• Karin Athanas
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Hi all, 

really need your help, I've been trying for a while now. All I want to do is reset my security token so that I can log into the dataloader so that I can complete the Import and Export with Data Management Tools project. But not only can I not reset my password (I don't get an email), but I can't reset my token, I don't get the email. I've checked, my email is correct and up until 2 days ago I got emails everytime I did something in my playground. Now I'm getting nothing, no emails, ever. What's going on, is anyone else getting this? I'm at a loss for what to do next. Thanks in advance.
I was trying to log in to Dataloader as part of the "User Data Loader to Expert Data" Module and it's not recognizing my login and password, I tried using my trailhead URL, but still nothing. Any ideas?
Hi all, I created a new trailhead playground to work in, but I knew I'd need to sign out and sign back in a few times to complete the challenge so I did so, but when I tried to log back in, it asked for a password I hadn't created. Did I do this wrong? Because then I clicked reset password and when I cliked the link to reset my password, it asked a challenge question, but there's no answer because it never set one up for me so I keep answering with the correct answer, but getting no where and this trailhead playground is now literally a rock I can't even through at anyone. 

Can someone please explain to me what I 'should' have done to correctly create a new trailhead playground, set a password, and successfully log out and back in?

Thanks in advance!
Hi all, 

really need your help, I've been trying for a while now. All I want to do is reset my security token so that I can log into the dataloader so that I can complete the Import and Export with Data Management Tools project. But not only can I not reset my password (I don't get an email), but I can't reset my token, I don't get the email. I've checked, my email is correct and up until 2 days ago I got emails everytime I did something in my playground. Now I'm getting nothing, no emails, ever. What's going on, is anyone else getting this? I'm at a loss for what to do next. Thanks in advance.
I was trying to log in to Dataloader as part of the "User Data Loader to Expert Data" Module and it's not recognizing my login and password, I tried using my trailhead URL, but still nothing. Any ideas?
We have a lightning component we use on (Lead) that is supposed to display different messages based on how 2 boolean fields are set.  We couldn't get the messages to display unless we put the fields on the page layout.  The permissions on the fields are read only for all profiles - so I don't see why they need to be on the layout for this to work.  (We have the same functionality in classic, works fine and the fields aren't on the layout).  Anyone else run into this or something similar?
Hi all, I created a new trailhead playground to work in, but I knew I'd need to sign out and sign back in a few times to complete the challenge so I did so, but when I tried to log back in, it asked for a password I hadn't created. Did I do this wrong? Because then I clicked reset password and when I cliked the link to reset my password, it asked a challenge question, but there's no answer because it never set one up for me so I keep answering with the correct answer, but getting no where and this trailhead playground is now literally a rock I can't even through at anyone. 

Can someone please explain to me what I 'should' have done to correctly create a new trailhead playground, set a password, and successfully log out and back in?

Thanks in advance!
Am the system admin, I created free developer edition org with my email address but now I changed the network location, So when I tried to login showing invalid passoword and When I tried to RESET the passowod getting mail as  "We recently received a request to reset the Salesforce password for the username chandra@teqforcesolutions.com.For security reasons, your Salesforce administrator hasn’t approved logging in or resetting your password from the network location you used. Try logging in again by connecting to an approved network location and logging in with your existing password. If you still have issues, reset your password from that approved location.
If you didn't ask for your password to be reset, contact your Salesforce administrator."

I tried to reach support team they are mailing me the same steps and they are asking me to file a case, Hell man am unable to login to org they are asking to file a case and we cannot file a case from free developer org.

So anyone has solution please help me out, I have implemented lot of logics inthat org so I cannot afford to leave it 

so please please help me out inthis  
Hi All, 

Maybe I am missing something but I am going around in cirlces with the Contacts without Hobbies report. I have: 

1. Created a custom report type to get Contacts without hobbies 
2. Created an Account Value bucket field
3. Create a % Open Opps Formula 
4. Added First Name, Last Name, Total Opp Value, Open Opp Value, Phone, Email, %Open Opps to the report 
5. Summarised by Account Value then Account 

And im still getting an error: 

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: The 'Contacts Without Hobbies' report is not configured correctly.

I have added screenshots of all the pieces - hoping someone else has hit this issue 

User-added image

User-added image

User-added image

User-added image
    i am currently doing the above mentioned challenge in the salesforce trailhead. I creatd a permission set and assigned it to the user like it was mentioned and even logged in using the two factor authentication method. but still it is showing challenge not complete. Is there any reason to this. I don't know what i am missing. The following is the error message i received

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
Could not find a user's successful login using two-factor authentication. Make sure you successfully login at least once and that you are prompted for a second factor of authentication

Any help wpuld be appreciated
I'm working through this step: Secure Your Users' Identity in the User Authentication module
The step asks you to create a user and assign it to a permission set that has Two-Factor Authentication for User Interface Logins selected. There are two problems:

1. I cannot create a platform user and assign it to that permission set without getting an error. 
2. The user I have assigned to that permission set can still log in without the second factor. 

Salesforce support won't help me.  They say it is out of scope.  The steps work on a Trailhead org, but the module specifically mentions provisioning a new Developer org.