• Karleen Mendoza
  • 75 Points
  • Member since 2017

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Hi there!

I want to know the difference between this type of licenses. If I need to code or use APIs for webservice I cant use professional edition, right? I need to have enterprise edition?
Which are the main differences?

Thank you!
Created a custom button that will open a new Outlook email message with merge fields from the Salesforce record - suddenly the merge fields from Salesforce do not put the merge field where it's supposed to. The Subject line gets put into the To: field:

Anybody else having this issue? Seems to only affect a few of my users - I myself cannot replicate the issue which is weird.

See below -
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Here is the code:
javascript:location.href='mailto:support@wingsinsurance.com '+' &SUBJECT={!Policy__c.Named_Insured__c}%20-%20(Policy #:%20{!Policy__c.Policy__c})'

I would like to pull the values of two formula fields from one object, then concatenate and display them in a single field on another object. I tried creating a Flow with a Loop and it pulls the records, but it does not display them into the field I need.

I have two objects: Pilot and Pilot/Policy. Pilot is the master object and Pilot/Policy is the child. I Need to pull 'Named Insured' and 'Policy #' values from each Pilot/Policy record that is associated with the Pilot record. Take the value of those fields and put them on Active Policy/Named Insured field on the Pilot record.

Named Insured on Pilot/Policy #1 = Karleen Mendoza, Policy # on #1 = ABC123
Named Insured on Pilot/Policy #2 = Jane Doe, Policy # on #2 = DEF456

Should display like this on Pilot field:
Policy # ABC123: Karleen Mendoza, Policy # DEF456: Jane Doe

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Hi All, I have a Process on Tasks that launches a Flow when a certain task is closed (let's call it Task 1).

Task 1 has a required field for an Amount that pushes to the Opportunity. The Flow pulls the Amount field on the Opportunity and inserts it into Task 2 that is created.

This works great when the Amount field is already populated on the Opportunity.. however, if the amount is not populated prior to the closing of Task 1, it does not insert the value into Task 2.

I understand that the sequence of events is what is causing the issue. Task 2 still thinks the Opportunity Amount field is blank. 

Any idea how I can have the flow wait until the Opportunity is updated with the Amount before creating Task 2??
Hi all, I am completely new to Apex and such. I want to create a customize lead conversion page and would like to add an additional custom field to the lead conversion page. 

I found some sample code with a visualforce page and components already made. But I don't know how to add the additional custom field to the page?

The field name I'd like to add is "Bypass New Business Tasks", API name Bypass_New_Business_Tasks__c. It is a field on the Lead object.

This is the sample code I got:
<!-- This component allows for the core lead converting functionality -->

<apex:component controller="leadConvertCoreComponentController">
    <!-- This allows for the lookup to Account but hides the text of the selected account name leaving the magnifying glass only -->
    <style type="text/css">
        input.hiddenInput {

    <!-- This is the attribute that holds the lead to convert -->
    <apex:attribute name="LeadToConvert" 
        description="The lead to convert"

    <!-- This attribute is used for the leadConvertController to interact with this component's controller -->
    <apex:attribute name="thepageController"
      description="The controller for the page." />
    <!-- Lead Convert section -->    
    <apex:pageBlockSection id="pblockconvertLead" title="Convert Lead" collapsible="no" columns="1">
        <!-- Leads Record Owner -->
        <apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
            <apex:outputLabel value="Record Owner" for="recordOwner" />
            <apex:inputField value="{!contactId.ownerID}" id="recordOwner" />
        <!-- Checkbox indicating whether to send an email to the owner -->    
        <apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
            <apex:outputLabel value="Send Email to the Owner" for="sendOwnerEmail" />
            <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!sendOwnerEmail}" id="sendOwnerEmail" />
        <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="convertLeadAccountBlockSectionItem" >
            <!-- Account Name picklist  -->
            <apex:outputLabel value="Account Name" for="accountList" />
            <apex:outputPanel styleClass="requiredInput" id="block">
                <div class="requiredBlock"></div>
                <apex:selectList value="{!selectedAccount}" size="1" 
                    multiselect="false" id="accountList">
                    <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" 
                        rerender="opportunityName, ViewLink"
                    <apex:selectOptions value="{!accounts}"/>
                <!--  Account lookup to add existing accounts to the picklist -->
                <apex:inputField styleClass="hiddenInput" 
                value="{!contactId.AccountId}" id="accountId" >
                    <!-- When an account is looked up, it is added to the select list -->                            
                    <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" 
                        rerender="accountList, opportunityName, ViewLink"
                <!-- This is a link which shows a view of the selected account in a new pop up window -->                
                <apex:commandLink id="ViewLink"  value="View"
                    onclick="javascript:if ('{!selectedAccount}' != 'NEW' && '{!selectedAccount}' != 'NONE' ) {var newWindow = window.open('/{!selectedAccount}/p', 'accountview', 'top=40, left=40,scrollbars=yes, height=450, width=800');newwindow.focus();} else {alert('You can only view existing accounts.');}"
        <!-- Opportunity section -->
        <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="oppSection" >
            <apex:outputPanel id="oppPanel" >
                <apex:outputLabel value="Opportunity Name" for="opportunityName" />
            <apex:outputPanel id="opportunityPanel" layout="block">
                <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!NOT(doNotCreateOppty)}" styleClass="requiredInput" id="block">
                <div class="requiredBlock"></div>
                <!-- Opportunity Name -->
                <apex:inputField required="false" 
                    value="{!opportunityID.Name}" id="opportunityName"/>
                <!--  This is only shown if the Do Not Create Opportunity is true -->    
                <apex:inputText disabled="true" rendered="{!doNotCreateOppty}"  value="{!opportunityID.Name}" id="opportunityNameDisabled"/>
                <apex:outputPanel layout="block" styleClass="requiredInput">
                <apex:outputPanel layout="block" />
                <!-- Checkbox indicating whether to create an Opportunity -->
                <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!doNotCreateOppty}" id="doNotCreateOppty">
                    <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" 
                Do not create a new opportunity upon conversion.
        <!-- Converted Status -->
        <apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
            <apex:outputLabel value="Converted Status" for="leadStatus" />
            <apex:outputPanel styleClass="requiredInput" layout="block">
                <div class="requiredBlock"></div>
                <apex:selectList id="LeadStatusList" size="1" 
                    value="{!LeadToConvert.Status}" multiselect="false" required="true">
                    <apex:selectOptions value="{!LeadStatusOption}"/>

<!-- This is our page component tag -->
<!-- We are using the Standard Controller for Lead and a Controller Extension called 'leadConvertController' -->

<apex:page standardController="Lead" extensions="leadConvertController">

<!-- Page section header -->

<apex:sectionHeader title="Convert Lead" subtitle="{!Lead.name}"/>

<!-- Visualforce Component with custom page header text -->

<c:leadConvertPageHeaderTextComponent />

<!-- This form tag must include any fields or buttons used in the Lead Convert operation -->
<apex:form id="theForm" >

    <!-- This pageBlock component is a container that includes the visual elements of the Lead Convert page -->
    <!-- All custom Components should be included within this pageBlock unless you are using more advanced custom styling -->

    <apex:pageBlock mode="edit" id="pageBlock">
        <!-- This component is used to display error messages on the page -->
        <apex:pageMessages />
        <!-- This pageBlockButtons component is where you can add / remove custom buttons from the Lead Convert page -->
        <apex:pageBlockButtons >
            <apex:commandButton action="{!convertLead}" value="Convert"/>
            <apex:commandButton action="{!cancel}" value="Cancel"/>
        <!-- This custom component contains the section & fields specific to converting a Lead to an Account, Contact, and Opportunity -->
        <c:leadConvertCoreComponent id="leadComp" thepageController="{!this}" LeadToConvert="{!leadToConvert}" rendered="True" />

        <!-- This custom component contains the section & fields specific to creating a new Task on Lead Convert -->
        <!-- If you would like to hide this section, set the rendered attribute to 'False' -->
        <c:leadConvertTaskInfoComponent thepageController="{!this}" rendered="true" />

        <!-- This custom component contains the section & Description field specific to the new Task on Lead Convert -->
        <!-- If you would like to hide this section, set the rendered attribute to 'False' -->
        <c:leadConvertTaskDescriptionComponent thepageController="{!this}" rendered="true" />

    <!-- This is the closing tag for the pageBlock component -->
<!-- This is the closing tag for the form -->

<!-- This is the closing tag for the page -->

There are some classes and such that make the custom lead conversion page work. I just need to add the one field onto the page but I don't know where??!
Hi all, I'd like to create a screen flow that asks users a few questions and then this would update the related opportunity. I'd like this screen flow to trigger when a task related to the opportunity is closed. How do I pass through the related opportunity ID?
Hi all, so recently we've had issues with Chrome blocking our Popup Alert app that we have installed. The developer isn't making anymore updates. Is there a way I can just create it myself? The issue we are having is that the alert will not show up in Chrome, but in other browers. Thoughts?
Hi All! however, I'd like to create a percentage between the "Responded" bucket and the grand total. But I have no idea where to get the actual bucket field when creating the formula, it doesn't show up in the Insert buttons.. I have no idea how to use IDE (eclipse) and it won't even download for me.

User-added image

User-added image
Hi all! I'm creating a workflow in Process Builder and need to create criteria where the formula evaluates to true.. however I'm getting a syntax error and I have no idea what I am doing wrong!
DATEVALUE([Policy__c].Scheduler_Date_Time_Renewal__c ) = [Policy__c].Expiration_Date__c - 121,
TEXT([Policy__c].Policy_Stage__c ) = 'In Force', TEXT([Policy__c].Policy_Type__c ) = ‘Work Comp’)



DATEVALUE([Policy__c].Scheduler_Date_Time_Renewal__c ) = [Policy__c].Expiration_Date__c - 121,
TEXT([Policy__c].Policy_Stage__c ) = 'In Force', TEXT([Policy__c].Policy_Type__c ) = ‘Property’)

Hi all, 
I have a Flow that I created to update a field on the Account object based if a checkbox is checked on another object. In testing, it seems that the collection variable is not clearing??

Here's my flow:
User-added image
And the PB workflow to launch the flow has the criteria of:
Primary Contact Checkbox Is changed = TRUE

So the requirement is:
If Contact A has Primary Contact checked, Account field should display Info from Contact A.
If Primary contact checkbox is False and changed to true for Contact B, account field should display info from Contact B.
and Vice-versa. Basically, if the account field should display only the info from the primary contact of the account.

Hi all, I am having issues with getting a field to update. I want to pull in the "primary contact" of an account onto a custom object record (policy). After figuring out some limitations with field updates and the relationships, I have come to the conclusion that I can do a Flow and a few formula fields. BUT it's not working.

Here are the relationships heirarchy (to make things easier, I'll label them as A, B, C, and D.:
  • Account (A) >> Account/Contact (B) (junction object. we have contacts that link to multiple accounts) >>
  • Contact (C)
  • Account >> Policy (D)
Primary contact is marked on the B record. The account/contact relationship is linked to the A record. And the A record is linked to the D record. I need the information from the B record to display on the D record

My thoughts are if I can get the field from the B record onto the A record, I can create display the info via Formula field

So, what I've done so far:
  • Created a Formula field on the B record, to convert the contact ID to an actual name (pulled from C record).
  • Created a Text field on the D record to house the value from the Flow
  • Created a Text field on the A record to house the info pulled from B record using a Flow update
  • Created a Flow and PB Workflow to update the A record with the info from B record, D record then gets updated via Formula

I think there's something off with either my Flow or the WFR but don't know what I'm doing wrong!
I want to display a custom field from a custom object that is related to a Task. Basically, we have a custom object named Policy - I want to pull the Expiration date from the Policy record and put that field's value onto the related Task record. How do I do this? The formula field allows to pull related Opportunity fields, but not custom object fields?
Hi All, I'd like to have an image, such as an exclamation point similar to Outlook on our Tasks. Right now, we are using a checkbox in conjuction with the standard "Priority" field to differenciate REALLY HIGH priority tasks (items that need to be completed TODAY and WITHIN the next hour. 

How do I create an image that can be updated when a checkbox=TRUE?
I am having an issue, I know where the problem may lie, but I am hoping there's some sort of workaround!!

Here's the scoop: Management wants to be able to see a couple of checkboxes that are on custom object A (Submissions) on the activity record (Tasks). However... Tasks are in a master-detail relationship with Custom Object B (Policies) and Custom Object A is a child of C.O.B.

So I tried a standard workflow rule and field update, but Process builder will not allow for me to add a criteria that links the related to field.

See, Submissions is related to Policies. Tasks are related to Policies. However, we want to update the Task record based on a change from Submissions. How do I do this????
A portion of my visual workflow is creating a new account. Since the Account will always be a "Partner" account record type - I hardcoded the record type ID into the Assignment element, but when executing the flow, it assigns the account record to the wrong record type? Any ideas?
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Since ISCHANGED and PRIORVALUE does not work in worfklow rules - is there a way to evaluate a workflow rule to create a task when a picklist value changes from one value to another?

For example, I have a picklist value that is Type. When that type field changes from "Value A" to "Value B", I'd like for the WFR to create a task. 
What's the best way to do so?

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I want to create a decision element that says:
If picklist choice is "Inquiry Only" and Checkbox = true, go to error screen

However, when I am using a picklist choice field, how can I get the stored value to read in the decision element?
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A user of mine used a visual workflow yesterday and it failed to create a task - however, we did not notice it until this morning. I didn't get any error emails about the error so is it possible to pull a log to see what happened here?
For some reason, one of my decision elements in my flow isn't working right. In the flow below, the decision is whether or not to add records automatically or to manually add the records. The first choice is Yes and the second choice is No. 

User-added image

When choosing the second choice, NO. It follows the path of the YES elements (shown in picture horizontally), instead of the NO elements (shown in picture vertically). Any ideas what's happening here? 

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Here is the decision element up close:
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User-added image
I am trying to display a record detail page in a visualforce page so it can show in a homepage component. I used the following code:
<apex:page >
<apex:iframe src="https://cs91.salesforce.com/a382F0000001HRW" scrolling="true" id="theIframe"/>

The page doesn't render... I understand that this could be done via using <apex:detail> but I have no idea where to begin with that. I'm not too familiar yet with Apex. 

My goal here is to view the specific record details of one record on a home page component
Our support department is responsible for different Task types everyday. I created a custom object and record for our Support Manager in which he can update the fields for the different Task types as need. Is there a way to display this record on the Home Page via a VisualForce Page? 
User-added image

I tried displaying it on the VFP using a report, but that doesn't seem to be working for me either. 

This is the code I was using:
<apex:page > <iframe src="https://cs91.salesforce.com/00O2F000000OFQh?isdtp=mn" style="border:none; width:1024px; height:480px"></iframe> </apex:page>

But I kept getting this error:
Error Warning: The element type "div" should be terminated by the matching end-tag "</div>" in c__accounthierarchytree at line 71

Hi all, 
I have a Flow that I created to update a field on the Account object based if a checkbox is checked on another object. In testing, it seems that the collection variable is not clearing??

Here's my flow:
User-added image
And the PB workflow to launch the flow has the criteria of:
Primary Contact Checkbox Is changed = TRUE

So the requirement is:
If Contact A has Primary Contact checked, Account field should display Info from Contact A.
If Primary contact checkbox is False and changed to true for Contact B, account field should display info from Contact B.
and Vice-versa. Basically, if the account field should display only the info from the primary contact of the account.

Hi all, I am completely new to Apex and such. I want to create a customize lead conversion page and would like to add an additional custom field to the lead conversion page. 

I found some sample code with a visualforce page and components already made. But I don't know how to add the additional custom field to the page?

The field name I'd like to add is "Bypass New Business Tasks", API name Bypass_New_Business_Tasks__c. It is a field on the Lead object.

This is the sample code I got:
<!-- This component allows for the core lead converting functionality -->

<apex:component controller="leadConvertCoreComponentController">
    <!-- This allows for the lookup to Account but hides the text of the selected account name leaving the magnifying glass only -->
    <style type="text/css">
        input.hiddenInput {

    <!-- This is the attribute that holds the lead to convert -->
    <apex:attribute name="LeadToConvert" 
        description="The lead to convert"

    <!-- This attribute is used for the leadConvertController to interact with this component's controller -->
    <apex:attribute name="thepageController"
      description="The controller for the page." />
    <!-- Lead Convert section -->    
    <apex:pageBlockSection id="pblockconvertLead" title="Convert Lead" collapsible="no" columns="1">
        <!-- Leads Record Owner -->
        <apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
            <apex:outputLabel value="Record Owner" for="recordOwner" />
            <apex:inputField value="{!contactId.ownerID}" id="recordOwner" />
        <!-- Checkbox indicating whether to send an email to the owner -->    
        <apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
            <apex:outputLabel value="Send Email to the Owner" for="sendOwnerEmail" />
            <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!sendOwnerEmail}" id="sendOwnerEmail" />
        <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="convertLeadAccountBlockSectionItem" >
            <!-- Account Name picklist  -->
            <apex:outputLabel value="Account Name" for="accountList" />
            <apex:outputPanel styleClass="requiredInput" id="block">
                <div class="requiredBlock"></div>
                <apex:selectList value="{!selectedAccount}" size="1" 
                    multiselect="false" id="accountList">
                    <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" 
                        rerender="opportunityName, ViewLink"
                    <apex:selectOptions value="{!accounts}"/>
                <!--  Account lookup to add existing accounts to the picklist -->
                <apex:inputField styleClass="hiddenInput" 
                value="{!contactId.AccountId}" id="accountId" >
                    <!-- When an account is looked up, it is added to the select list -->                            
                    <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" 
                        rerender="accountList, opportunityName, ViewLink"
                <!-- This is a link which shows a view of the selected account in a new pop up window -->                
                <apex:commandLink id="ViewLink"  value="View"
                    onclick="javascript:if ('{!selectedAccount}' != 'NEW' && '{!selectedAccount}' != 'NONE' ) {var newWindow = window.open('/{!selectedAccount}/p', 'accountview', 'top=40, left=40,scrollbars=yes, height=450, width=800');newwindow.focus();} else {alert('You can only view existing accounts.');}"
        <!-- Opportunity section -->
        <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="oppSection" >
            <apex:outputPanel id="oppPanel" >
                <apex:outputLabel value="Opportunity Name" for="opportunityName" />
            <apex:outputPanel id="opportunityPanel" layout="block">
                <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!NOT(doNotCreateOppty)}" styleClass="requiredInput" id="block">
                <div class="requiredBlock"></div>
                <!-- Opportunity Name -->
                <apex:inputField required="false" 
                    value="{!opportunityID.Name}" id="opportunityName"/>
                <!--  This is only shown if the Do Not Create Opportunity is true -->    
                <apex:inputText disabled="true" rendered="{!doNotCreateOppty}"  value="{!opportunityID.Name}" id="opportunityNameDisabled"/>
                <apex:outputPanel layout="block" styleClass="requiredInput">
                <apex:outputPanel layout="block" />
                <!-- Checkbox indicating whether to create an Opportunity -->
                <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!doNotCreateOppty}" id="doNotCreateOppty">
                    <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" 
                Do not create a new opportunity upon conversion.
        <!-- Converted Status -->
        <apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
            <apex:outputLabel value="Converted Status" for="leadStatus" />
            <apex:outputPanel styleClass="requiredInput" layout="block">
                <div class="requiredBlock"></div>
                <apex:selectList id="LeadStatusList" size="1" 
                    value="{!LeadToConvert.Status}" multiselect="false" required="true">
                    <apex:selectOptions value="{!LeadStatusOption}"/>

<!-- This is our page component tag -->
<!-- We are using the Standard Controller for Lead and a Controller Extension called 'leadConvertController' -->

<apex:page standardController="Lead" extensions="leadConvertController">

<!-- Page section header -->

<apex:sectionHeader title="Convert Lead" subtitle="{!Lead.name}"/>

<!-- Visualforce Component with custom page header text -->

<c:leadConvertPageHeaderTextComponent />

<!-- This form tag must include any fields or buttons used in the Lead Convert operation -->
<apex:form id="theForm" >

    <!-- This pageBlock component is a container that includes the visual elements of the Lead Convert page -->
    <!-- All custom Components should be included within this pageBlock unless you are using more advanced custom styling -->

    <apex:pageBlock mode="edit" id="pageBlock">
        <!-- This component is used to display error messages on the page -->
        <apex:pageMessages />
        <!-- This pageBlockButtons component is where you can add / remove custom buttons from the Lead Convert page -->
        <apex:pageBlockButtons >
            <apex:commandButton action="{!convertLead}" value="Convert"/>
            <apex:commandButton action="{!cancel}" value="Cancel"/>
        <!-- This custom component contains the section & fields specific to converting a Lead to an Account, Contact, and Opportunity -->
        <c:leadConvertCoreComponent id="leadComp" thepageController="{!this}" LeadToConvert="{!leadToConvert}" rendered="True" />

        <!-- This custom component contains the section & fields specific to creating a new Task on Lead Convert -->
        <!-- If you would like to hide this section, set the rendered attribute to 'False' -->
        <c:leadConvertTaskInfoComponent thepageController="{!this}" rendered="true" />

        <!-- This custom component contains the section & Description field specific to the new Task on Lead Convert -->
        <!-- If you would like to hide this section, set the rendered attribute to 'False' -->
        <c:leadConvertTaskDescriptionComponent thepageController="{!this}" rendered="true" />

    <!-- This is the closing tag for the pageBlock component -->
<!-- This is the closing tag for the form -->

<!-- This is the closing tag for the page -->

There are some classes and such that make the custom lead conversion page work. I just need to add the one field onto the page but I don't know where??!
Hi all, I'd like to create a screen flow that asks users a few questions and then this would update the related opportunity. I'd like this screen flow to trigger when a task related to the opportunity is closed. How do I pass through the related opportunity ID?
Hi all, so recently we've had issues with Chrome blocking our Popup Alert app that we have installed. The developer isn't making anymore updates. Is there a way I can just create it myself? The issue we are having is that the alert will not show up in Chrome, but in other browers. Thoughts?
Hi All! however, I'd like to create a percentage between the "Responded" bucket and the grand total. But I have no idea where to get the actual bucket field when creating the formula, it doesn't show up in the Insert buttons.. I have no idea how to use IDE (eclipse) and it won't even download for me.

User-added image

User-added image
Hi all! I'm creating a workflow in Process Builder and need to create criteria where the formula evaluates to true.. however I'm getting a syntax error and I have no idea what I am doing wrong!
DATEVALUE([Policy__c].Scheduler_Date_Time_Renewal__c ) = [Policy__c].Expiration_Date__c - 121,
TEXT([Policy__c].Policy_Stage__c ) = 'In Force', TEXT([Policy__c].Policy_Type__c ) = ‘Work Comp’)



DATEVALUE([Policy__c].Scheduler_Date_Time_Renewal__c ) = [Policy__c].Expiration_Date__c - 121,
TEXT([Policy__c].Policy_Stage__c ) = 'In Force', TEXT([Policy__c].Policy_Type__c ) = ‘Property’)

Hi all, 
I have a Flow that I created to update a field on the Account object based if a checkbox is checked on another object. In testing, it seems that the collection variable is not clearing??

Here's my flow:
User-added image
And the PB workflow to launch the flow has the criteria of:
Primary Contact Checkbox Is changed = TRUE

So the requirement is:
If Contact A has Primary Contact checked, Account field should display Info from Contact A.
If Primary contact checkbox is False and changed to true for Contact B, account field should display info from Contact B.
and Vice-versa. Basically, if the account field should display only the info from the primary contact of the account.

Hi all, I am having issues with getting a field to update. I want to pull in the "primary contact" of an account onto a custom object record (policy). After figuring out some limitations with field updates and the relationships, I have come to the conclusion that I can do a Flow and a few formula fields. BUT it's not working.

Here are the relationships heirarchy (to make things easier, I'll label them as A, B, C, and D.:
  • Account (A) >> Account/Contact (B) (junction object. we have contacts that link to multiple accounts) >>
  • Contact (C)
  • Account >> Policy (D)
Primary contact is marked on the B record. The account/contact relationship is linked to the A record. And the A record is linked to the D record. I need the information from the B record to display on the D record

My thoughts are if I can get the field from the B record onto the A record, I can create display the info via Formula field

So, what I've done so far:
  • Created a Formula field on the B record, to convert the contact ID to an actual name (pulled from C record).
  • Created a Text field on the D record to house the value from the Flow
  • Created a Text field on the A record to house the info pulled from B record using a Flow update
  • Created a Flow and PB Workflow to update the A record with the info from B record, D record then gets updated via Formula

I think there's something off with either my Flow or the WFR but don't know what I'm doing wrong!
I want to display a custom field from a custom object that is related to a Task. Basically, we have a custom object named Policy - I want to pull the Expiration date from the Policy record and put that field's value onto the related Task record. How do I do this? The formula field allows to pull related Opportunity fields, but not custom object fields?
Hi All, I'd like to have an image, such as an exclamation point similar to Outlook on our Tasks. Right now, we are using a checkbox in conjuction with the standard "Priority" field to differenciate REALLY HIGH priority tasks (items that need to be completed TODAY and WITHIN the next hour. 

How do I create an image that can be updated when a checkbox=TRUE?
Since ISCHANGED and PRIORVALUE does not work in worfklow rules - is there a way to evaluate a workflow rule to create a task when a picklist value changes from one value to another?

For example, I have a picklist value that is Type. When that type field changes from "Value A" to "Value B", I'd like for the WFR to create a task. 
What's the best way to do so?

User-added image
For some reason, one of my decision elements in my flow isn't working right. In the flow below, the decision is whether or not to add records automatically or to manually add the records. The first choice is Yes and the second choice is No. 

User-added image

When choosing the second choice, NO. It follows the path of the YES elements (shown in picture horizontally), instead of the NO elements (shown in picture vertically). Any ideas what's happening here? 

User-added image

Here is the decision element up close:
User-added image
User-added image