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Fetch value from nested list
Hi Guys,
can anyone pls suggest how to get a certain value from nested list<map's>
List<Map<String,Object>> newl = new List<Map<String,Object>>();
for(Object itrObj : l){
newl.add((Map<String, Object>)itrObj); // got all records here
//how to get certain values from the collection
system.debug('id val==>'+ newl);
can anyone pls suggest how to get a certain value from nested list<map's>
List<Map<String,Object>> newl = new List<Map<String,Object>>();
for(Object itrObj : l){
newl.add((Map<String, Object>)itrObj); // got all records here
//how to get certain values from the collection
system.debug('id val==>'+ newl);
- roni shore
- August 13, 2019
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Pass dynamic Id Rest Api URL
Hi Guys,
I have written a rest api , get callout class to fetch the Bulk load job, using '/services/data/v45.0/jobs/ingest/'. This provides all the id with details of bulk jobs in JSON format.
I need to fetch the failedrecords from each of the loads, but that requires to pass Id's dynamically in the url (like: /services/data/v45.0/jobs/ingest/jobId/failedRecords ), can someone pls suggest how to do that
I have written a rest api , get callout class to fetch the Bulk load job, using '/services/data/v45.0/jobs/ingest/'. This provides all the id with details of bulk jobs in JSON format.
I need to fetch the failedrecords from each of the loads, but that requires to pass Id's dynamically in the url (like: /services/data/v45.0/jobs/ingest/jobId/failedRecords ), can someone pls suggest how to do that
- roni shore
- August 12, 2019
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Get details of Bulk Upload Jobs
Hi Guys,
can I get the details of Bulk upload jobs? I see in docs we can use REST API to get the Id and details like "/services/data/v45.0/jobs/ingest".
Is it possible to programmatically use this to fetch the number of records failed?
can I get the details of Bulk upload jobs? I see in docs we can use REST API to get the Id and details like "/services/data/v45.0/jobs/ingest".
Is it possible to programmatically use this to fetch the number of records failed?
- roni shore
- August 12, 2019
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Deactivate workflows through Metadata API
Hi Guys -can someone please suggest, how we can activate and deactivate workflows through metadata api in Apex
- roni shore
- May 21, 2019
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CRON to run batch thrice 23:00, 1:40 & 4:00
Hi Guys- can anyone help out on this, I want to schedule a batch so it runs thrice at 23:00, 1:40 & 4:00
String cronStr = '0 45 23,1,4 * * ?';
Hours I can specify comma seperated but minutes it's not taking, pls suggest
String cronStr = '0 45 23,1,4 * * ?';
Hours I can specify comma seperated but minutes it's not taking, pls suggest
- roni shore
- May 16, 2019
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Filed value not getting updated
Scenario: when a lead is created, then 2 sibling leads are created, now we convert one of the sibling lead and we get a realted contact.
problem -So, can i fetch a field values of a converted lead and then populate it in another sibling lead
m trying with below code, isnt helping..please suggest
public static void updateRelContactAfter(list<Contact> lstNewContact) {
set<String> setEmail = new set<String>();
map<String,Contact> mapLead = new map<String,Contact>();
for(Contact c:lstNewContact){
Id salesRTID = RecordTypeManager.getRecordTypeId('Lead.Sales_Marketing');
List<Lead> leadList = [SELECT Id,RelatedContact__c,Email,RecordTypeId FROM Lead
WHERE Email IN:setEmail AND RecordTypeId =:salesRTID AND IsConverted != True];
system.debug('LeadList===>'+ leadList);
list<lead> leadUpdateList = new list<lead>();
for(Lead l:leadList){
lead lnew = new lead();
lnew.id = l.id;
lnew.Related_existing_Contact__c = mapLead.get(l.email).Id;
system.debug('checkpnt===>'+ lnew.Related_existing_Contact__c);
if(leadUpdateList != null){
update leadUpdateList;
problem -So, can i fetch a field values of a converted lead and then populate it in another sibling lead
m trying with below code, isnt helping..please suggest
public static void updateRelContactAfter(list<Contact> lstNewContact) {
set<String> setEmail = new set<String>();
map<String,Contact> mapLead = new map<String,Contact>();
for(Contact c:lstNewContact){
Id salesRTID = RecordTypeManager.getRecordTypeId('Lead.Sales_Marketing');
List<Lead> leadList = [SELECT Id,RelatedContact__c,Email,RecordTypeId FROM Lead
WHERE Email IN:setEmail AND RecordTypeId =:salesRTID AND IsConverted != True];
system.debug('LeadList===>'+ leadList);
list<lead> leadUpdateList = new list<lead>();
for(Lead l:leadList){
lead lnew = new lead();
lnew.id = l.id;
lnew.Related_existing_Contact__c = mapLead.get(l.email).Id;
system.debug('checkpnt===>'+ lnew.Related_existing_Contact__c);
if(leadUpdateList != null){
update leadUpdateList;
- roni shore
- April 12, 2019
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populate lastmodifiedby in a custom field using trigger on same object
Hi Guys - how to populate lastmodifiedby on a custom text filed using trigger on customobj__c. please suggest
- roni shore
- January 03, 2019
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variable assignment
I have a scenario. Unable to assign value to dummy variable. pls suggest
String dummyVal;
dummyVal = object1.Group_Member__c;
String dummy;
dummy = dummyVal.SVM__c;// unable to assign value here
String dummyVal;
dummyVal = object1.Group_Member__c;
String dummy;
dummy = dummyVal.SVM__c;// unable to assign value here
- roni shore
- December 06, 2018
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Updating child record
Hi Guys,
I am trying to populate a 2 level record (child) but somehow it is not updating. pls suggest
inTrans = new Service_Order_Line__c(
Service_Order__c = wo.Id,
Work_Detail_Auto_Created__c = true,
Expense_Type__c = 'TRAVEL',
Start_Latitude__c = wo.Group_Member__r.SVC_Latitude__c, // field not populating
Start_Longitude__c = wo.Group_Member__r.SVC__Longitude__c // field not populating
I am trying to populate a 2 level record (child) but somehow it is not updating. pls suggest
inTrans = new Service_Order_Line__c(
Service_Order__c = wo.Id,
Work_Detail_Auto_Created__c = true,
Expense_Type__c = 'TRAVEL',
Start_Latitude__c = wo.Group_Member__r.SVC_Latitude__c, // field not populating
Start_Longitude__c = wo.Group_Member__r.SVC__Longitude__c // field not populating
- roni shore
- December 04, 2018
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check null value in oldMap
Hi Guys,
getting variable does not exist when checking the old value is null or not. please suggest
public static Boolean HasAccess(List<AccountContactRelation> lstNew) {
for (AccountContactRelation acr : lstNew) {
if(string.isNotBlank(acr.Entity__c) || string.isNotBlank(trigger.oldMap.get(acr.Id).External_Entity__c) ){// getting error on this line checking oldmap
if(acr.External_Entity__c != 'Customer-facing')
throw new acrException(System.Label.Cimited);
return bReturn;
getting variable does not exist when checking the old value is null or not. please suggest
public static Boolean HasAccess(List<AccountContactRelation> lstNew) {
for (AccountContactRelation acr : lstNew) {
if(string.isNotBlank(acr.Entity__c) || string.isNotBlank(trigger.oldMap.get(acr.Id).External_Entity__c) ){// getting error on this line checking oldmap
if(acr.External_Entity__c != 'Customer-facing')
throw new acrException(System.Label.Cimited);
return bReturn;
- roni shore
- October 17, 2018
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can we use Account.AccountContactRelation in loop?
can we use AccountContactRelation refrencing Account object like below
If I use like this I get Error: Compile Error: Variable does not exist: AccountContactRelation
For(AccountContactRelation acr : acc.AccountContactRelation){ // here acc is account var
pls suggest
If I use like this I get Error: Compile Error: Variable does not exist: AccountContactRelation
For(AccountContactRelation acr : acc.AccountContactRelation){ // here acc is account var
pls suggest
- roni shore
- October 08, 2018
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list<AccountContactRelation> error
If i am using List of ACR object it throwing compoile error
List<AccountContactRelation> acrlist = new List<AccountContactRelation>();
pls suggest
List<AccountContactRelation> acrlist = new List<AccountContactRelation>();
pls suggest
- roni shore
- October 05, 2018
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Unable to add records to list <AccountContactRelation>
Compile Error: Invalid type: AccountContactRelation
when adding record in list in last line, it throws error, pls suggest
List<AccountContactRelation> lstACR = new List<AccountContactRelation>();// error here
for(AccountContactRelation ACR : [Select Id, AccountId, ContactId, Roles from AccountContactRelation where ContactId =: sConId and
AccountId in : accIds and Roles in : mapConRole.values()]) {
if(ACR.AccountId == opp.Ship__c)
bShip = true;
if(ACR.AccountId == opp.Bill__c)
bBill = true;
lstACR.add(new AccountContactRelation(AccountId = opp.Ship__c, ContactId = sConId, Roles = sConRole));
when adding record in list in last line, it throws error, pls suggest
List<AccountContactRelation> lstACR = new List<AccountContactRelation>();// error here
for(AccountContactRelation ACR : [Select Id, AccountId, ContactId, Roles from AccountContactRelation where ContactId =: sConId and
AccountId in : accIds and Roles in : mapConRole.values()]) {
if(ACR.AccountId == opp.Ship__c)
bShip = true;
if(ACR.AccountId == opp.Bill__c)
bBill = true;
lstACR.add(new AccountContactRelation(AccountId = opp.Ship__c, ContactId = sConId, Roles = sConRole));
- roni shore
- October 05, 2018
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Display sections of same VF Component, one on top and other at bottom of page
Hi Guys - How to Display sections of same VF Component, one on top and other at bottom of page
For eg:
1st Div- to be positioned top of page
2nd Div- to be positoned on bottom of page
For eg:
1st Div- to be positioned top of page
2nd Div- to be positoned on bottom of page
- roni shore
- August 24, 2018
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Render VF Component based on User Locale
Hi - I have created 3 vf component, now I have to render it based on User's Locale
Pls suggest a solution
Pls suggest a solution
- roni shore
- August 06, 2018
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Knowledge Article Field
Hi Guys- I am unable to figure out where these fields are coming from, these aren't in layout too pls suggest
- roni shore
- July 17, 2018
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Formula to calculate age of record
Hi guys - I am using a custom field called custom_dt__c (data type date/time) to calculate the age of record but the formula is showing an incorrect value
- roni shore
- July 13, 2018
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Unable to insert community user
Hi guys, I am trying to insert community user through but its failing.
public static void createCommunityUser(Set<Id> contactIdSet){
List<Contact> contactList = [SELECT
FROM Contact
WHERE Id IN: contactIdSet];
List<User> userList = new List<User>();
List<Profile> profileList = [SELECT
FROM Profile
WHERE Name = 'Customer Community User'
List<UserRole> roleList = [SELECT
FROM UserRole
WHERE PortalType = 'None'
for(Contact contactObj : contactList){
User uObj = new User();
uObj.LastName = contactObj.LastName;
uObj.ContactId = contactObj.Id;
uObj.Username = contactObj.Email;
uObj.Email = contactObj.Email;
String lstName = contactObj.LastName;
uObj.ProfileId = profileList[0].Id;
uObj.UserRoleId = roleList[0].Id;
uObj.IsActive = true;
uObj.TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT';
uObj.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
uObj.EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8';
uObj.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
uObj.CommunityNickname = contactObj.LastName;
String identifier = contactObj.Email;
//uObj.UserType = 'CustomerSuccess';
/* Insert the user record */
Insert userList;
}Catch(Exception e){
System.debug('Error Occured at Community User Creation : '+e.getMessage());
System.debug('Community Users ->'+userList);
please suggest
public static void createCommunityUser(Set<Id> contactIdSet){
List<Contact> contactList = [SELECT
FROM Contact
WHERE Id IN: contactIdSet];
List<User> userList = new List<User>();
List<Profile> profileList = [SELECT
FROM Profile
WHERE Name = 'Customer Community User'
List<UserRole> roleList = [SELECT
FROM UserRole
WHERE PortalType = 'None'
for(Contact contactObj : contactList){
User uObj = new User();
uObj.LastName = contactObj.LastName;
uObj.ContactId = contactObj.Id;
uObj.Username = contactObj.Email;
uObj.Email = contactObj.Email;
String lstName = contactObj.LastName;
uObj.ProfileId = profileList[0].Id;
uObj.UserRoleId = roleList[0].Id;
uObj.IsActive = true;
uObj.TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT';
uObj.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
uObj.EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8';
uObj.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
uObj.CommunityNickname = contactObj.LastName;
String identifier = contactObj.Email;
//uObj.UserType = 'CustomerSuccess';
/* Insert the user record */
Insert userList;
}Catch(Exception e){
System.debug('Error Occured at Community User Creation : '+e.getMessage());
System.debug('Community Users ->'+userList);
please suggest
- roni shore
- June 04, 2018
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Formula field using IMAGE
Hi guys,
I am using a formula to show an image based on picklist values, its coming correct but if I modify the formula to accommodate one more picklist values the formula saves but doesn't show the image. plz suggest
This works fine
CASE(Lost__c,"Old",""&" "&IMAGE((LEFT($Api.Partner_Server_URL_260, FIND('/services',$Api.Partner_Server_URL_260))+"resource/1247929509000/lost"), "False"),NULL)
if one more picklist val added the image doesn't show
CASE(Lost__c,"Old","","Lost-Z6",""&" "&IMAGE((LEFT($Api.Partner_Server_URL_260, FIND('/services',$Api.Partner_Server_URL_260))+"resource/1247929509000/lost"), "False"),NULL)
I am using a formula to show an image based on picklist values, its coming correct but if I modify the formula to accommodate one more picklist values the formula saves but doesn't show the image. plz suggest
This works fine
CASE(Lost__c,"Old",""&" "&IMAGE((LEFT($Api.Partner_Server_URL_260, FIND('/services',$Api.Partner_Server_URL_260))+"resource/1247929509000/lost"), "False"),NULL)
if one more picklist val added the image doesn't show
CASE(Lost__c,"Old","","Lost-Z6",""&" "&IMAGE((LEFT($Api.Partner_Server_URL_260, FIND('/services',$Api.Partner_Server_URL_260))+"resource/1247929509000/lost"), "False"),NULL)
- roni shore
- May 29, 2018
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cover boolean variable in test calss
Public Class Customer_Controller{
ApexPages.StandardController controller;
@TestVisible private final Case thisCase;
public Customer_Controller(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
this.controller = controller;
this.thisCase = (Case)controller.getRecord();
public Boolean isTScase {
get {
return (((String)thisCase.RecordTypeId).left(15) == Label.Caseod_RecordType);
public Boolean isCScase {
get {
return (((String)thisCase.RecordTypeId).left(15) == Label.Casenew_recordtype);
error : Compile Error: Variable is not visible:
ApexPages.StandardController controller;
@TestVisible private final Case thisCase;
public Customer_Controller(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
this.controller = controller;
this.thisCase = (Case)controller.getRecord();
public Boolean isTScase {
get {
return (((String)thisCase.RecordTypeId).left(15) == Label.Caseod_RecordType);
public Boolean isCScase {
get {
return (((String)thisCase.RecordTypeId).left(15) == Label.Casenew_recordtype);
error : Compile Error: Variable is not visible:
- roni shore
- May 27, 2018
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Filed value not getting updated
Scenario: when a lead is created, then 2 sibling leads are created, now we convert one of the sibling lead and we get a realted contact.
problem -So, can i fetch a field values of a converted lead and then populate it in another sibling lead
m trying with below code, isnt helping..please suggest
public static void updateRelContactAfter(list<Contact> lstNewContact) {
set<String> setEmail = new set<String>();
map<String,Contact> mapLead = new map<String,Contact>();
for(Contact c:lstNewContact){
Id salesRTID = RecordTypeManager.getRecordTypeId('Lead.Sales_Marketing');
List<Lead> leadList = [SELECT Id,RelatedContact__c,Email,RecordTypeId FROM Lead
WHERE Email IN:setEmail AND RecordTypeId =:salesRTID AND IsConverted != True];
system.debug('LeadList===>'+ leadList);
list<lead> leadUpdateList = new list<lead>();
for(Lead l:leadList){
lead lnew = new lead();
lnew.id = l.id;
lnew.Related_existing_Contact__c = mapLead.get(l.email).Id;
system.debug('checkpnt===>'+ lnew.Related_existing_Contact__c);
if(leadUpdateList != null){
update leadUpdateList;
problem -So, can i fetch a field values of a converted lead and then populate it in another sibling lead
m trying with below code, isnt helping..please suggest
public static void updateRelContactAfter(list<Contact> lstNewContact) {
set<String> setEmail = new set<String>();
map<String,Contact> mapLead = new map<String,Contact>();
for(Contact c:lstNewContact){
Id salesRTID = RecordTypeManager.getRecordTypeId('Lead.Sales_Marketing');
List<Lead> leadList = [SELECT Id,RelatedContact__c,Email,RecordTypeId FROM Lead
WHERE Email IN:setEmail AND RecordTypeId =:salesRTID AND IsConverted != True];
system.debug('LeadList===>'+ leadList);
list<lead> leadUpdateList = new list<lead>();
for(Lead l:leadList){
lead lnew = new lead();
lnew.id = l.id;
lnew.Related_existing_Contact__c = mapLead.get(l.email).Id;
system.debug('checkpnt===>'+ lnew.Related_existing_Contact__c);
if(leadUpdateList != null){
update leadUpdateList;
- roni shore
- April 12, 2019
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populate lastmodifiedby in a custom field using trigger on same object
Hi Guys - how to populate lastmodifiedby on a custom text filed using trigger on customobj__c. please suggest
- roni shore
- January 03, 2019
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check null value in oldMap
Hi Guys,
getting variable does not exist when checking the old value is null or not. please suggest
public static Boolean HasAccess(List<AccountContactRelation> lstNew) {
for (AccountContactRelation acr : lstNew) {
if(string.isNotBlank(acr.Entity__c) || string.isNotBlank(trigger.oldMap.get(acr.Id).External_Entity__c) ){// getting error on this line checking oldmap
if(acr.External_Entity__c != 'Customer-facing')
throw new acrException(System.Label.Cimited);
return bReturn;
getting variable does not exist when checking the old value is null or not. please suggest
public static Boolean HasAccess(List<AccountContactRelation> lstNew) {
for (AccountContactRelation acr : lstNew) {
if(string.isNotBlank(acr.Entity__c) || string.isNotBlank(trigger.oldMap.get(acr.Id).External_Entity__c) ){// getting error on this line checking oldmap
if(acr.External_Entity__c != 'Customer-facing')
throw new acrException(System.Label.Cimited);
return bReturn;
- roni shore
- October 17, 2018
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can we use Account.AccountContactRelation in loop?
can we use AccountContactRelation refrencing Account object like below
If I use like this I get Error: Compile Error: Variable does not exist: AccountContactRelation
For(AccountContactRelation acr : acc.AccountContactRelation){ // here acc is account var
pls suggest
If I use like this I get Error: Compile Error: Variable does not exist: AccountContactRelation
For(AccountContactRelation acr : acc.AccountContactRelation){ // here acc is account var
pls suggest
- roni shore
- October 08, 2018
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list<AccountContactRelation> error
If i am using List of ACR object it throwing compoile error
List<AccountContactRelation> acrlist = new List<AccountContactRelation>();
pls suggest
List<AccountContactRelation> acrlist = new List<AccountContactRelation>();
pls suggest
- roni shore
- October 05, 2018
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Unable to add records to list <AccountContactRelation>
Compile Error: Invalid type: AccountContactRelation
when adding record in list in last line, it throws error, pls suggest
List<AccountContactRelation> lstACR = new List<AccountContactRelation>();// error here
for(AccountContactRelation ACR : [Select Id, AccountId, ContactId, Roles from AccountContactRelation where ContactId =: sConId and
AccountId in : accIds and Roles in : mapConRole.values()]) {
if(ACR.AccountId == opp.Ship__c)
bShip = true;
if(ACR.AccountId == opp.Bill__c)
bBill = true;
lstACR.add(new AccountContactRelation(AccountId = opp.Ship__c, ContactId = sConId, Roles = sConRole));
when adding record in list in last line, it throws error, pls suggest
List<AccountContactRelation> lstACR = new List<AccountContactRelation>();// error here
for(AccountContactRelation ACR : [Select Id, AccountId, ContactId, Roles from AccountContactRelation where ContactId =: sConId and
AccountId in : accIds and Roles in : mapConRole.values()]) {
if(ACR.AccountId == opp.Ship__c)
bShip = true;
if(ACR.AccountId == opp.Bill__c)
bBill = true;
lstACR.add(new AccountContactRelation(AccountId = opp.Ship__c, ContactId = sConId, Roles = sConRole));
- roni shore
- October 05, 2018
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Knowledge Article Field
Hi Guys- I am unable to figure out where these fields are coming from, these aren't in layout too pls suggest
- roni shore
- July 17, 2018
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Formula to calculate age of record
Hi guys - I am using a custom field called custom_dt__c (data type date/time) to calculate the age of record but the formula is showing an incorrect value
- roni shore
- July 13, 2018
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Unable to insert community user
Hi guys, I am trying to insert community user through but its failing.
public static void createCommunityUser(Set<Id> contactIdSet){
List<Contact> contactList = [SELECT
FROM Contact
WHERE Id IN: contactIdSet];
List<User> userList = new List<User>();
List<Profile> profileList = [SELECT
FROM Profile
WHERE Name = 'Customer Community User'
List<UserRole> roleList = [SELECT
FROM UserRole
WHERE PortalType = 'None'
for(Contact contactObj : contactList){
User uObj = new User();
uObj.LastName = contactObj.LastName;
uObj.ContactId = contactObj.Id;
uObj.Username = contactObj.Email;
uObj.Email = contactObj.Email;
String lstName = contactObj.LastName;
uObj.ProfileId = profileList[0].Id;
uObj.UserRoleId = roleList[0].Id;
uObj.IsActive = true;
uObj.TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT';
uObj.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
uObj.EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8';
uObj.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
uObj.CommunityNickname = contactObj.LastName;
String identifier = contactObj.Email;
//uObj.UserType = 'CustomerSuccess';
/* Insert the user record */
Insert userList;
}Catch(Exception e){
System.debug('Error Occured at Community User Creation : '+e.getMessage());
System.debug('Community Users ->'+userList);
please suggest
public static void createCommunityUser(Set<Id> contactIdSet){
List<Contact> contactList = [SELECT
FROM Contact
WHERE Id IN: contactIdSet];
List<User> userList = new List<User>();
List<Profile> profileList = [SELECT
FROM Profile
WHERE Name = 'Customer Community User'
List<UserRole> roleList = [SELECT
FROM UserRole
WHERE PortalType = 'None'
for(Contact contactObj : contactList){
User uObj = new User();
uObj.LastName = contactObj.LastName;
uObj.ContactId = contactObj.Id;
uObj.Username = contactObj.Email;
uObj.Email = contactObj.Email;
String lstName = contactObj.LastName;
uObj.ProfileId = profileList[0].Id;
uObj.UserRoleId = roleList[0].Id;
uObj.IsActive = true;
uObj.TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT';
uObj.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
uObj.EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8';
uObj.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
uObj.CommunityNickname = contactObj.LastName;
String identifier = contactObj.Email;
//uObj.UserType = 'CustomerSuccess';
/* Insert the user record */
Insert userList;
}Catch(Exception e){
System.debug('Error Occured at Community User Creation : '+e.getMessage());
System.debug('Community Users ->'+userList);
please suggest
- roni shore
- June 04, 2018
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Formula field using IMAGE
Hi guys,
I am using a formula to show an image based on picklist values, its coming correct but if I modify the formula to accommodate one more picklist values the formula saves but doesn't show the image. plz suggest
This works fine
CASE(Lost__c,"Old",""&" "&IMAGE((LEFT($Api.Partner_Server_URL_260, FIND('/services',$Api.Partner_Server_URL_260))+"resource/1247929509000/lost"), "False"),NULL)
if one more picklist val added the image doesn't show
CASE(Lost__c,"Old","","Lost-Z6",""&" "&IMAGE((LEFT($Api.Partner_Server_URL_260, FIND('/services',$Api.Partner_Server_URL_260))+"resource/1247929509000/lost"), "False"),NULL)
I am using a formula to show an image based on picklist values, its coming correct but if I modify the formula to accommodate one more picklist values the formula saves but doesn't show the image. plz suggest
This works fine
CASE(Lost__c,"Old",""&" "&IMAGE((LEFT($Api.Partner_Server_URL_260, FIND('/services',$Api.Partner_Server_URL_260))+"resource/1247929509000/lost"), "False"),NULL)
if one more picklist val added the image doesn't show
CASE(Lost__c,"Old","","Lost-Z6",""&" "&IMAGE((LEFT($Api.Partner_Server_URL_260, FIND('/services',$Api.Partner_Server_URL_260))+"resource/1247929509000/lost"), "False"),NULL)
- roni shore
- May 29, 2018
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Renamed standard field label but still not appearing on the layout
Hi guys, I have renamed the internal comments standard field on case object to comments but it still appears on the layout as internal comments.
plz suggest
plz suggest
- roni shore
- May 16, 2018
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test class for community user
Hi - can anyone please help me with the test class for below, I have written the test class but it's not covering the else block
public class Comm_Locale {
public User ur = new User();
public String redirectUrl {get;set;}
public Comm_Locale(){
Map<String,global__c> cSetting_Map = Locale_on_Global__c.getAll();
ur = [Select id, Contact.Locale__c FROM User where Id =: UserInfo.getUserId()];
global__c cSettingList = cSetting_Map.get(ur.Contact.Locale__c);
redirectUrl = cSettingList.Account_URL__c;
redirectUrl = 'https//:www.google.com';
// Need to assign default web link if required
redirectUrl = 'https//:www.google.com';
test class
private class Comm_Locale_tetd{
static testMethod void CheckLocale() {
Global__c log = new Global__c(name = 'test',Account_URL__c = 'https://www.test.com');
insert log;
contact con = new contact(LastName = 'test name',Locale__c = 'en_US');
insert con;
Comm_Locale pbc = new Comm_Locale ();
public class Comm_Locale {
public User ur = new User();
public String redirectUrl {get;set;}
public Comm_Locale(){
Map<String,global__c> cSetting_Map = Locale_on_Global__c.getAll();
ur = [Select id, Contact.Locale__c FROM User where Id =: UserInfo.getUserId()];
global__c cSettingList = cSetting_Map.get(ur.Contact.Locale__c);
redirectUrl = cSettingList.Account_URL__c;
redirectUrl = 'https//:www.google.com';
// Need to assign default web link if required
redirectUrl = 'https//:www.google.com';
test class
private class Comm_Locale_tetd{
static testMethod void CheckLocale() {
Global__c log = new Global__c(name = 'test',Account_URL__c = 'https://www.test.com');
insert log;
contact con = new contact(LastName = 'test name',Locale__c = 'en_US');
insert con;
Comm_Locale pbc = new Comm_Locale ();
- roni shore
- May 06, 2018
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Display comma separated values
Hi Guys - I have written a controller which is being used in an vf component. My issue is I need to display adresses comma seperated.
pls suggest
public with sharing class DisplayList{
public List<Address__c> Records {get; set;}
public DisplayList(){
Records = [SELECT Name
FROM Address__c
WHERE Billing_Account__c = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Id')];
vf component snippet
<apex:repeat value="{!Records}" var="Record">
<div><span>Service Addresses:</span><span><apex:outputText value="{!Record.Name}" escape="false"/></span></div>
pls suggest
public with sharing class DisplayList{
public List<Address__c> Records {get; set;}
public DisplayList(){
Records = [SELECT Name
FROM Address__c
WHERE Billing_Account__c = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Id')];
vf component snippet
<apex:repeat value="{!Records}" var="Record">
<div><span>Service Addresses:</span><span><apex:outputText value="{!Record.Name}" escape="false"/></span></div>
- roni shore
- March 20, 2018
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Unable to fetch records
Hi Guys- I have an custom object "Address__c" related to Account, when passing the account id there I am not getting any records, please suggest
public with sharing class DisplayQueryList{
public List<Address__c> Records {get; set;}
public DisplayQueryList(){
Records = [select Id,Name FROM Address__c WHERE Id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')];
public with sharing class DisplayQueryList{
public List<Address__c> Records {get; set;}
public DisplayQueryList(){
Records = [select Id,Name FROM Address__c WHERE Id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')];
- roni shore
- March 20, 2018
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Question on Trailhead Developer Intermediate: API Basics: Use bulk API challenge
Hello, I will appreciate your help on this please:
Need help to understand what I am doing wrong.
In developer intermediate section of trailhead
API Basics: Use bulk API challenge
Import Accounts Using Bulk API and Workbench
Using Bulk API and Workbench, import these account records (a CSV file).
This is what I tried in workbench:
Step 1: /services/data/XX.0/jobs/ingest
Executed POST
Step 2: /services/data/XX.0/jobs/ingest/jobID/batches
Changed Headers Content-Type to text/csv
Executed PUT
Step3: /services/data/XX.0/jobs/ingest/jobID.
In the request body, replaced the text with the following JSON text.
"state" : "UploadComplete"
Executed PATCH
Need help to understand what I am doing wrong.
In developer intermediate section of trailhead
API Basics: Use bulk API challenge
Import Accounts Using Bulk API and Workbench
Using Bulk API and Workbench, import these account records (a CSV file).
This is what I tried in workbench:
Step 1: /services/data/XX.0/jobs/ingest
Executed POST
Step 2: /services/data/XX.0/jobs/ingest/jobID/batches
Changed Headers Content-Type to text/csv
Executed PUT
Step3: /services/data/XX.0/jobs/ingest/jobID.
In the request body, replaced the text with the following JSON text.
"state" : "UploadComplete"
Executed PATCH
- Minhaj Arifin 5
- January 01, 2018
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Login flow fault blocks access to Salesforce
Trigger failure causes login flow exception. Problem is that I have only one admin user in this development sandbox. Other user has standard user profile and it can be logged in. This other user doesnt have capabilities to deactivate login flow or deactivate trigger causing this error.
I have tried to reset password and it failed too because login flow was activated even in password change. Is there way to get access back without dumping sandbox and rebuild it from a scratch? Force IDE is not a option because security token is not valid. All help I can get is much appreciated, thanks!
I have tried to reset password and it failed too because login flow was activated even in password change. Is there way to get access back without dumping sandbox and rebuild it from a scratch? Force IDE is not a option because security token is not valid. All help I can get is much appreciated, thanks!
- Karimi
- June 10, 2015
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