• Vinny12
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Hi All,


I have 2 objects.




Donations is the child object and have the foreign key contact id in Donations.

Each contact may donate any number of times. 

Contact to Donation have one to many relationship. So one contact has many donations.


I want to pull all contact records who donated for past 5 years from now. such that contact should have atleast one donation in each and every year.


Ex: 2009,2010,2011,2012,2013

I want the contact records who donated atleast once in 2009 and 2010 and 2011 and 2012 and 2013


If contact missed to donate in any one of the year , i dont want that record in my result.


Please help me with sql query.

Its urgent





Hi All,


I have two objects.

Contacts and Funds.


I want all the contact records who didn't fund any to the organization.

This can be determined by the id's


select * from contact,Funds

where contact.id=funds.contactid----> this means there are funds from this contact.


select * from contact,Funds

where contact.id not exists in Funds.contactid--> this means there are no funds from this contact.


This means that there are contact records who gave same funds also who didn't give any funds. We want 2 diff files.


Can someone help me with the SQL Query?







I have Opportunity object and contact object. I have to pull the data using salesforce dataloader from contact obj. for this obj i have opportunity as the child object. Can i write a query by joining these two objects?




select contact.id,opportunity.id

from contact,opportunity

where opportunity.fieldname='text'


Is it possible in salesforce dataloder export?


or we can write a query only for one object at a time?



Hi All,


I have reports ready and how to save this report as csv file??





There is a permission set with a field "Enable email notification" (check box) . Am supposed to set this field to be true for all the user records.


Do we need to use dataloader for this to update?


Can someone help me with this.?





Can anyone help me with this..


Do Audit on customizations and configurations between QA Sandbox and Production sandbox.


What am supposed to do for this?

Please respond.



Can someone provide me an example of validations using triggers?



Can someone tell me,

what's the difference or feature between Data Loader and apex batch class??


Why to use batch class when we are able to do it with dataloader settings (i.e migrating the data in batches)



Thanks in advance

Am new to salesforce,

Someone please help me with these terms,


Whats an ajax request?

What does  calling asynchronously means??




Can you please explain what dupe catcher is? What are the uses ? Please give me a scenario

Can we upload a batch of loads and still make the dupe catcher working?


Help would be appreciated 





What does this webservice callout means? Where and why do we use it?


( I know that webservice is a form of communication b/n the systems)


@future methods:


What does resources available means?( resources here mean memory,database resources and all) but i didnt get what exactly it meant.  why do we use this annotation?  what is running asynchronously in this context? 


Can someone explain a general idea what exactly happens with this external systems,webservice callouts, invoking the future methods from trigger and all and why do we use it. am not able to get a clear idea



