• Satsun
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Hello Team User-added imageUser-added image
I have enabled Account Contact Relationship to use a "many to many" relationship which is working. But, getting an error "This contact already has a relationship with this account." when I try to add a contact through an account relationship with a new Role. Is there any way to avoid this error declaratively?
Hello All, 

I want to configure the ability to automatically add a group of products when adding a parent to 'bundle' products together in salesforce(without CPQ). Can anybody suggest the best approcah on this please ?

I understood that this can't be aechieved with the standard out of the box functionality as per https://success.salesforce.com/answers?id=9063A000000iiPVQAY 
hence, could you please let me know if there is a way to aechieve this with the combination of Process builder and the flow.

  • February 28, 2018
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I am experiencing below error while adding a page to app in the Lightening experience tab

"We had trouble processing the request. We've reported the problem to Customer Support with error ID: -406461702"

"We had trouble processing the request. We've reported the problem to Customer Support with error ID: -406461702"

Could you please help with your expertise on this?

  • October 27, 2017
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I am experiencing below error while adding a page to app in the Lightening experience tab

"We had trouble processing the request. We've reported the problem to Customer Support with error ID: -406461702"

"We had trouble processing the request. We've reported the problem to Customer Support with error ID: -406461702"

Could you please help with your expertise on this?

  • October 27, 2017
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I've followed the instructions below from the 'Build an App Home Lightning Page' in trailhead and keep getting an error when I attempt to save.  The error only seems to appear because I am adding the app to the Lightning experience; however, since this is in the directions I'm not sure how to overcome it.  I've even attempted a new playground and started over but received the same error.

Link to Instructions

Error Message: (Pops up when I attempt to activate it after adding it to the Lightning Experience apps
We had trouble processing the request. We've reported the problem to Customer Support with error ID: -406461702

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Instructions from Link (above):
Add Your App Page to Salesforce1 and Lightning Experience
Just like the other pages, your users can’t access your app page until you activate it. During activation, you can customize the page’s custom tab label, adjust its visibility, and set its position in the Salesforce1 navigation list and Lightning Experience app navigation bars, all in one place.
Click Activation.
Don’t change the app name.
By default, the label that you give the Lightning page is used as the label for its custom tab.
Change the icon to the blue lightning bolt icon.
The icon that you choose here is used as the icon for the app in Salesforce1 and for the page in Lightning Experience.
Keep the tab’s visibility open to all users.

The Activate for the System Administrator profile only setting is useful while you’re working on your Lightning page. Restricting your page to administrators only means that you can see and test the page, but your users can’t see it until you’re ready to expose it to them.
Click the Lightning Experience tab.
Select a Lightning app, and click Add page to app.The page you’re adding to the menu appears in the second position by default. Let’s leave it there. If you put it into the top position, it becomes the landing page for all your Lightning Experience users.
Click the Salesforce1 tab.
Select the Salesforce1 Navigation Menu, and click Add page to app.
By default, new pages you add to the Salesforce1 menu appear below the Smart Search Items menu item. If you leave the Top Accounts and Opportunities page there, it will appear in the Apps section of the Salesforce1 menu. We don’t want that, so let’s move it up.
Drag the page to below the Today menu item.
Click Save.
Your app home page is now ready for your Salesforce1 and Lightning Experience users!
User-added image

I'm getting this error (above) on this step: https://trailhead.salesforce.com/project/flow_reassign/flow_reassign_confirm : 
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Screen element 'Confirmation' isn't properly configured. Check the instructions.

My screen is configured correctly as far as I can tell: 

User-added image

My overall flow looks like this: 
User-added image

Can anyone spot an error or is this a Trailhead bug? 
I am currently taking the course Admin Trail Begginer: Getting Started With the Platform, when I proceed to sign up for a DE account I get the following message: "Sorry, we can't enroll you in a Salesforce Developer Edition account because the email address you entered is already in use. To sign up with a different email address, go to https://developer.salesforce.com/form/signup/freetrial.jsp ."

Does this mean I already have a Development Edition Account? If so where would I access it? 
Or should/can I sign up with any email adress fir a DE?