• Rajesh N
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I thought Spring 20 release feature "Navigate to a Record’s Create Page with Default Field Values" will reduce many problems and reduce development effort. I really appritiate for bringing up this feature in lightning. But still this is not working for Dependent picklist. Faced the same issue with dependent picklist when i have created lightning component for this fuctionality earlier.
This was the observation so far. dont see such limitaion for dependent picklist in the documentation.

Do we have any solution for this other than lightning component?

URL's for reference: 

Thanks in advance.
Rajesh Nagandla

Can not able see custon list button on list page post switching to lightning(LEX migrated). Can we create anything in LEX similar to custom list view button on classic. Any alternate solution for to do the same?
Please let me know weather it was available...

Rajesh SMSL

We are using global picklist as master data for organisation. Here the requirement is to update globalpicklist value through apex code. Unable to find the associated object for refering in Apex. As it was in Beta version not sure even this is possible. In my search found solution's like using meta deta we can update normal picklist values(not sure how to do). Please suggest how to proceed. 

Can we have all the permissions for global picklist as we have for custom setting in comming releases?



As a part of code review got some lenghtyyyyy comments on refering picklist values in apex saying that it is hardcoded. What do you think. Is it really hardcoding. cant really manage these guys. Please suggest me.

is there any way to create fields from apex. if yes how?

Iam trying to deploy Assignment rules through changesets with one component. Got the below issue.

"Cannot find a user that matches any of the following usernames: jrosmafmichweber@xx.xxx.xxx, michweber@xx.xxx.xxx, michweber@xx.xxx.xxx; remove the user from the component being deployed or create a matching user in the destination organization"

I search for these users in both the environments. Infact there is no user with these usernames in both the environments.
Any inputs about these.

Is it possible to over ride select template button in send email? through customisation to segrigate folders bases on profile.

With referance to https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.object_reference.meta/object_reference/sforce_api_objects_folder.htm

Customer Portal users can’t access Folder object. What about community users. Does this effect to community users too?


When I try to excecute query count on Contentversion object, it is retuning around 90 developer console. While extracting through the dataloader, returning 0 files extracted.

can anyone help on this.



Performing Migration operation with system admin having "modify all" and "view all" permissions, using Apexdataloader for EVENTS and Documents objects.
Some records are getting fail while updating because of following reason.
1) isprivate Events are not updating with out chaging making isprivate value to false.
2) Documents under My personal documents folder cannot be updated.

Is there any chance to make this happen. By changing all owners for those records to system admin and change it back to normal users? Is this possible with salesforce help?




Is there a tool in salesforce that can mass upload documents (export and update)  and Attachments (export and update) section?
Using Jitterbit dataloader I am trying to Insert txt and csv files as attachments to Account record in SF. I am following all the steps recommended steps given by them to do this and after I do the insert operation, Jitterbit Data loader gives me success for all records uploaded.

When I go into Salesforce, all the attachment records have been created but there is no picture in the attachment. The file is empty (24 bytes) or (54 bytes).

I have tried with insert function several times with the same results. I used a CSV with columns: ParentID, Name, Body with values

TestAttachments (11).txt,
C:\Documents and Settings\rajesh.nagandla\Desktop\CC\TEST JB\Large Files test\TestAttachments (11).txt

I check the body (local file path) and it is OK.

Please help.
I'm looking to create a single list of records of various sObject types using apex to display to a custom visualforce page. I'm wondering if there is a way to combine multiple objects (case, opportunity, account, etc) within a single list. If not, how do you append the second object to the first in a list using visualforce code? Is there a best practice?
I'm looking to create a single list of records of various sObject types using apex to display to a custom visualforce page. I'm wondering if there is a way to combine multiple objects (case, opportunity, account, etc) within a single list. If not, how do you append the second object to the first in a list using visualforce code? Is there a best practice?

We are using global picklist as master data for organisation. Here the requirement is to update globalpicklist value through apex code. Unable to find the associated object for refering in Apex. As it was in Beta version not sure even this is possible. In my search found solution's like using meta deta we can update normal picklist values(not sure how to do). Please suggest how to proceed. 

Can we have all the permissions for global picklist as we have for custom setting in comming releases?



Iam trying to deploy Assignment rules through changesets with one component. Got the below issue.

"Cannot find a user that matches any of the following usernames: jrosmafmichweber@xx.xxx.xxx, michweber@xx.xxx.xxx, michweber@xx.xxx.xxx; remove the user from the component being deployed or create a matching user in the destination organization"

I search for these users in both the environments. Infact there is no user with these usernames in both the environments.
Any inputs about these.


Is there a tool in salesforce that can mass upload documents (export and update)  and Attachments (export and update) section?
Using Jitterbit dataloader I am trying to Insert txt and csv files as attachments to Account record in SF. I am following all the steps recommended steps given by them to do this and after I do the insert operation, Jitterbit Data loader gives me success for all records uploaded.

When I go into Salesforce, all the attachment records have been created but there is no picture in the attachment. The file is empty (24 bytes) or (54 bytes).

I have tried with insert function several times with the same results. I used a CSV with columns: ParentID, Name, Body with values

TestAttachments (11).txt,
C:\Documents and Settings\rajesh.nagandla\Desktop\CC\TEST JB\Large Files test\TestAttachments (11).txt

I check the body (local file path) and it is OK.

Please help.
I'm looking to create a single list of records of various sObject types using apex to display to a custom visualforce page. I'm wondering if there is a way to combine multiple objects (case, opportunity, account, etc) within a single list. If not, how do you append the second object to the first in a list using visualforce code? Is there a best practice?
I'm looking to create a single list of records of various sObject types using apex to display to a custom visualforce page. I'm wondering if there is a way to combine multiple objects (case, opportunity, account, etc) within a single list. If not, how do you append the second object to the first in a list using visualforce code? Is there a best practice?