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Error: Illegal assignment from Schema.SObjectField to Id
I have the following error message:
Error: Illegal assignment from Schema.SObjectField to Idwhen I try to update lookup field in apex.
Here is the method implementation:
public void addTaskCommentHistory(Task task) { if(task == Null) { return; } String newValue = task.Description; if(newValue != Null && !newValue.equals('')) { String taskId = task.Id; String fieldName = 'Comments'; String oldValue = ''; Task_History__c taskHistory = new Task_History__c(); taskHistory.Task_ID__c = taskId; taskHistory.Field_Name__c = fieldName; taskHistory.Old_Value__c = oldValue; taskHistory.New_Value__c = newValue; String lastModifiedBy = task.LastModifiedById; String userName = ''; // the query will return no more than one row because the data is extracted by user id List<User> listOfUsers = [SELECT Name FROM User where Id = :lastModifiedBy]; if(listOfUsers.size() > 0){ User user = listOfUsers.get(0); userName = user.Name; } taskHistory.User__c = user.Name; insert taskHistory; } }
When I try to add
taskHistory.User__c = user.Name;I get the "Error: Illegal assignment from Schema.SObjectField to Id" message.
Please advise how to update the User__c lookup field without the error message?
- sfadm sfadm
- January 26, 2018
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Apex trigger/class is throwing error from managed package .How to fix this?
i am getting error from managed package apex trigger. So i am uanble to save my record. How to stop the trigger form managed package
- Vinothini Murugesh 23
- January 09, 2018
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How to find "Ultimate Parent" or "Top Level Account" in Account hierarchy?
I was wondering if anyone knows how one can create a script Or SOQL to find out the "Ultimate Parent" and store the result in a field.
- Anil Ingle
- January 05, 2017
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Multiselect picklist field should throw error!
IF(OR(AND(INCLUDES(BU_Specialty_Name__c,"R"),INCLUDES( BU_Specialty_Name__c,"A")),
AND(INCLUDES(BU_Specialty_Name__c,"R"),INCLUDES( BU_Specialty_Name__c,"B")),
AND(INCLUDES(BU_Specialty_Name__c,"R"),INCLUDES( BU_Specialty_Name__c,"C"))
true, false)
It is working fine for the environment(Sandbox) which has "A","B","C"&"R" values for 'BU_Specialty_Name__c'.
2) But now, the requirment is that, For the other environment(Prod), 'BU_Specialty_Name__c' has few more values "A","B","C","D", "E" & "R".
Here also same condition should be given that is, If user selects any value along with "R", an error should occur.
And we cannot overwrite Validation rule depending upon environment always.
So,Is there any alternative to throw an error When user selects any value along with "R", instead of calling all the values as I did above?
The idea should work for all environments independant on other multiselect picklist values.
Any kind of suggestion is accepted. Thanks in advance!
- Rinigrace Mekala
- September 21, 2016
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Redirecting users to standard opportunities tab after saving the record
I am tring to redirect users to Opportunity tab after saving the record. Wanted to construct the generic URL instead of hard coding the value, let me know what the generic URL should be so that it wroks in produciton too.
- shashi kanaparthi
- March 23, 2016
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custom setting object
Depending on country field i want to update manager field on account object.
I have maintain country name and manager detains in custom setting object.
Now i want to get the data from custom setting.
I have completed this task through trigger , using "before insert and before update" event.
But i want to complete this task through trigger , using "after insert and after update" event
I have tried this way :
trigger StateManager1 on Account(after insert, after update)
Map<String ,StateManager__c> mp=StateManager__c.getAll();
Set<String> bcKeySet = new Set<String>();
bcKeySet = mp.keyset();
Set<Id> setIds=new Set<Id>();
List<Account> lisAcc=[select id ,name ,Manager__c ,Country__c from Account where id In : trigger.newMap.keyset()];
List<Account> acc=new List<Account>();
for(Account a : lisAcc)
if(bcKeySet.contains(a.Country__c ))
if(Trigger.isupdate && mp.get(a.Country__c).ManagerName__c!=a.Country__c)
a.Manager__c =mp.get(a.Country__c).ManagerName__c;
a.Manager__c =mp.get(a.Country__c).ManagerName__c;
Update acc;
But i am getting below error :
Error:Apex trigger StateManager1 caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: StateManager1: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id 0012800000R91HiAAJ; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, StateManager1: maximum trigger depth exceeded Account trigger event AfterUpdate for [0012800000R91Hi] Account trigger event AfterUpdate for [0012800000R91Hi] Account trigger event AfterUpdate for [0012800000R91Hi] Account trigger event AfterUpdate for [0012800000R91Hi] Account trigger event AfterUpdate for [0012800000R91Hi] Account trigger event AfterUpdate for [0012800000R91Hi] Account trigger event AfterUpdate for [0012800000R91Hi] Account trigger event AfterUpdate for [0012800000R91Hi] Account trigger event AfterUpdate for [0012800000R91Hi] Account trigger event AfterUpdate for [0012800000R91Hi] Account trigger event AfterUpdate for [0012800000R91Hi] Account trigger event AfterUpdate for [0012800000R91Hi] Account trigger event AfterUpdate for [0012800000R91Hi] Account trigger event AfterUpdate for [0012800000R91Hi] Account trigger event AfterUpdate for [0012800000R91Hi] Account trigger event AfterUpdate for [0012800000R91Hi]: []: Trigger.StateManager1: line 26, column 1
Please help me how will complete by using after events
- satheesh k 18
- March 18, 2016
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Callout Unit Test - Static methods cannot be invoked through an object instance: getChecks()
API class
public class CheckbookAPI { // DigitalCheck__APIConfig__c is a custom setting object that stores the API Keys public static DigitalCheck__APIConfig__c Config = DigitalCheck__APIConfig__c.getOrgDefaults(); public CheckbookAPI() { } public static String getChecks() { HttpRequest req = CheckbookAPI.getHttpRequest('GET', '/transactions'); return CheckbookAPI.getHttpResponse(req); } public static String createCheck(String email, Decimal amount, String firstName, String lastName, String semail, String description) { HttpRequest req = CheckbookAPI.getHttpRequest('POST', '/send_check'); Map<String,Object> mapParams = new Map<String,Object>(); mapParams.put('email', email); mapParams.put('amount', amount); mapParams.put('first_name', firstName); mapParams.put('last_name', lastName); mapParams.put('sender_email', semail); mapParams.put('description', description); req.setBody(JSON.serialize(mapParams)); return CheckbookAPI.getHttpResponse(req); } private static String getHttpResponse(HttpRequest req) { Http http = new Http(); HTTPResponse response = http.send(req); return response.getBody(); } private static HttpRequest getHttpRequest(String Method, String Path) { // Initialize the request HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(); // Build the selected elements String SelectedElements = ''; // Set the method req.setMethod(Method); SelectedElements += Method; // Set the Content-Type header if (Method == 'POST') { SelectedElements += 'application/json'; req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); } // Set the endpoint String CompletePath = '/' + CheckbookAPI.Config.DigitalCheck__VersionAPI__c + Path; SelectedElements += CompletePath; req.setEndpoint(CheckbookAPI.Config.DigitalCheck__ServerURL__c + CompletePath); return req; } }
API CALL class
global with sharing class DigitalChecksChargeController { public DigitalChecksChargeController(ApexPages.StandardController stdController) { } @RemoteAction public static String processCharge() { return '200'; // Simulate the status code of the <charge> request } @RemoteAction public static String createCheck(String email, Decimal amount, String firstName, String lastName, String semail, String description) { return CheckbookAPI.createCheck(email, amount, firstName, lastName, semail, description); } }
TEST class
@isTest public class CheckbookAPI_UsingStaticResources { public testmethod static void testWS() { String testBody = 'This is a test :-)'; StaticResourceCalloutMock mock = new StaticResourceCalloutMock(); mock.setStaticResource('Test_WS'); mock.setStatusCode(200); Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, mock); CheckbookAPI callout = new CheckbookAPI (); HttpResponse resp = callout.getChecks(); // <== GETTING ERROR : Static methods cannot be invoked through an object instance: getChecks() //System.assertEquals(200, resp.getStatusCode()); //System.assertEquals(resp.getBody(), testBody); } }
So I'm getting
Static methods cannot be invoked through an object instance: getChecks()
- Alireza Seifi
- March 17, 2016
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Split the name into first name and last name; If second string is absent then how can update??
1. First Name, 2. Last Name.
I am updating first string of NAME field(Custom field) in the Last Name standard field and second string of NAME field in First Name of Standard Field, using workflow+ field update.
Update Last Name using Formula: LEFT( Name__c ,FIND(" ", Name__c ))
Updat First Name using Formula : MID( Name__c , FIND(" ", Name__c ), LEN(Name__c ) )
Now My Question is If second string in NAME string is absent then first name field should be updated to blank because it optional field. How i can use the formula; Please Suggest
Note: In custom name field i'm inserting data from web to lead.
- Amol Ch
- March 14, 2016
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Checkbox populate from other object
I have a custom object (ObjectA__c) and want add a custom field which will populate with a checkbox if true if IsActive is checked on the standard User object.
When I attempt to create a custom text formula field in ObjectA__c named ActiveUser__c with the following syntax in the Formula Option field, I receive the below error message, any ideas?
Error: Formula result is data type (Boolean), incompatible with expected data type (Text).
- HNT_Neo
- March 11, 2016
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Toast message on Opportunity when line item quantity is > 1000
I have seen toast messages which appears every time the record is accessed, if conditions met. But how can we just show the toast message on child record DML operations.
As per my understanding, there won't be any DML operations on Opportunity when line items are edited or updated.
Any thoughts..
- Lokeswara Reddy
- July 16, 2019
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CPU time out error with test class
Any best practices around handling CPU time out error for test classes?
The error from the deployment really doesn't give any clue on why it is taking too long for test class execution.
- Lokeswara Reddy
- May 07, 2019
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How to pass values when there is no field defined in the wsdl
We are trying to integrate with external system, there is a complex type defined to pas name-value pair as part of tag
<Organization> <Unit Type="Legal Entity">XYZ1</Unit> </Organization>Apex generated label "Type" where we can pass avlue as "Legal Entity", but how to pass XYZ1 while invoking the service.
I believe the structure should be somethign similar to
<Organization> <Unit Type="Legal Entity" Value="XYZ1" /> </Organization>When tested via SOAPUI, request is success but the value is not being updated in the target system.
Any clue on how to solve this issue?
Thanks in advance
- Lokeswara Reddy
- January 31, 2018
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Why can't I see new formula field in report?
- add new fields and set FLS
- update custom report type to add this new field and change the display name
- customize the report to include new field and save it
- run report, field is not visible
note that the object belongs to managed app
- Lokeswara Reddy
- December 17, 2017
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SandboxPostCopy Interface supports batch jobs?
How can we test this without deploying the code in production and refresh sandbox to do so?
- Lokeswara Reddy
- July 31, 2017
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How to control command buttons when 'Enter' button clicked
There a VF page to search on Accounts, the page has 'Search' and 'Cancle' buttons, after filling data in search field and if you click 'Enter' button it won't work, the user has to click manually on 'Search' button, when clicked it reloads the page and shows progress bar till the resulsts displayed.
Now there is a new requirement to have a new button 'Create New Account' in the VF page to redirect to new Account edit page by copying the data from search fields, Every thing works fine, but if user clicks 'Enter' button after filling search fields by defaults it takes the user to New account page!
Is there any way that we can controle this? on 'Enter' click it should invoke 'Search' button else NO action,
<apex:commandButton action="{!search}" value="Search" id="SearchBt" status="processingStatus" reRender="resultPanel,errorPanel"/>
<!-- <apex:commandButton action="{!search}" value="Search"/> -->
<apex:commandButton action="{!reset}" value="Reset" status="processingStatus" reRender="resultPanel,errorPanel,searchPanel"/>
<apex:commandButton action="{!redirectToNewAccountPG}" value="Create New Account"/>
I have tried Line#2, the Enter button has invoked 'Search' button, but it did not show the search bar and more over it reloads entier page and not just the search results.
Any thoughts on this? Thanks in advanc
- Lokeswara Reddy
- July 07, 2016
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Issue with Queueable class if invoked from Trigger.isAfter
I'm under impression that Queueable class, when invoked from trigger, will be treated as a seperate transaction, similar to @future method.
Am I under wrong impression?
I have Queueable class, that will be enqued from Account trigger, where it invokes external webservice and updates few fields in Account.
It works fine when I invoke the Queueable from Trigger.isBefore update context, but it fails when invoked from Trigger.isAfter update !.
Error message : FATAL_ERROR|System.FinalException: Record is read-only
Can some one throw some light on this !?
- Lokeswara Reddy
- May 03, 2016
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Hyper link in addError() method.
I'm working on showing error message if the user try to create an accunt which already exists in the system.
for(Account acc:duplicateAccounts){
String recordLink = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() + '/' + acc.Id;
currentAccount.addError('im an html error with a <a href="http://google.com">link</a>', FALSE);
Need help in displaying the Link alone in the error message, any help is much appreciated !
Is this the same issue which Salesforce mentioned the issue is fixed?
- Lokeswara Reddy
- March 16, 2016
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Field update through Apex invoking validation rule
The plan is to secure this field and there is a validation rule to prevent any user (except system admin and interface user) from updating on this field, ( the field can not be hidden from the PG layout and there are users with permission sets to update if the field is read only on PG layout)
I was under impression that the validation rules will by pass as the field update is happending in Apex, , but it is not.
-> User updates opportunity stage value,
-> the trigger fires and invokes webservcie,
-> webservice returns success
-> Apex tries to update field on Account , this step failed as there is a validation rule to prevent user from updating the field
Any thoughts on how to resolve this?
- Lokeswara Reddy
- February 25, 2016
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How to set vf page width
Need help in aligning the VF page set to window, when I try to reduce the coulmns width I do not see any change in the page width.
VF page code,
<apex:page controller="ProductSearch" action="{!loadData}" tabstyle="Opportunity" docType="html-5.0">
<apex:form >
<apex:sectionHeader title="Choose Price Book for" subtitle="{!OptyName}" rendered="{!showPB}">
Select a price book for this opportunity. You can add products only from a single price book. Changing a selected price book will delete all existing products from this opportunity.
<p>Choose a price book that contains products with the same currency as the opportunity. If no products are available for the chosen currency, ask your administrator to create them.</p>
<apex:pageblock id="CP" title="Choose Price Book for: {!OptyName}" rendered="{!showPB}">
<apex:pageBlockSection collapsible="false">
<apex:selectList title="Price Book" label="Price Book" value="{!selectedPB}" size="1">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!PBList}"/>
<apex:pageBlockButtons location="bottom">
<apex:commandButton value="Save" style="width:50px" action="{!savePB}"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Cancel" style="width:50px" action="{!cancel}"/>
<apex:pageBlock title="Product Search" id="PS1" rendered="{!showSearhBlock}">
<apex:pageBlockSection >
<apex:selectList label="Product Group:" value="{!selectedPG}" multiselect="false" size="1">
<apex:actionsupport event="onchange" action="{!getProductGroup}" reRender="PS1, SR, WM"/>
<apex:selectOptions value="{!BGList}" />
<!--<apex:selectList label="Product Name:" value="{!selectedName}" multiselect="false" size="1">
<apex:actionsupport event="onchange" action="{!getProductName}" reRender="PS1, SR, WM"/>
<apex:selectOptions value="{!NameList}" />
</apex:selectList> -->
<apex:selectList label="Item Type:" value="{!selectedItemType}" multiselect="false" size="1">
<apex:actionsupport event="onchange" action="{!getItemType}" reRender="PS1, SR, WM"/>
<apex:selectOptions value="{!itemTypeList}" />
<apex:selectList label="Model Series:" value="{!selectedmodel}" multiselect="false" size="1">
<apex:actionsupport event="onchange" action="{!getModelSeries}" reRender="PS1, SR, WM"/>
<apex:selectOptions value="{!modelSeriesList}" />
<!--<apex:selectList label="Product Description:" value="{!selectedDes}" multiselect="false" size="1">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!DesList}" />
</apex:selectList> -->
<!-- <apex:selectList label="Life Cycle:" value="{!selectedLC}" multiselect="true" size="3">
<apex:actionsupport event="onchange" action="{!getLieCycle}" reRender="PS1, SR, WM"/>
<apex:selectOptions value="{!LCList }" />
</apex:selectList> -->
<apex:selectCheckboxes value="{!selectedLC1}" label="Life Cycle:">
<apex:actionsupport event="onchange" action="{!getLieCycle}" reRender="PS1, SR, WM"/>
<apex:selectOptions value="{!LCList1}"/>
<apex:inputText label="Full Product Search" value="{!productSearch}" size="75"/>
<apex:actionregion >
<apex:commandButton title="Search on Search" value="Search Within Results" action="{!SearchOnSearch}" style="width:130px"/>
<apex:commandButton title="Search" value="Full Search" action="{!FullProductSearch}" style="width:100px"/>
<apex:pageBlock rendered="{!showSearchPB}" id="SR">
<apex:pageBlockButtons >
<apex:commandButton value="Select" style="width:75px" action="{!getSelectedRows}"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Cancel" style="width:75px" action="{!cancel}"/>
</apex:pageBlockButtons> -->
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Search Results">
<apex:dataTable value="{!products}" var="wrapper" cellpadding="4" border="1" style="width:1250px">
<apex:column style="width:20px">
<!-- <apex:facet name="header"> <apex:inputCheckbox >
<apex:actionSupport event="onclick" action="{!GetSelected}" onsubmit="checkAll(this)"/>
</apex:inputCheckbox></apex:facet> -->
<apex:inputCheckbox id="checkedone" value="{!wrapper.selected}">
<apex:actionSupport event="onclick" action="{!GetSelected}" rerender="SP"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Product Name" value="{!wrapper.prod.Model_Description_Formula__c}" style="width:290px"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Product Code" value="{!wrapper.prod.ProductCode}" style="width:115px"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Model Series" value="{!wrapper.prod.Model_Series__c}" style="width:115px"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Product Group" value="{!wrapper.prod.Family}" style="width:140px"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Item Type" value="{!wrapper.prod.CBS_Item_Type_Description__c}" style="width:140px"/>
<apex:pageBlock rendered="{!showSearchPB}" id="SP">
<apex:pageBlockButtons rendered="{!showButtons}">
<apex:commandButton value="Select" style="width:75px" action="{!getSelectedRows}"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Cancel" style="width:75px" action="{!cancel}"/>
<apex:variable value="{!0}" var="rowNum"/>
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Selected Products">
<apex:dataTable value="{!selectedSearchProducts}" var="wrapper" cellpadding="4" border="1" style="width:1250px">
<apex:column style="width:20px">
<!-- <apex:facet name="header"> <apex:inputCheckbox >
<apex:actionSupport event="onclick" action="{!GetSelected}" onsubmit="checkAll(this)"/>
</apex:inputCheckbox></apex:facet> -->
<apex:commandLink value="Remove" style="color:blue" action="{!RemoveSelected}" reRender="SP">
<apex:param value="{!rowNum}" name="rowToRemove" assignTo="{!rowToRemove}"/>
<apex:variable var="rowNum" value="{!rowNum + 1}"/>
<!-- <apex:inputCheckbox id="checkedone" value="{!wrapper.selected}">
</apex:inputCheckbox> --> </apex:column>
<apex:column headerValue="Product Name" value="{!wrapper.productName}" style="width:290px"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Product Code" value="{!wrapper.productCode}" style="width:115px"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Model Series" value="{!wrapper.modelSeries}" style="width:115px"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Product Group" value="{!wrapper.productGroup}" style="width:140px"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Item Type" value="{!wrapper.itemType}" style="width:140px"/>
<apex:pageBlock id="WM" rendered="{!isWarning}">
<apex:outputText value="No Products found with the search criteria"></apex:outputText>
<apex:sectionHeader title="Add Products to" subtitle="{!OptyName}" rendered="{!showResultPB}">
Add products to this opportunity from <strong>{!PricebookName}</strong> price book
<apex:pageblock id="IB" rendered="{!showResultPB}">
<apex:pageBlockButtons >
<apex:commandButton value="Save" style="width:75px" action="{!save}"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Cancel" style="width:75px" action="{!cancel}"/>
<apex:dataTable value="{!selectedProducts}" var="wrapper" cellpadding="4" border="0" style="width:1250px">
<apex:column headerValue="Product Name">
<apex:outputText value="{!wrapper.productDescription}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Line Description">
<apex:inputText value="{!wrapper.lineDescription}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Sales Price">
<apex:inputText value="{!wrapper.salesPrice}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Quantity">
<apex:inputText value="{!wrapper.quantity}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Gross Margin Amount ">
<apex:inputText value="{!wrapper.grossMarginAmount}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Requested Delivery Date">
<apex:input type="date" value="{!wrapper.dateValue}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Second Hand / Contract Renew">
<apex:inputCheckbox value="{!wrapper.isSecondHand}"/>
- Lokeswara Reddy
- October 05, 2015
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Dynamic SOQL binding issue
I have to filter values based on pricebook entry and account currency. I'm passing these two values in the url while invoking the vf page from the search button.
The issue:
The dynamic query works when there is only one condition in the where clasuse, I'm trying to add two filter conditions in the where clause then the query returns no rows, no error/exception thrown.
Filter 1:
String QUERY_STRING = 'select Name, ProductCode, CBS_Segment__c, Description, Family, CBS_Item_Type_Description__c, Model_Series__c, Life_Cycle_Status__c FROM Product2 ';
String WHERE_CLAUSE = 'WHERE Id IN (SELECT Product2Id FROM PricebookEntry where Pricebook2Id =: pb2Id and CurrencyIsoCode =: currencyCode)';
This returned values as expected
Filter 2:
String QUERY_STRING = 'select Name, ProductCode, CBS_Segment__c, Description, Family, CBS_Item_Type_Description__c, Model_Series__c, Life_Cycle_Status__c FROM Product2 ';
String WHERE_CLAUSE = ' WHERE Family =: selectedPG' ;
This also returned values
When I combine both the conditions then it does not return any values.
String QUERY_STRING = 'select Name, ProductCode, CBS_Segment__c, Description, Family, CBS_Item_Type_Description__c, Model_Series__c, Life_Cycle_Status__c FROM Product2 ';
String WHERE_CLAUSE = 'WHERE Id IN (SELECT Product2Id FROM PricebookEntry where Pricebook2Id =: pb2Id and CurrencyIsoCode =: currencyCode)';
WHERE_CLAUSE += ' AND Family =: selectedPG' ;
I have tried different approaches like combiting both the conditions in the single variable and then adding to the query string, no use.
Can some one through light why this is not working? do we have any limitations on having filter condtions in dynyamic query.
Please note that the binding variables are in scope with the method and when used alone it is working, but with combination not working.
- Lokeswara Reddy
- August 10, 2015
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Showing status in VF popup window
Problem description: On click of a button on Opportunity, a request goes to third party (SOAP API), couple of fields will get updated based on the response,
When the user click on the button, a popup window will open which auto refreshes every five seconds till we gets the response and render new button, when clicked on this button it redirects to the third paty. the requiement is to show some progress till the button gets visible. I have used actionfunction feature but it is not working for me.
Any help is much appreciated.
- Lokeswara Reddy
- August 03, 2015
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Unable to tunnel through proxy. Proxy returns "HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden
Need help in udnerstanding the error type and resolving the same.
System.CalloutException: IO Exception: Unable to tunnel through proxy. Proxy returns "HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden
We are trying to integrate with Perlchain CPQ machine, There is no provision for passing the user name and password in the wsdl provided by CPQ. I have followed the link and tweaked to pass these two as part of header.
I'm still getting the error,
System.CalloutException: IO Exception: Unable to tunnel through proxy. Proxy returns "HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden
Need help in resolving this.
//Generated by wsdl2apex
public class xsServicesOp {
public class Security {
public UsernameToken usernameToken;
private String[] usernameToken_type_info = new String[]{'UsernameToken','http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd','UsernameToken','0','1','true'};
private String[] apex_schema_type_info = new String[]{'http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd','true','false'};
private String[] field_order_type_info = new String[]{'usernameToken'};
public class UsernameToken {
public String username;
public String password;
private String[] username_type_info = new String[]{'Username','http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd','string','0','1','true'};
private String[] password_type_info = new String[]{'Password','http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd','string','1','1','true'};
private String[] apex_schema_type_info = new String[]{'http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd','true','false'};
private String[] field_order_type_info = new String[]{'username','password'};
public class CreateOpportunityPortType {
public String endpoint_x = //'http://localhost:8010/CreateOpptyMed/1';
(I have replace endpoint with the correct url)
public Map<String,String> inputHttpHeaders_x;
public Map<String,String> outputHttpHeaders_x;
public String clientCertName_x;
public String clientCert_x;
public String clientCertPasswd_x;
public Integer timeout_x;
//instantiate the header
public UsernameToken userToken;
public Security Header;
private String Header_hns = 'Security=http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd';
private String[] ns_map_type_info = new String[]{'http://www.test.machine/messages/opportunity/1', 'CdmMessagesOpport', 'http://www.test.machine/opportunity/1', 'CdmOpportunity', 'http://www.test.machine/services/opportunity/1', 'CdmServicesOpport', 'http://www.test.machine/common/1', 'CdmCommon', 'urn:codelist:ISO639-2-2002', 'CdmCodelist', 'http://www.test.machine/customer/1', 'CdmCustomer'};
public CdmMessagesOpport.CreateOpportunityResponseMessageType CreateOpportunity(CdmOpportunity.OpportunityType Opportunity,CdmOpportunity.AccountType Account,CdmOpportunity.ProductsType[] Products) {
CdmMessagesOpport.CreateOpportunityRequestMessageType request_x = new CdmMessagesOpport.CreateOpportunityRequestMessageType();
request_x.Opportunity = Opportunity;
request_x.Account = Account;
request_x.Products = Products;
CdmMessagesOpport.CreateOpportunityResponseMessageType response_x;
Map<String, CdmMessagesOpport.CreateOpportunityResponseMessageType> response_map_x = new Map<String, CdmMessagesOpport.CreateOpportunityResponseMessageType>();
response_map_x.put('response_x', response_x);
userToken = new UsernameToken();
userToken.username = 'onecanon';
userToken.password = 'password';
new String[]{endpoint_x,
response_x = response_map_x.get('response_x');
return response_x;
- Lokeswara Reddy
- June 16, 2015
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How to achieve inbound integration from IBM MQ to SFDC
I did not find any useful document on integration from MQ to SFDC.
- Lokeswara Reddy
- May 29, 2015
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Using LIKE in a SOQL Query - no viable alternative at character '%'
I'm trying to lookup an Account ID based on a text value.
Visitors who submit a form on our website can provide a "Dealer Name" value in a free text field. I want to use that value to search for an AccountID based on if the web visitor provided text is LIKE an Account.Trading_Name__c.
The code is as follows:
trigger Shopify_Set_Dealer_Account on Opportunity (before insert) { for(Opportunity o: trigger.new){ /* Only look up and set a Dealer_Account__c Id value if a Dealer Name text value is present, this is a CUE Rental Opp and we haven't somehow set an Id before. Oppty_Dealer_Name__c is a Dealer Name text value provided in forms by visitors to SC websites */ if((o.Oppty_Dealer_Name__c != NULL) && (o.Name.contains('CUE Rental') && (o.Dealer_Account__c == NULL))){ // Construct SOQL query as a string variable first, as Apex doesn't make it easy to use LIKE %<variable>% syntax string Query = 'SELECT Id from Account WHERE Trading_Name__c LIKE' + '/%' + o.Oppty_Dealer_Name__c+ '/%' + 'LIMIT 1'; // Execute the query Account[] DealerAccount = Database.query(Query); /* Only assign the found Dealer Account Id if we were able to match the website-provided Dealer Name value to a Dealer Account Trading Name value, otherwise we'll get an error when we try to access the array element */ if (DealerAccount.size() == 1) { o.Dealer_Account__c = DealerAccount[0].Id; } } } }However, I get the following error when this trigger is executed:
Shopify_Set_Dealer_Account: execution of BeforeInsert caused by: System.QueryException: line 1:49 no viable alternative at character '%' ().I'm assuming this relates to lines 13 or 16.
I've searched online a lot for this problem and followed advice I'd seen about constructing the query first, but I'm having no joy.
Any advice?
- Ross Hopkins 8
- April 09, 2019
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How to replace a CaseComment item with string and send to a table
What would be the best way to replace this, send it to a list so I can then use that list in my pageBlockTable.
public my_Test_Apex(ApexPages.StandardController stdController) { this.myCase = (Case)stdController.getRecord(); //get case comments Case com = [select Id, CaseNumber,(select ParentId,CommentBody,CreatedDate,CreatedBy.Name from CaseComments ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC) from Case where Id =: ApexPages.CurrentPage().getParameters().get('Id') ]; caseCommentList = new List<CaseComment>(); for(CaseComment cs : com.CaseComments) { if(cs.CreatedBy.Name.contains('NameToReplace')) { //replace 'NameToReplace' with 'Support Representative' } else { caseCommentList.add(cs); } } }
- Will Lyles
- April 08, 2019
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Issue using BusinessHours.diff
I'm currently working on implementing a time off booking system for our internal Salesforce org.
We have two different Business Hours records which reflect our two different working hours for employees - M2F - Monday to Friday, and M2T - Monday to Thursday.
We don't take holidays by the hour, we take them either in half days, or full days, so those business hours records are used purely for the holiday booking system, and to make things easier, are set to 24Hrs for each day worked in that particular record.
My idea was to use an APEX trigger to calculate the difference in business hours based on the particular users specified (at the User object level) business hours record - this works fine, however, if I try to create a 'Time Off' record that is 4 days in duration, the returned 'Number of Days' from my BusinessHours.diff calculation(s) is 3.96 days, not 4.
See my method here:
public static void calculateDays(List<Time_Off__c> timeOff){ List<Time_Off__c> tu = new List<Time_Off__c>(); for(Time_Off__c t:timeOff){ Time_Off__c to = new Time_Off__c(Id=t.Id); String userBh = [SELECT Id, Business_Hours__c FROM User WHERE Id = :t.User__c LIMIT 1].Business_Hours__c; Id bhId = [SELECT Id, Name FROM BusinessHours WHERE Name =: userBh].Id; Long diffMs = BusinessHours.diff(bhId, t.Start_Date__c, t.End_Date__c); Double hours = diffMs/3600000; Double days = hours/24; to.Number_of_Days__c = days; tu.add(to); } update tu; }
Any help would be massively appreciated :)
- Oliver Freeman 29
- April 16, 2018
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Error: Illegal assignment from Schema.SObjectField to Id
I have the following error message:
Error: Illegal assignment from Schema.SObjectField to Idwhen I try to update lookup field in apex.
Here is the method implementation:
public void addTaskCommentHistory(Task task) { if(task == Null) { return; } String newValue = task.Description; if(newValue != Null && !newValue.equals('')) { String taskId = task.Id; String fieldName = 'Comments'; String oldValue = ''; Task_History__c taskHistory = new Task_History__c(); taskHistory.Task_ID__c = taskId; taskHistory.Field_Name__c = fieldName; taskHistory.Old_Value__c = oldValue; taskHistory.New_Value__c = newValue; String lastModifiedBy = task.LastModifiedById; String userName = ''; // the query will return no more than one row because the data is extracted by user id List<User> listOfUsers = [SELECT Name FROM User where Id = :lastModifiedBy]; if(listOfUsers.size() > 0){ User user = listOfUsers.get(0); userName = user.Name; } taskHistory.User__c = user.Name; insert taskHistory; } }
When I try to add
taskHistory.User__c = user.Name;I get the "Error: Illegal assignment from Schema.SObjectField to Id" message.
Please advise how to update the User__c lookup field without the error message?
- sfadm sfadm
- January 26, 2018
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How can I also filter based on the date the email was sent to the subscriber?
- Arbab Hassan
- January 25, 2018
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Apex trigger/class is throwing error from managed package .How to fix this?
i am getting error from managed package apex trigger. So i am uanble to save my record. How to stop the trigger form managed package
- Vinothini Murugesh 23
- January 09, 2018
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Retrieve an uploaded file via REST API
- Darren Lage
- October 10, 2017
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Look to accountId for Quote Object is null in lightning ? But for classic has a valid account Id
When i m going to create a quote from opportunity the related Account Id is null in Lightning Experience
But for the same use case the classic version has account Id.
I over come this issue by using the opportunity Id to fetch Account Id.
Is there any specific reason why its not comming in Lightining ?
- Sudarshan Karanth
- October 10, 2017
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Can I retrieve the password from Named Credentials before send the message?
This SOAP API uses the standard PasswordDigest security in the XML header, and as this kind of authentication is not managed automaticaly by Salesforce (I do not understand why, it is an standard used frecuently), I must build the XML security header manually by encrypting the nonce + timestamp + password.
As salesforce merge the fields after the Http.send(), I need to obtain the password previously to encrypt it and build the XML header, so I'm not able to use '{!$Credential.Password}' and SOQL do not allows access to ii either.
So, how can I access the Named Credential password to build the XML security header node?
- Serafin Motos 19
- August 01, 2017
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SandboxPostCopy Interface supports batch jobs?
How can we test this without deploying the code in production and refresh sandbox to do so?
- Lokeswara Reddy
- July 31, 2017
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Text fields to take first values
input ::::Feeler - 62, Exciter - 58, Bottom-Liner - 58, Detailer - 54
and in a new field i only want to see output as :::Feeler - 62 how can i achieve using formula field??
- Jay Parikh 36
- March 28, 2017
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test class help for coverage
class CableDealRequestTriggerHandler is handler class of a trigger.
public class CableDealRequestTriggerHandler{
//Method for sending Email to BA/DL
public void sendEmailOnSubmission(List<Cable_Deal_Request__c> cdrList,Map<id,Cable_Deal_Request__c> cdrOldMap,Map<Id,Deal_Request_Header__c> headerMap){
//sending Email to BA/DL
for(Cable_Deal_Request__c cdr : cdrList){
system.debug('Cable Deal Request==>>>' + cdr);
system.debug('If stateemnt==> ' + cdr.Cable_Deal_Status__c + ' ' + cdrOldMap.get(cdr.id).Cable_Deal_Status__c);
if((cdr.Cable_Deal_Status__c == 'Submitted' || cdr.Cable_Deal_Status__c == 'Submitted to BA') && (cdrOldMap.get(cdr.id).Cable_Deal_Status__c=='Pending Finance Approval' || cdrOldMap.get(cdr.id).Cable_Deal_Status__c=='Open')){
List<String>ccList = new List<String>();
List<String>toList = new List<String>();
system.debug('Enter after submitted');
if(headerMap.get(cdr.Deal_Request_Header__c).createdby.email != null)
if(headerMap.get(cdr.Deal_Request_Header__c).Cable_Requested_By__r.email != null)
for(Cable_Deal_Request_Creative_Executive__c cdre : headerMap.get(cdr.Deal_Request_Header__c).Cable_Deal_Request_Creative_Executives__r){
DisneyCableDls__c dsCable = DisneyCableDls__c.getInstance('Freeform DL');
DisneyCableDls__c dsCable = DisneyCableDls__c.getInstance('DCWW Dl');
system.debug('List of reciepient==>> ' + ccList +' ' + toList);
contact tstCont = new Contact();
tstCont.email = 'test@test.com';
insert tstCont;
EmailTemplate templateId = [Select id from EmailTemplate where DeveloperName = 'Cable_Deal_Submitted_Email_Template' limit 1];
List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> allmsg = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
system.debug('Email Information ==>>' + mail);
delete tstCont;
}catch(Exception e){
//string error = ExceptionLogger.createExceptionsRecord(e.getMessage(), 'CableDealRequestTriggerHandler', e.getStackTraceString());
//throw new AuraHandledException(error);
- ashu 6112
- March 28, 2017
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Cannot create Opportunity line item on update call
I want to create Opportunity line item when I update Opportunity Stage to "Closed Won".
It works for when create new Opportunity but not works when I update an existing Opportunity.
It shows below error
FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION, field integrity exception: PricebookEntryId (pricebook entry is in a different pricebook than the one assigned to the opportunity)Thanks,
- March 03, 2017
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pre populate opportunity line item
Trying to create a trigger that will populate a field in the opportunity line items before save, however my trigger only populates the opportunity line item once saved. Both fields in the trigger are in the opportunity line item object, is that the issue?
The reason to why I want to have the field populated before save is to be able to have a field dependency based on product information. If I could use "Product/PricebookEntry" as controlling field for my custom field Services__c that would solve my issue. But as that's not possible, I want to clone the product value to a picklist before save, and use that picklist for the field dependency.
The oli.Product_Family__c field is a formula field referencing a field in the related product (formula field: TEXT (PricebookEntry.Product2.Family) ).
trigger OLIAUTOFILL on OpportunityLineItem (before insert, before update) {
for(OpportunityLineItem oli: Trigger.new)
// If you want this for update operation, then check update as well in the below if statement
if(trigger.isBefore && trigger.isInsert)
oli.Test_Type__c = oli.Product_Family__c;
- Emelie Hammarberg
- February 06, 2017
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Getting data from Named Credentials in Apex
- Jan Kucera
- June 15, 2015
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Developer Needed - Simple API Connector - Fields Only
- Garrett Carrara
- March 15, 2016
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