Lead.Lead_Source_Segment__c
IF(NOT(ISPICKVAL (Contact.Lead_Source_Segment__c ))&& ISPICKVAL(Lead.Lead_Source_Segment__c), Contact.Lead_Source_Segment__c ,
IF(NOT(ISPICKVAL (Lead.Lead_Source_Segment__c ))&& NOT(ISPICKVAL(Contact.Lead_Source_Segment__c )), Contact.Lead_Source_Segment__c ,


Error: Syntax error. Found 'Lead.Lead_Source_Segment__c'


I'm trying to write a formula for two check boxes. One is being populated by Jagsaw Data.com clean that automatically gets checked when an Account Contact or Lead is graveyard. I've created a seperate field for called Lead Inactive that I want to automaticaly update when graveyward check box is updated.



VALUE( jigsaw_clean__Graveyard__c ) 

Error: Incorrect parameter type for function 'VALUE()'. Expected Text, received Boolean


Hello All,


I'm trying to populate a TEXT field on a custom object. The goal is to check for an Account Name on the Lead Object or on the  Contact Object.  Based on my formula below I'm getting a eror. Any help would be greatly appreciated.







Error: Incorrect parameter for function 'OR()'. Expected Boolean, received Text

I have a cross object formula that I'm trying to include a multi-select picklist to auto-populate a Text field on a custom object. But I'm getting an eror. If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.




INCLUDES( Lead__r.Product_Focus__c, "Investor", "Pro", "Maxit", "Financial Guidance", "Account Opening", "Money", "Movement", "Adv Trading", "Rules Engine","ENS", "Trading", "SDX for TurboTax", "FTS Professional Services", "Mobile", "Portfolio Rebalancing", "Web Services")


 Error: Incorrect number of parameters for function 'INCLUDES()'. Expected 2, received 17