• Darpesh Rupareliya
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I am trying to setup Delegated Authentication for Communities but not able to get a complete resource on how to set up. I need to allow the user to login Salesforce Community from a Dot Net Site on click of a menu. 

How do I set up a Webservice which will authenticate the user and allow login to Community? What to enter in the Delegated Gateway URL? 

What response needs to be sent to Salesforce to Authenticate the user?

HI ,

I am getting the below Error when trying to upsert a User record linked to a Contact:

Unable to create/update fields: ContactId. Please check the security settings of this field and verify that it is read/write for your profile or permission set.

I am able to push the User for the first time when it gets created but when any other field is modified and the record is getting updated it gives the above error even when I am not updating/modifying "ContactId" field.

Any help will be appreciated.



I'm trying to determine if delegated authentication is supported for community users with a Customer Community Login license. It's clear that SAML-based SSO is supported, but not clear from any documentation I can find whether delegated authentication can be used.

Thanks for any help,
