• Katie Dale
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I'm trying to complete the "Set Up Single Sign-On for Your Internal Users" Trailhead challenge, and was able to execute the description of the challenge successfully. However, I'm getting the following error when checking the challenge on Trailhead:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Could not find SAML Enabled in your org's setup audit trail. Make sure that you have 'SAML Enabled' checked under 'Federated Single Sign-On Using SAML' in your org's 'Single Sign-On Settings'.

I've reviewed the settings, and "SAML Enabled" is true, and I'm connected to the right org when doing the challenge. Has anyone else encountered this?
This failed for me with the error

The Fulfillment Creation process does not appear to be working properly. Check your action that updates the Adventure Package.

On review of the trailhead information (9/9/2016), there was no listed requirement to update the Adventure package. I suspect there was in the past and this had been lost in an update. 

I got around the error by updating: 
Fulfillment Created = True
Fulfillment State = Created

The requirements should be complete if you don't want to generate frustration within the trailhead audience.

Has anyone completed this trail? I am stomped on challenge number 3, regarding created the process for fulfillment. Any pointers or guidance would be appreciated.