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I have a requirement to add few texts on home page
Is there any solution so that a users can add few elements on an object and I could add it to homepage, please

On the homepage , we have two dashbaord which displays.
I wanted to know
1) how to modify this homepage
2) can i configure them by roles
3) can i confirgure them by profile, how,

thank you for replu


I am using salesforce lightning.

I am trying to display the events in quick links on object Accoint but I don't see it, I am system admin, how can I add events in quick linksI

User-added image

I have a picklist with values X, Y, Z
I have added to record types X, Y, Z

but when in visual studio and i do get resources from org, I don't get all the picklist values available for the field,
any specific reason, please?


I have a tab "Approval process" in lightning console.

but not able to modify.
I am not able to modify filter nor add anything.
filters Close Filters Locked Filters This list view can’t be filtered.This list view can’t be filtered. Filter by Owner   requests assigned to me and my queues


I have a list view but not able to modify.
I am not able to modify filter nor add anything.
Close Filters
Locked Filters
This list view can’t be filtered.This list view can’t be filtered.
Filter by Owner   requests assigned to me and my queues


Few profiles dont have access to element in LWC are there any elements we can test so all have sale accessbility, please ?

I have a tab "Environment" which is added to lightning page.
Few profiles see the details of "information tab" but few dont.

The lightning component (Environment) is added to tab the lighting page as shown.
Environment tab as 3 tabs (3 difflightning component), 1st tab information nd its details are only visible to certain profiles.

even the field inside the tab are not visible.

what can e reason please ?

User-added image
<aura:component implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId,forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes,force:lightningQuickAction" access="global" >
	<aura:attribute name="recordId" type="String"/>
    <lightning:tabset selectedTabId="one">
        <lightning:tab label="Information" id="one">
            <c:TabNameDetail recordId="{!v.recordId}"></c:TabNameDetail >

thank you for suggestion

I have below error on console.
what can be reason please ?
aura_prod.js:688 [Report Only] Refused to connect to 'https://company--uat.lightning.force.com/aura?r=70&other.apex_Lead_Create.getResponsible=1' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "connect-src https://static.lightning.force.com https://api.bluetail.salesforce.com https://staging.bluetail.salesforce.com https://preprod.bluetail.salesforce.com blob: *.visualforce.com https://company--uat--c.documentforce.com https://cs174.salesforce.com https://notification-service.sfproxy.null.fra.aws.sfdc.cl wss://notification-service.sfproxy.null.fra.aws.sfdc.cl".

I am not able to query the package

i am using SELECT id from Z_XX__c but it show that the Z_XX__c is not available

any suggestions please

I have 2 text fields
both are text fields

when the Id_of_contact__c is updated with id, i wnt the Name_of_contact__c to get the  name of the Id_of_contact__c
In other words, once the  Id_of_contact__c is updated, the SOQL search should be made and the Name_of_contact__c t should be updated by name

i also want to control the null pointers

how is it possible to implement ion flow, please
when i try to select the product as salescloud in lighnting readiness app, the page dont move forward.
What can be the reason please ?

On the screen of a flow, i have a input text with label as
First name.
I want to translate it to different language based on one of the input parametrs of flow.

How can this be accomplished, please 

I have below loop where is loop across accounlist and create few set.

populate set 1
populate Set 2

use set 1
use set 2

Is there a way to create a map something like:
private static Map<Id, ResourceDTO> tempmap     = new Map<Id, ResourceDTO>();
private class ResourceDTO {
    public string id {get; set;}             
    public string name {get; set;}
    public string documenttype {get; set;}
    public string documentcategory {get; set;}
    public string filetype {get; set;}                       
    public string content {get; set;}
    public List<string> permissions {get; set;}
    public string publishdate {get; set;}
    public string lastmodifieddate {get; set;}

how can i access them , please 



I have trigger in below pattern

One Account trigger
- Calls Trigger handler

Account Triger handler
- makes distinhuish betwen before ,after, insert, updae
- have each fucntion , which call class to execute actions/functions

I want to improve the trigger to get the data at the beinning of the handler class and execute the trigge logic by using the map 
in other owrds, SOQL to get the user and Account data in beginning and store in map. and use the map in the rest of the account handler.

where i could start from, please