• Ramesh D
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I don't know if this is possible. I would appreciate any help. 

The requirement is to dynamically get picklist values and loop through each to display the pick value in each row's screen flow data table with an input text field. Once the data is entered, save the picklist value and input text in another object.

screen flow data example as below
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How to Display All Records in a Lookup field of target Object while creating new record on source Object without entering any text in Search bar .   As per my Knowledge it is one of the limitation of Lightning experince. In salesforce classic we have an option of "Show All Result".
So kindly suggest me a way to achieve this without customizing the page.User-added image
Hope you are doing well!
Anyone have docs for enabling azure IDP for salesforce communities, wanna enable azure b2c singin/singnup for community site. Please let me know if anyone has successfully or trying to achive this.
Thanks in advance

Can we write trigger when someone publish content(article page) on salesforce CMS
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Content Management Workspace is not visible for few users in our org, What permission should be granted to view this ?
Anyone can please help??
We have created a Azure ad b2c tenant and registered application and given registered application id in the salesforce. When we have contacted microsoft. they are telling issue with sales force. Please help me how i can solve this issue. This is high priority for me . any help would me much appreciated.

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Hello EveryOne,

I have Doc File in Notes & Attachments.
I want to Fetch Body of doc file as a String in Apex Class.
as a body of Attachment return in Blob so how to get it as String ??

I am calling teamup API from Salesforce to get events data. This is my apex code:
global class EventsTeamUp {
    Public Static Void UpdateEvents(){
         HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
        HttpResponse res = new HttpResponse();
        String result;
        Http http = new Http();
        datetime dt=System.now();
		String d=dt.format('yyyy-MM-dd');
		List<Event> eventlist = new List<Event>();
        req.setMethod('GET' );
        Blob headerValue = Blob.valueOf('teamup-token' + ':' + 'e1bb9869fab6320f4ff7ca23eeb48b80a9e113396b903d794d9e3fcaf857ff3f');
     String authorizationHeader = 'BASIC ' +
     req.setHeader('Authorization', 'authorizationHeader');
Map<String, String> values = (Map<String, String>)
    JSON.deserialize(res.getBody(), Map<String, String>.class);
        for(String key : values.keySet())
           Event e= new Event(IsAllDayEvent=Boolean.valueOf(values.get('all_day')), Subject=values.get('title'), StartDateTime=DateTime.parse(values.get('start_dt')), EndDateTime=DateTime.parse(values.get('end_dt')), Location=values.get('location'), Description=values.get('notes')+'Invitees:'+values.get('who'));
        insert eventlist;
    catch(Exception e)
       System.debug('The following exception has occurred: ' + e.getMessage()); 

I am getting 403 Forbidden error. This is the request sent from Adavnced Rest Client, where I am getting back the event details successfully.

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Any help is appreciated.
I have a Requirement of Grouping the data by distributor name and subgrouping by Created Date.
can anyone tell me how to achieve this.
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I am doing a POST call to external rest resource. The authorization is 2 step process and I need to pass the JSESSIONID in the second call which is received in first call.

With the POSTMAN, it works fine. Not sure why Apex is giving me 302 as the response status code. Can someone please help what is wrong in my code?

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Header - 
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Below is my code for Http Request -

HttpRequest req1 = new HttpRequest();
String body = 'username=' + username + '&password=' + password + '&_csrf=' + csrf_token;
req1.setHeader('Cookie', sessionIdString); // sessionIdString is sessionId in format -  JSESSIONID=69C4096F47BB59594D5D6C45A20A166C
//req1.setHeader('Authorization',  'Bearer '+sessionId);

Http http1 = new Http();
HTTPResponse resp = http1.send(req1);
System.debug('resp>>' + resp);

I am showing the value of a date/time field but the format is off.
This is what I would like it to show (as show on the Page Layout):
Format from Page Layout

However this is what it looks like in my component:
Format from component

My code:
<lightning:formattedDateTime value="{!task.Task_LastModifiedDate__c}" timeZone="{!$Locale.timezone}" year="numeric" month="numeric" day="numeric" hour="2-digit" minute="2-digit" hour12="false"/>
Basically I just want to show the standard date/time format.

Hi All,

Am trying to group the table values in lightning component.Please help me on this to resolve this issue.

How to aggregate the bewlo field values. After aggragte I need to display a single row for each group in Lightning component.
any one can help on this?

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I have two fields, Shipping Address and Billing Address,

I want to copy the value of shipping address into billing address, while typing the value in shipping address, 

How can I achieve this.

There is a checkbox, which when checked, clears the value of billing address.
So when billing address is different, User can go and fill nee address