• John Lay
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I'm working on the Trailhead Lighning Experince Reports and Dashboards Spcialist superbadge. I've made it to step 7 and now I get this message:

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: CGWWGKMQ

I hate to start over. The dashboard is built and functional.

Ideas other than a new DE and start from the beginning?
Hi Viewers,

i want sent email when click on detail page custom button in opportunity obj. &update the fields 
1. send an email partner
2.channel manager(account owner of partner account)
3.account owner
4. fields should be updated like date= today,stage='duplcate',status= 'rejected'.

​can any one help me .
In the project - Create Picklists and Field Dependencies...

The create pick lists and field dependencies seems to have an error.
In Region there is "AMEA" but when selecting the dependencies the value is listed as "EMEA"
I'm doing the Set Up the Exchange Rate hands-on but keep getting an error. I've doublechecked thing and I'm still getting this message  
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:  
We couldn’t find Currency Type and Decimal with the correct information. Ensure that you have selected the correct currency type and entered the decimal information.
Error Message:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The AccountTab Visualforce page does not include one or both of the following: the apex:slds tag in the page, or the slds-table value in the table.

Hello all. I am working on the new superbadge and getting stuck on Challenge 3 . I have tried several solutions but cannot get the data to display in table format. Here is my code below, my main issue is where to place the table class in realtion to the pageBlockTable.

<apex:page standardStylesheets="false" standardController="Account" recordSetVar="accounts" tabStyle="account" applyBodyTag="false">
    <apex:slds >
        <div class="slds-scope">
                    <table class="slds-table"> 
                    <apex:pageBlockTable  value="{!accounts}" var="a">
                        <apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Account.Fields.Name.Label}">
                            <apex:outputLink value="{!URLFOR($Action.Account.View, a.id)}">{!a.name}</apex:outputLink>


We have over 100 deployments of Live Agent. One for each of our company brands and locations. The auto greeting for each is specific for the brand & location.
Example: Hello! Thanks for chatting with us at My Business of Chicago. My name is {!User_FirstName}.How can we help you today?

When a customer starts the chat with a location then the agent determines they are not who the customer needs to be speaking with and transfers the chat to the correct agent, the original message repeats with the same values as before, even though the agent and location/business unit no longer apply. This leads to customer confusion.

How can we have a greeting and ensure the greeting is correct even through transfers? I'm open to a configuration or coding solution.

Steps to reproduce:
Start a live agent chat session from one of our web pages, say RV Sales of Atlanta
You receive greeting like: Hello! Thanks for chatting with us at My Business of Atlanta My name is John.How can we help you today?
Ask the agent a question about My Business Web Page (buying retail product)
The RV Sales agent will indicate they must transfer you to a different agent (call center)
Chat is transferred, you will receive same greeting: Hello! Thanks for chatting with us at My Business of Atlanta My name is John.How can we help you today?
but should have got a greeting like Hello! Thanks for chatting with us at My Business. My name is Jill. How can we help you today?

During the transfer the Agent Name and Location will both be changed, but the message is the same.

I saw and voted for an Idea about this, but wanted to know how others have addressed this issue?


Hi all, I am stuck on the prevent SOQL injection trailhead, where I am looking to determine which portions of the code I would need to invoke escapeSingleQuotes or whitelist to enable. I've made several attempts at investigation to little avail. I have appended my code are there any steps I would need to take. My goal is to assess the code to see how it works and what I would need to do.

Hope it helps.
public class Prevent_SOQL_Injection_Challenge {

    public string textOne {get; set;}
    public string textTwo {get; set;}
    public string comparator {get; set;}
    public string numberOne {get; set;}

    public List<Supply__c> whereclause_records {get; set;}

    public PageReference stringSearchOne(){
        string query = 'SELECT Id,Name,Quantity__c,Storage_Location__c,Storage_Location__r.Castle__c,Type__c FROM Supply__c';
        string whereClause = '';

        if(textOne != null && textOne!=''){
                whereClause += 'name like  \'%'+textOne+'%\' ';

        if(whereClause != ''){
            whereclause_records = database.query(query+' where '+whereClause+' Limit 10');

        return null;

    public PageReference stringSearchTwo(){
        string query = 'SELECT Id,Name,Quantity__c,Storage_Location__c,Storage_Location__r.Castle__c,Type__c FROM Supply__c';
        string whereClause = '';

        if(textTwo != null && textTwo!=''){
                whereClause += 'Storage_Location__r.name like  \'%'+textTwo+'%\' ';

        if(whereClause != ''){
            whereclause_records = database.query(query+' where '+whereClause+' Limit 10');

        return null;

    public PageReference numberSearchOne(){
        string query = 'SELECT Id,Name,Quantity__c,Storage_Location__c,Storage_Location__r.Castle__c,Type__c FROM Supply__c';
        string whereClause = '';

        if(numberOne != null && comparator != null){
            whereClause += 'Quantity__c '+comparator+' '+numberOne+' ';

        if(whereClause != ''){
            whereclause_records = database.query(query+' where '+whereClause+' Limit 10');

        return null;


While going thru Trailhead and learning many things, I decided to put together my own version of yet another Trailhead Leader board. I've fleshed out an example that keeps track of Name, ID, Badges, Superbadges, Comm Badges and Total Points. Sorting, ID validation are also being done. I did all of this for my own edification and learning to better reinforce the skills that Trailhead provided me. Trailhead is really quite amazing

Link to Dev Org Public Site: http://trailhead-leaderboard-developer-edition.na35.force.com

This App is one VisualSource Page and Apex controller running as a Public Site. Refresh occurs periodically from a .Net Web App using the Partner WSDL API

I'm hoping to move all of that over to Apex once I figure out a bunch of things. I see some other suggestions about dates. It would be nice to incorporate that also. I'm sure that something like this could be incorporated into Salesforce Orgs for folks to keep track of training of their employees with Trailhead. Part of the loader I've built using the Partner WSDL scans thru all of the badges of a profile and can load them into the Org somewhere.


To complete the ISV modules, are you required to have an ISV account? 

Or how do you get a dev org with environment hub?