• Arlene Barr
  • 5 Points
  • Member since 2022

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I'm trying to figure out if we can hide certain fields in the Experience Cloud Site without it affecting the Salesforce Object in production. Couldn't set field level permissions as this field was visible by default to the users with this type of community license. Also since there is no separate page layout we cannot make changes to the one in SF. Has anyone come across this scenario?


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Trailhead Challenges
I am trying to complete the following challenge and I can't seem to get it right. Do you mind helping me with the steps? In the Sales profile, we can't find the correct permissions for the Rating field on the Account object
Challenge Requirements
Clone the Standard User profile:
Existing Profile: Standard User
Profile Name: Sales
Control access for the Sales profile:
Standard Object Permissions:
Accounts: Read, Create, Edit
Contacts: Read, Create, Edit
Field Permissions:
Rating field on the Account object: no access
All other permissions from the Standard User profile remain as is
Create a new permission set:
Label: Rating
API Name: Rating
User License: Salesforce
Control access for the Rating permission set:
Field Permissions:
Rating field on the Account object: Read Access, Edit Access
I have a dataset with records.
It is required to me to get specific record for calculations in SAQL.
Is there any function to get specific record in SAQL, like in map in apex.
For example: dataset.get(id).

I have questions about the Describe Global REST endpoint (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_rest.meta/api_rest/resources_describeGlobal.htm) to retrieve meta-data regarding all sObjects for a particular Salesforce organization:
  1. The response is pretty large, I am however just interested in a few fields per sObject (createable, retrievable, updateable). Is it possible to limit the response to selected fields? Using the "fields" query parameter which can be used when retrieving a specific sObject does not seem to work here.
  2. The response contains the field "maxBatchSize" with the default value 200. I am afraid that I miss some objects like this, however it seems like there is no way to increase this limit per request? The header "Sforce-Query-Options" seems not to work for this endpoint. There is also no link in the response header to potentially retrieve the next page of results.
Thanks a lot for your help!