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I got the browser to log in to our dev account, but no matter what I select in the query field, the Export gets an error #2037, which is apparently "nothing to export".  Anyone know how to make this work?  Followup question would be, does anyone know how to import back into an app what was exported? 

Downloaded and launched Trapdoor. File menu showed only one of over a dozen Salesforce logins in my Keychain.That login worked perfectly.


I was able to add another ID directly in Trapdoor, but it required I include a new security token.


Any suggestions for how to get Trapdoor to automatically load the rest of the IDs?


Mac OS 10.7.4

Keychain Access 5.4

Safari 5.1.7

Trapdoor 1.8

  • June 13, 2012
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I just installed Adobe Air and the Force Explorer (Beta). When I try to log in using my salesforce.com login, I get the followign error message: Login Failed: INVALID_LOGIN: Invalid username, password, security token; or user locked out.


Does anyone else have this problem?