• Dev Boorla
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Hi, I am trying to write a datetime formula but having a problem. The goal is to check a 'date' field (Service_Date__c) to determine if the (Service_Date__c) date field is blank. If the (Service_Date__c) date field is blank, I want to return null. If the date field is not blank, then I want to return the following 'datetime' formula DateTime__c +   300/1440.

I have some other formulas dependendent on the 'datetime' formula DateTime__c. The DateTime__c field is a formula field that is depenendent on the Service_Date__c 'date' field--all of which are throwing errors. I can fix the errors if I can get help with the above.

Thank you in advance!

IF(NOT(ISBLANK(Service_Date__c)), DateTime__c   +   300/1440)
This no longer works as described in the Trailhead.  Selecting "User with Limited Access to Treasures" on the CRUD & FLS Visualforce Demo tab yields an "insufficient access" error with no data returned.
A couple of our Customer Community Plus users are being routed away from the branded community login page to the Salesforce login page before they can log in. The error happens when they type the URL to the community, click on a link to the community, or open a bookmark to the community. Has anyone seen this redirect issue or know what might be causing it? Thanks!
Hi, I am trying to write a datetime formula but having a problem. The goal is to check a 'date' field (Service_Date__c) to determine if the (Service_Date__c) date field is blank. If the (Service_Date__c) date field is blank, I want to return null. If the date field is not blank, then I want to return the following 'datetime' formula DateTime__c +   300/1440.

I have some other formulas dependendent on the 'datetime' formula DateTime__c. The DateTime__c field is a formula field that is depenendent on the Service_Date__c 'date' field--all of which are throwing errors. I can fix the errors if I can get help with the above.

Thank you in advance!

IF(NOT(ISBLANK(Service_Date__c)), DateTime__c   +   300/1440)
Hello everyone,

I some doubts about Lightning Components/File libraries in which some internet research haven't helped me solve. But I think is mostly based around file libraries/lightning.. 
​I'll explain with help of the next image.. 
User-added image
User-added image
User-added image

(1) Functionality I would like to use inside of communities, it is already built inside force.com and actually works inside the Communities as a built-in Lightning component (2), but what I am looking for is to customize the sidebar (Owned by Me, Shared with Me, .. Libraries) to make it look a bit more like (3) where Folders would filter the content of files list and document Tags would serve as filters too..

So the main question is:
Is it possible to customize that existing component? I know how to query documents and folders (with ContentDocument & ContentFolder object) in Apex but, building that functionality (folders with nested folders/child elements) from scratch seems like a laborious task, that's why I'm asking, if there is a shorter route to this.

I tried some reverse engineering using Chrome's Lightning Component Inspector and found that some of the components like <forceContent:filesManager/> and others used by Files List component are not even accesible/available in development because I get FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION  "Failed to save undefined: No COMPONENT named filesManager found: Source" I've already research about any existing lightning component that would do the trick but can't find one, makes me think of that component as managed component? therefore not customizable?, is there a better way to achieve this?

Any tips, recommendations or questions are welcomed!
Thanks for your time.
In the developer org, I switched to lightning experience. Next, from the top right corner I switched to Setup. It opens into another tab.
In the new tab, I am able to see SETUP on the top left corner. I want to be able to see the service setup and not sure how to do that? I cannot see service setup in the lightning expereince. I am the system admin and this is my own developer account. Please help.
Hi All,

I am a newbie to Lightning component Development.

I have written a lightning component, which holds Text Input, and a button.
When User enters some text in the text field, by clicking a button. I am calling a javascript controller, then to Javascript Handler, then to Apex Controller. I am searching and returning the result to handler, to javascript handler and then to component attribute values.

I am setting Response to Component attribute in Handler.

I am not getting the response in UI. When I debugged using Lightning Inspector - Chrome Extensions, Actions are successful, and I am getting result in the attributes.

Please let me know, whether i am missing anything.

Thanks in advance.
Please can you help me out here? I was told by Sales Ops that this was sorted? Would you be able to remove the alert and report please?
 Can any one explain above one please?
  • April 04, 2017
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So we have this community setup that was previously using Napili template. We switched template to VF + Tab, but the /s (i.e. /mycommunity/s) for lightning is still accessible?

How can I get rid of this /s ?

Hi All,

I am looking for some Book/PDF related to salesforce marketing (Campaign and Lead management) or some good training institute for the same.

Can someone help me with any pointers.

I'm having have few related issues with analytics and Community Builder sites (using the Koa template, but I assume affects other templates like Napili also):

1. The way the Community Builder renders the pages for articles, is it dynamically (via Javascript) assigns the HTML Title for the page to the name of the article.

Google Analytics is showing the page view, but the Page Title is showing "Article Detail", the default title of the page that dynamically renders the articles.

It seems like the timing in which the page view is sent to Google Analytics, happens before Salesforce code to apply the page title is set.  

2. We're use Tealium Tag Management to track analytics, which forwards the data to Google Analytics.  Tealium suggests to put in their code right after the opening <body> tag.

<script type="text/javascript">
var utag_data = {};
<script src="//pathToTealium.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

There doesn't seem to be a way to get a Community Builder page to render with this code anywhere in the <body> tag.  If I build a Lightning Component with this code, and insert it at the top of the page or anywhere on the page, it pushes the code to the <head> automatically.

If I add the tracking to Community Builder > Settings > Advanced > Head Markup, it puts the code within <head> and it works, except the same issue above occurs with the page titles not showing the article's title.  I'm hoping to be able to get this to render in the <body> tag as we may be able to adjust things in Tealium to send the proper analytics, but it doesn't look like we can if it's in the <head> tags.

Note that LockerService will no longer allow us to put this kind of Javascript code in the Head Markup soon.

I've also tried using the native Community Builder method of adding the Google Analytics Id in Community Builder > Settings > Advanced > Google Analytics, and the same problem (Page Title of articles not correct) occurs.

Any ideas on either of these?
Hi Guys

I have created a custom lighting component page for lead object creation but when i am preview my lighting application its showing blank.
 Any body correct me?
<aura:application >
public with sharing class CreateLead{

    public static void createRecord (Lead candidate){
            if(candidate != null){
                insert candidate;
        } catch (Exception ex){
	create : function(component, event, helper) {
		console.log('Create record');
        //getting the candidate information
        var candidate = component.get("v.candidate");
        if($A.util.isEmpty(candidate.First_Name__c) || $A.util.isUndefined(candidate.First_Name__c)){
            alert('First Name is Required');
        if($A.util.isEmpty(candidate.Last_Name__c) || $A.util.isUndefined(candidate.Last_Name__c)){
            alert('Last Name is Rqquired');
        if($A.util.isEmpty(candidate.Email__c) || $A.util.isUndefined(candidate.Email__c)){
            alert('Email is Required');
        if($A.util.isEmpty(candidate.SSN__c) || $A.util.isUndefined(candidate.SSN__c)){
            alert('SSN is Required');
        //Calling the Apex Function
        var action = component.get("c.createRecord");
        //Setting the Apex Parameter
            candidate : candidate
        //Setting the Callback
            //get the response state
            var state = a.getState();
            //check if result is successfull
            if(state == "SUCCESS"){
                //Reset Form
                var newCandidate = {'sobjectType': 'Lead',
                                    'First_Name__c': '',
                                    'Last_Name__c': '',
                                    'Email__c': '', 
                                    'SSN__c': ''
                //resetting the Values in the form
                alert('Record is Created Successfully');
            } else if(state == "ERROR"){
                alert('Error in calling server side action');
		//adds the server-side action to the queue        

<aura:component controller="CreateLead" 
				access="global" >
    <!-- Include Static Resource-->
    <ltng:require styles="/resource/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css" 
    <!-- Define Attribute-->
    <aura:attribute name="candidate" type="Lead" default="{'sobjectType': 'Candidate__c',
                         'First_Name__c': '',
                         'Last_Name__c': '',
                         'Email__c': '', 
                         'SSN__c': ''
    <div class="container-fluid">
        <h3>Please Enter The Candidate Information</h3>
        <div class="form-group">
            <label>First Name</label>
            <ui:inputText class="form-control" value="{!v.candidate.First_Name__c}"/>
        <div class="form-group">
            <label>Last Name</label>
            <ui:inputText class="form-control" value="{!v.candidate.Last_Name__c}"/>
        <div class="form-group">
            <label>Email Address</label>
            <ui:inputText class="form-control" value="{!v.candidate.Email__c}"/>
        <div class="form-group">
            <ui:inputText class="form-control" value="{!v.candidate.SSN__c}"/>
    <div class="col-md-4 text-center">
        <ui:button class="btn btn-default" press="{!c.create}">Create</ui:button>

I'm attempting to "Create a customer community user from Edna Frank's contact record."
I stuck at "An account owner must be associated with a role to enable portal users or transfer portal users to his or her account. " 

What step I'm I missing? 
User-added image

When trying to add or edit an account team in lightning my users are getting an error " insufficient access rights on cross-reference id ".  If they switch to the classic view they are able to add and edit account team members.  Is anyone else having this issue? 
I am trying to use, google captcha and google translate in lightning component. Though from spring'17 release we can not use third party javascripts in lightning even if we have added them to csp. We will have to add that script in static resource and call it in lightning component. As per google, script for these pages are dynamically generated and not suggested to be stored and used. Any workaround for making this work in lightning?