• vijaya kudupudi
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I want to make accounts access is private and Opportunity, case should be public Read only to all the users in salesforce. but I'm not able to achieve this due to the standard salesforce behaviour. Below link for reference

Can some one suggest me on this if is there any alternate way to achieve this?.


My requirement is whenever an AccountTeamMember is deleted from the team then the related Opportunity Team Members also should be deleted. Through Flow I'm trying to do the this requirement.

Here, I'm querying the opportuinity records,   but I'm not able to pass those records/Id's to query OpportunityTeamMembers in flow. Someone can guide me how to pass pass list of Id's/values resulted from a query to another query in flows?

I'm trying to Copy Account Team Members in to OpportunityTeam Member when ever the opportunity created/edited using flow.

while run and testing the flow I'm getting the below error.

The flow failed to access the value for AccountTeamLoop.TeamMemberRole because it hasn't been set or assigned.User-added image
Hi All,

I am getting the error message "We couldn't relate your event to this record. Please try again. Confirm to retry." when i try to attach the email through lightning for outlook. Can anybody help me on this? how can rectify this?
Hi All,

I want check the assigned permission set of the user in workflow. Based on the permission set assigned to the user i need to trigger an email. I have created the workflow on user object. I tried using custom permissions, using the below link .
 but it is not working for me. Could anyone can clarify me can we use the custom permission on user object using workflow.

If if doesn't work can any one please provide the alternate solution. I want to check the assigned permission set of the user in workflow.
Hi All,

I need to reassign current pending approval records to more than one users along with current user. I am able to query the approval record and able to update with one user, but not able to update with multiple users. Anyone can help on this. Either by using apex or any other way .
Hi All,

I would like to add Activity "Type" field on Past activity section in Account record in salesforce Lightning. How should i add this field on this layout ? Any one could help me to sort it out.See the below image for clarification.

User-added image
Hi All,

I have requirement to create dash board for opportunity with the condition of opportunites woned/opportunites woned +opportunites Lost. Any one can help to achieve this functionality in reports. 
Hi all,

I want to get all dependent objects of a class (objects used in apexclass) using programming. As like salesforce standard functionality, if we click on "show dependencies" button we are getting all dependent components. How can i achieve this by programming ? 
Hi All,

I want to display image from richtext field on visulforce email template. When i give preview it is displaying images properly. But when i send a test mail it is not displaying images instead of that it is displaying  a text like "User-added image". How can i achieve this ?

I want to lock my record using apex coding. I have tried using "Approval.LockResult[] lrList = Approval.lock(recordID);"  from the link(https://releasenotes.docs.salesforce.com/en-us/winter16/release-notes/rn_apex_approval_locks_unlocks.htm). But it's locked the record in API version 35 and it's not locking the record in API version 38. How can i acheve this ? Any one can help me ?

I want to find the day of paticular date e.g if my date is 28-jun-16 then my formula field should be written as thursday. How can i achieve this? please give me some suggestions.
Hi all,

I have created the dynamic approval process on a custom object. In this i can able to send send one approval request. If i am trying to set one more approver id to req.setNextApproverIds(new Id[] {apl[1].approver__c}) method, I am getting exception. How can i send request to the second approver ? Please any body can help me.
Hi all,

I got a requirement like delete records based on criteria( to give the criteria i should take values from vf page), and I have to delete the records using batch class. And want to run this batch class once per month. How can i schedule this batch class. and i want get records list from batch class to controller class. Please anybody can help me.
//Controller class

public with sharing class DeleteSelectedRecords{
public List<Sobject> reclist {get;set;}
public List<SelectOption> options{get;set;}
public String Recname{get;set;}
public String selectedOpt{get;set;}
public boolean criteriaRend{get;set;}

public DeleteSelectedRecords(){
    reclist = new List<Sobject>();
    options = new List<SelectOption>();
    Map<String,Schema.sobjectType> objNames = Schema.getglobalDescribe();
    options.add(new SelectOption('--None--','--None--'));
    for(String s: objNames.keyset())
        if(objNames.get(s).getDescribe().isAccessible()==True && objNames.get(s).getDescribe().isUpdateable()==True){
        options.add(new SelectOption(objNames.get(s).getDescribe().getLabel(),s));

public void showpb(){
        criteriaRend= true;

public void getRecords(){
    //reclist = new List<Sobject>();
    String query = 'select id, name from '+selectedOpt+' where name='+'\''+Recname+'\'';
    deleteSubscribers ds = new deleteSubscribers(query);
    Id batchpid = Database.executeBatch(ds);
    System.debug('batchpid @@@'+batchpid );
    System.debug('ds.accountMap @@@'+ds.accountMap );
    reclist =ds.listrecord;
    System.debug('reclist @@@'+reclist );

//Batch class

global with sharing class deleteSubscribers implements Database.Batchable<sObject>,Database.Stateful{
    global final String Query;
    global List<Sobject> listrecord{get;set;}
    global Map<Id, sObject> accountmap;

    global deleteSubscribers(String q){
    accountmap = new Map<Id, Account> ();
    listrecord = new List<Sobject>();
    System.debug('query @@@'+q);

    global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC){
        return Database.getQueryLocator(query);

    global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC,List<Sobject> scope){
       // listrecord = new List<Sobject>();
        listrecord = scope;
        System.debug('sCOPE listrecord  @@@'+listrecord );
        for(Sobject s:scope){
        System.debug('accountmap @@@'+accountmap);
        delete scope;
        System.debug('accountmap @@@'+accountmap);

    global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){}
//VF page
<apex:page controller="DeleteSelectedRecords">
<apex:pagemessages ></apex:pagemessages>
<apex:form >
<apex:pageblock >

    <apex:pageBlockSection Title="Select Object" >
        <apex:selectList size="1" value="{!selectedOpt}"  label="Select the object">
            <apex:selectOptions value="{!options}"  />
            <apex:actionSupport event="onchange"  rerender="crsh" action="{!showpb}"/>
    <apex:pageBlockSection Title="Enter criteria"  id="crsh">
        Enter criteria to delete records!
        <apex:inputText label="Record name is equalto" value="{!recName}"  rendered="{!criteriaRend}" />
       <center> <apex:commandButton action="{!getRecords}" value="Get Records"  rendered="{!criteriaRend}"/></center>
    <apex:pageblocksection title="Selected Records to be Deleted" rendered="{!criteriaRend}" columns="1">
       <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!reclist}" var="rec" rendered="{!if(reclist.size==0,false,true)}">
            <apex:column headerValue="Id"><apex:outputText value="{!rec.id}"/></apex:column>


I am getting System.JSONException: Malformed JSON: Expected '{' at the beginning of object exception when i am trying to call callouts in my test class. I used the link (https://developer.salesforce.com/blogs/developer-relations/2013/03/testing-apex-callouts-using-httpcalloutmock.html) to call callouts in my test class. Please Anybody can give solution.

Hi all,

I have a requirement, whenever user login into salesforce it should display one popup with lead status. I made my visualforce page as default landing page(setup --> create --> apps -->edit)
Default Landing Tab --> (LeadHome)My Visualforce page.
But it is not displaying my VF page whenever I login into salesforce. Any one please help me.