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Hello All:


I am new SF and mobile development using iOS. I've downloaded cloudtunes and successfully built in iOS (simulator and real device)..WHen i deploy the app and run it, i am successfully authenticated and page is redirected to the url specified.  But the page just displays a "loading" and hangs.

From this,


-- SInce the controller is invoked and the page is partially displayed (HTML ELelments - headers and links),  I feel it is either a jQuery data invoking/loading issue or a database permissions issue.


How do i debug jQuery? Any tip is very helpful. I've already spent about 2 days trying to troubleshoot this issue.




Hello All:


I am new SF and mobile development using iOS. I've downloaded cloudtunes and successfully built in iOS (simulator and real device)..WHen i deploy the app and run it, i am successfully authenticated and page is redirected to the url specified.  But the page just displays a "loading" and hangs.

From this,


-- SInce the controller is invoked and the page is partially displayed (HTML ELelments - headers and links),  I feel it is either a jQuery data invoking/loading issue or a database permissions issue.


How do i debug jQuery? Any tip is very helpful. I've already spent about 2 days trying to troubleshoot this issue.




Hi there,

I've been trying to add salesforce authentication to an existing iOS app, and while the XCode wizard for creating a native app from scratch works great, the documentation on authentication seems to assume that you used this template.  There's nothing about how to set up your own credentials/coordinator for the purpose, nothing about supplying a username/password programatically, and I don't want my app-delegate to extend SFNativeRestAppDelegate (because the app might or might not be connecting to a particular salesforce account, and probably won't be doing so at startup.  Also, some of the wiki docs are out of date.)


Is there any clean solution to this problem?  I've gotten some pointers toward ZKSForce, but it doesn't seem to be officially supported.


Thanks in advance