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When my custom clone button is clicked, I am setting recordId as null for 'lightning-record-edit-form'.
this.template.querySelector('lightning-record-edit-form').recordId = null;

I am able to clone records but for required fields it is gving duplicate rule error for lightning-input-field field with error.

Note: If you don't interact with a required field and try to submit the form, an error message is displayed.

I want to hide this standard error message. How can I hide it?

I want to remove standard slds ".slds-notify_container" and add custom toast message in my lwc component.
As we can add custom components in forms now using dynamic forms.
How can we handle save, edit, create using custom as well as standard components.
Manage All button not visible in lightning what to do?
I have enabled lightning for flows. I am not able to pass inputs from user to visualforce page to flow. 

Flow is running fine while running from org.

Not able to pass input when running from sites.
What is the difference between auth and oauth ? 
Need to copy all data from one object to another object having the same constraint and same schema. Need to copy one million records using batch class. How to go for it?
Application is like suppose it asks you what is your gender? So let's say if we select male then based on that it will show you shopping options.
Suppose that we select female based on that it shows female shopping options.
Under the gender it will ask about user's age like 10 to 20 years  or 20 to 30 years or 30 to 40 years. Under age there will again be a filter by shopping criteria.
Again if user will select 10 to 20 then it will ask you questions that you want to shop the household or shop the jewelry or shop something else.
This kind of responses behaviour we need to create an an application.
Need some High-level key points to start on this. 
I want my javascript code to check the current context of view on click of button and want my code to perform different validations for different views.
I am getting error on click of button on list view. 
Error: A problem with OnClick JavaScript for this button or link was encountered: {faultcode:'sf:INVALID_FIELD,faultstring:'INVALID_FIELD: SELECT Account__c,payload__c from tc__c 

Payload__c's Data Type=Rich Text Area(131072).

Why are we getting error on quering payload__c field in dynamic query?
Hi  Folks,

How do we access profiles using custom settings?
Need to copy all data from one object to another object having the same constraint and same schema. Need to copy one million records using batch class. How to go for it?
Application is like suppose it asks you what is your gender? So let's say if we select male then based on that it will show you shopping options.
Suppose that we select female based on that it shows female shopping options.
Under the gender it will ask about user's age like 10 to 20 years  or 20 to 30 years or 30 to 40 years. Under age there will again be a filter by shopping criteria.
Again if user will select 10 to 20 then it will ask you questions that you want to shop the household or shop the jewelry or shop something else.
This kind of responses behaviour we need to create an an application.
Need some High-level key points to start on this. 
Hello All,

I am trying to create a community user, i went through the folowing steps:
1. Created an account.
2. Created a contact
3. On the contact detail page, clicked on 'Manage external user' and created a user.

The issue is that when the external user is created, that external user is not receiving the welcome email or the reset password email. 

User-added image


When I click on button for record list to create a new record I am facing this error. This button works fine in classic.

I have given all necessary permission. Is there anyone who's facing this kind of same error?


I am getting error on click of button on list view. 
Error: A problem with OnClick JavaScript for this button or link was encountered: {faultcode:'sf:INVALID_FIELD,faultstring:'INVALID_FIELD: SELECT Account__c,payload__c from tc__c 

Payload__c's Data Type=Rich Text Area(131072).

Why are we getting error on quering payload__c field in dynamic query?
We just upgraded/migrated our Customer Portal to the new Customer Communities platform (but kept the Customer Portal licenses and did not migrate to new Communities licenses) and now when we create a new Community User the Welcome email is not sending at all - regardless of whether or not you check "Generate new password and notify user immediately" or not - have tried both ways on initial creation and either way it does not send the welcome email.

In the Manage Communities Setup option we do have "Send welcome email" checked and created a new email template to be used with it. The template is active and Available for Use. All of the Portal Profiles and permissions have been given access to the new Community. 

When I first Published the new Community I did not have the Manage Communities Setup option "Send welcome email" checked because I didn't want to blow up all the existing Users' inbox. We were already sending an email to customers announcing the upgraded Community. But then once it was Published and the new email template was created the setting was checked back to "Send welcome email".

What does work is after you create the new user and leave "Send welcome email" unchecked, Save it. Then go back and click 'Edit' and now check "Send welcome email". That will then send the email template set for the 'Forgot Password' and 'Change Password' options in the Manage Communities Setup options.

And apparently, SFDC changed how they treat these emails from Portal to Communities, but does not mention this in any documentation. In Portals an auto-generated password used to be contained directly in the email template, inserted at the bottom.

Now, in the new Communities, that auto-generated password is no longer included, but they changed how they do this for security reasons (winter 14 release update apparently) and instead of sending a username and password in the email they now send a special link that allows people to click and change their password.

The trick is that your forgot your password email template needs to include this special merge field (undocumented anywhere by SFDC from what I found):


If you include that it will be replaced with a special url that allows the user to change their password and logs them in. Thread where I first found this out: http://salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/17887/communities-forgot-password-emails

This is being successfully included in the 'Forgot Password' and 'Change Password' email templates that were created. So when I go back to the newly created User and click 'Edit' and now check "Send welcome email", it does send the email template set for the 'Forgot Password' and 'Change Password' options to the new user and they are able to get in after setting their password.

Any ideas or help you can provide??


Hi ,


i wrote a query which has an inner query in it to get the child records.


i will give an example with standard objects


Account acc = [select name,(select firtsname,lastname from Contact) from account limit 1];


i am using this "acc" varibale in VF page to display the contact records.



<apex:repeat value="{!acc.contacts}" var="contact" >


<apex:outputtext value="{!contact.firstname}"/>

<apex:outputtext value="{!contact.lastname}"/>



i have around 130 contacts, but iam getting below error message when i try to open the VF page to view the results.


"Aggregate query has too many rows for direct assignment, use FOR loop "


please let me know if anyone faced this issue earlier. what is the limit of number of rows in aggregate query.

is ithis is the correct way to get this done.


actually in my query there are around 15 inner object queries. that is my parent object has 15 childs.


any help would be appreciated


thanks in advance









Could you please tell me if its possible to create a site where I can put a flow (created with the flow designer) that will ask about some specific information to the client through the site and flow and then create an opportunity out of it?



I have a custom multi-select picklist that I'd like to concatenate into a string, delimited by commas.
I'd like to do this through APEX -- any quick and dirty suggestions?


Or at least how is the data stored?

Hi All,


I have an Approval Process created for my custom object.

I am assigned as an Approver for the same.


I want to know, are there any settings to enable myself to see "Items to approve" list on my Homepage?


Any help will be great.

