• Viraj M
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  • Member since 2017

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Hi guys,
I have build SPA in saleforce. Can I insert data in salesforce task object for reminder/follow up using apex/ javascript remoting i

Please let me know
Select  MAX(Date__c),Parent__c parentid
From Child__c  
group by Parent__c
If i write max Date column first before Parent__C  then query returns proper output with Date and Parent__C (parentid) 
User-added image

But when i write max date column after Parent__c then query only returns Parent__c(parentid) - Can any one tell why this weird behaivor happens
Select  Parent__c parendId,MAX(Date__c)
From Child__c
group by Parent__c
User-added image


I am planning to use Jasper report for reporting of salesforce data. Can i use the community version(Free version) of Jasper report-ireport?

I am new to Salesforce Reporting. I create two reports- one on Custom Object (Parent Object) and other on Custom Child Object (Parent object look up is applied). I want to create Dashboards which allows filter on Parent Object where User can select Parent element.


Company Object (Custom Object)  has 3 records  - 
1 - IBM
2- Google
3 - Apple

And each above company has deals records with fields Deal name, Deal amount, Deal status, Deal Date(Child custom object)

IBM  has 2 deals
Google has 4 deals
Apple has no deals

I want to create one pager report based on Company Name selection. How to give Company filter in Dashboard.
My Company Filter should auto populate all company names

I am creating custom contact screen in angular js inside salesforce. I want to pull mailing country picklist in my HTML page( Same country picklist which is available in salesforce contact screen). Can anyone please let me know how to achieve this..

I am new to salesforce..  

I have contacts list from different Datasources, Should i maintain one object for all and add look up relation of different sources OR i maintain different contact object for different sources. I hope maintaining one Object will not be problem(we used to maintain same in SQL DB)... If any limitations then can anyone please let me know


I am new to salesforce. I am SQL developer...Is there any way to check data using any tool.. without going to salesforce List.

I have custom object and its related list. I have override the custom object page layout with VF page. Now when i click on edit of related list record then page redirects to black page .. can anyone please let me know what is wrong

User-added image
Can i use angular js2 libraray to perform add/edit /delete operation for salesforce object in visual force page
if i create visual force page then it will change automatically to lightning view on switch to lightning view ?

And also

if i create an app in lightning, then in salesforce classic view it will change UI to classic view or it will look like UI of Lightning in Classic view 
I have created One custom common object which is referrred  by other custom objects. I know we can give layout when create lookup relationship for field. But i want to know can we change layout later after creating field?
Can i do centralized logging for my app? 

If yes, How can i achieve this.
Can we do line by line debugging?I mean can we do debugging how we do in IDE in Eclipse and Visual Studio

If yes, How good it is in terms of performance when compare to SQL Database Stored Procs
Can i see underlying data in sales cloud pie or bar char report?
 If yes then is there any limitation in data storage and also what  is cost related to it. And also i want to know is there any performance issue while loading large amount of data
Select  MAX(Date__c),Parent__c parentid
From Child__c  
group by Parent__c
If i write max Date column first before Parent__C  then query returns proper output with Date and Parent__C (parentid) 
User-added image

But when i write max date column after Parent__c then query only returns Parent__c(parentid) - Can any one tell why this weird behaivor happens
Select  Parent__c parendId,MAX(Date__c)
From Child__c
group by Parent__c
User-added image


I am new to Salesforce Reporting. I create two reports- one on Custom Object (Parent Object) and other on Custom Child Object (Parent object look up is applied). I want to create Dashboards which allows filter on Parent Object where User can select Parent element.


Company Object (Custom Object)  has 3 records  - 
1 - IBM
2- Google
3 - Apple

And each above company has deals records with fields Deal name, Deal amount, Deal status, Deal Date(Child custom object)

IBM  has 2 deals
Google has 4 deals
Apple has no deals

I want to create one pager report based on Company Name selection. How to give Company filter in Dashboard.
My Company Filter should auto populate all company names


I am new to salesforce..  

I have contacts list from different Datasources, Should i maintain one object for all and add look up relation of different sources OR i maintain different contact object for different sources. I hope maintaining one Object will not be problem(we used to maintain same in SQL DB)... If any limitations then can anyone please let me know


I am new to salesforce. I am SQL developer...Is there any way to check data using any tool.. without going to salesforce List.

I have custom object and its related list. I have override the custom object page layout with VF page. Now when i click on edit of related list record then page redirects to black page .. can anyone please let me know what is wrong

User-added image
if i create visual force page then it will change automatically to lightning view on switch to lightning view ?

And also

if i create an app in lightning, then in salesforce classic view it will change UI to classic view or it will look like UI of Lightning in Classic view 
I have created One custom common object which is referrred  by other custom objects. I know we can give layout when create lookup relationship for field. But i want to know can we change layout later after creating field?
Can i do centralized logging for my app? 

If yes, How can i achieve this.
If yes, How good it is in terms of performance when compare to SQL Database Stored Procs
Can i see underlying data in sales cloud pie or bar char report?
I am trying to determine if the Heroku connect would only work for one customer at a time or if I can use oauth2.0 or possibly even hard coded passwords to manage many different sets of customer data in one postgres implimentation.   

Any help in this area is greatly appreciated!

Thank you 

Hey all


I am looking to write some Apex code for a task manager app that I am building that allows the user to set a reminder and alert for the completiion of their task.  I understand I want to use:





I'm not very good at code though and not sure how I would write the code to do what I want to do, can anyone help please?!


Many thanks

