• Alex Oliver
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after send mail to end customer the invitation  name same like as  (recipient  name)
  • March 07, 2023
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I already built a survey,  it should consider below things then send a Survey through Survey Invitation Quick action On Process Builders.

Considerations to send Survey upon Case Closure:

If a Customer has just completed their first Case, we wait 10 days before sending them their survey.
If a Customer has responded within the past 30 days, we do not send them a survey for that Case. 
If a Customer does not respond to a previous survey we ensure 10 days have passed since the last survey was sent and send another when the next Case closes.
I have tried pretty much everything and I am unable to understand why my trigger is not firing (or maybe just not producing any debug logs)
trigger NPS_TaskTrigger on SurveyQuestionResponse (before insert, before update, after insert , after update , after delete) {
    system.debug(LoggingLevel.FINEST, 'Hello world');
    system.debug('Hello world');
    if(Trigger.isAfter) {
        if(Trigger.isInsert) {

I don't see any of the debug messages.
I have tried creating checkpoints and I don't see any data in check points either.
I am trying to create a task when someone gives a low score on NPS survey.