• Emilee Crocker 3
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  • Member since 2017

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Each new entry to this text field needs to be stamped with the date as multiple employees will be adding to this field. 
I am trying to complete the Automate Your Business Processes Trail and keep getting this error message and I'm not sure how to correct it.Trail Head Error Message
In my developer trailhead I am trying to complete challenges but cannot switch to Lightning. How do I do this?
I need to have an IF THEN statment to update a field. What I have so far is this: IF( Action_Taken_to_Close_Complaint__c <> " ",  Status__c = "CLOSED", Status__c = "IN PROGRESS")
I would like to add a custom button I created to my Salesforce1 account page.
I'm trying to create a visualforce page from the following javascript but I keep getting multiple error messages.

sforce.connection.sessionId = "{!$Api.Session_ID}";

var E = new sforce.SObject("Lead");
E.id = '{!Lead.Id}';

// Replace below with your field.

// Replace below with your field.
E.Status = 'Converted';

// save the change

//refresh the page
I am trying to have my lead status (which is a pick list) select converted as well as marking to be set up as true (which is working currently) but i keep getting an error saying converted is undefined. My code is the following:

sforce.connection.sessionId = "{!$Api.Session_ID}";

var E = new sforce.SObject("Lead");
E.id = '{!Lead.Id}';

// Replace below with your field.

// Replace below with your field.

// save the change

//refresh the page
All my users have access to post notes and attachments on a custom object except one and I cannot figure out what permission set is off.
I have the following to set for a workflow but I keep getting a Syntax error, Missing ')' and I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong.
This is my code:
IF(Sales_Potential_Price_Class__c = 01, Price_Class = "Class 1", IF(Sales_Potential_Price_Class__c = 02, Price_Class = "Class 2", IF(Sales_Potential_Price_Class__c = 03, Price_Class = "Class 3", IF(Sales_Potential_Price_Class__c = 04, Price_Class = "Class 4", IF(Sales_Potential_Price_Class__c = 05, Price_Class = "Class 5", IF(Sales_Potential_Price_Class__c = 06, Price_Class = "Class 6", IF(Sales_Potential_Price_Class__c = other, Price_Class = "other", IF(Sales_Potential_Price_Class__c = 97, Price_Class = "Class 97", IF(Sales_Potential_Price_Class__c = 98, Price_Class = "Class 98", IF(Sales_Potential_Price_Class__c = 99, Price_Class = "Class 99"
Is it possible to change the relationship between company and name on leads. So the Company is the main go to rather than a name similar to a account and how the account is the parents and the contacts are the childs?
I'm trying to get my custom button to change Lead Status to Converted in this script. Any help would be great!


sforce.connection.sessionId = "{!$Api.Session_ID}";

var E = new sforce.SObject("Lead");
E.id = '{!Lead.Id}';

// Replace below with your field.

// save the change

//refresh the page
I am trying to create a button to check a checkbox as true so the workflow will activate. I keep getting the error 'TRUE" is undefined. This will be for our leads to be set up as an account.
All my users have access to post notes and attachments on a custom object except one and I cannot figure out what permission set is off.
When I an trying to folloe this step --- "Add the app anywhere on the Salesforce1 Navigation Menu",I am getting above page


Please help me in understanding why i am getting Mobile tab instead of salesforce1 tab.
I need to have an IF THEN statment to update a field. What I have so far is this: IF( Action_Taken_to_Close_Complaint__c <> " ",  Status__c = "CLOSED", Status__c = "IN PROGRESS")
I would like to add a custom button I created to my Salesforce1 account page.
I'm trying to create a visualforce page from the following javascript but I keep getting multiple error messages.

sforce.connection.sessionId = "{!$Api.Session_ID}";

var E = new sforce.SObject("Lead");
E.id = '{!Lead.Id}';

// Replace below with your field.

// Replace below with your field.
E.Status = 'Converted';

// save the change

//refresh the page
I am trying to have my lead status (which is a pick list) select converted as well as marking to be set up as true (which is working currently) but i keep getting an error saying converted is undefined. My code is the following:

sforce.connection.sessionId = "{!$Api.Session_ID}";

var E = new sforce.SObject("Lead");
E.id = '{!Lead.Id}';

// Replace below with your field.

// Replace below with your field.

// save the change

//refresh the page
I have the following to set for a workflow but I keep getting a Syntax error, Missing ')' and I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong.
This is my code:
IF(Sales_Potential_Price_Class__c = 01, Price_Class = "Class 1", IF(Sales_Potential_Price_Class__c = 02, Price_Class = "Class 2", IF(Sales_Potential_Price_Class__c = 03, Price_Class = "Class 3", IF(Sales_Potential_Price_Class__c = 04, Price_Class = "Class 4", IF(Sales_Potential_Price_Class__c = 05, Price_Class = "Class 5", IF(Sales_Potential_Price_Class__c = 06, Price_Class = "Class 6", IF(Sales_Potential_Price_Class__c = other, Price_Class = "other", IF(Sales_Potential_Price_Class__c = 97, Price_Class = "Class 97", IF(Sales_Potential_Price_Class__c = 98, Price_Class = "Class 98", IF(Sales_Potential_Price_Class__c = 99, Price_Class = "Class 99"
I'm trying to get my custom button to change Lead Status to Converted in this script. Any help would be great!


sforce.connection.sessionId = "{!$Api.Session_ID}";

var E = new sforce.SObject("Lead");
E.id = '{!Lead.Id}';

// Replace below with your field.

// save the change

//refresh the page